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Vol 44, No 5 (2018)


Domoic Acid-Producing Diatoms of the Genus Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo, 1900 (Bacillariophyta) from the North Pacific

Stonik I.V., Orlova T.Y.


Information on diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, known as producers of domoic acid (DA), from the North Pacific is summarized. The differences in the negative impact of toxic diatoms on ecosystems in the western and eastern North Pacific are shown. The possible causes that determine the degree of these different impacts are discussed: a different composition of dominant species; a difference in the intracellular DA concentration in bloom-forming species; the hydrological, climatic, and hydrochemical factors that are responsible for the formation of toxic blooms (upwelling events, patterns of water circulation, concentration of iron compounds in sea water, etc.). The conclusion is made that the prospects of further studies of toxic diatoms are based on comparative investigations into the species and genetic diversity of Pseudo-nitzschia and associated bacteria, as well as the environmental parameters that control the formation of toxic blooms and the accumulation of DA in microalgae and other marine organisms in the eastern and western North Pacific.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):347-354
pages 347-354 views

Original Papers

Parasemnoderes intermedius gen. n., sp. n.—the First Abyssal Representative of the Family Semnoderidae (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida)

Adrianov A.V., Maiorova A.S.


A new genus and new species of semnoderid kinorhynchs, Parasemnoderes intermedius gen. nov., sp. nov. collected from the abyssal plane at the south border of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench at the depth 5348 m is described and illustrated using light and electron microscopy. This new representative of the family Semnoderidae is characterized by the structure of the first trunk segment consisting of externally closed cuticular ring with indistinct intracuticular tergosternal junctions. Cuticular ring of the first trunk segment is with deep and narrow middorsal incision and much broader midventral incision filled by midventral placid. Lateroventral spines aciculate, on trunk segments 3–9. Lateroventral accessory spines are minute, only on trunk segment 5. Laterodorsal spines on trunk segment 10. Parasemnoderes intermedius gen. nov, sp. nov. constitutes the third genus the Semnoderidae described so far (Semnoderes and Sphenoderes) and the first species of this family described from the abyssal depth. The total species number of the family Semnoderidae has been increased up to 6. A key to the species of the family Semnoderidae is proposed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):355-362
pages 355-362 views

The Composition and Structure of a Mixed Population of Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) and Modiolus kurilensis (Bernard, 1983) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan

Selin N.I.


The composition and structure of a mixed population of Gray’s Crenomytilus grayanus and horse mussels Modiolus kurilensis were examined in November−December 2015 in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan). In the investigated area of the bottom, in the depth range from the water’s edge to 11 m, boulders were gradually replaced by strongly silted sand and the hydrodynamic activity was reduced. The pattern of spatial organization of the Gray’s and horse mussel population varied from solitary living individuals to large aggregations of 93–100 sexually mature mollusks. The population density of Gray’s and horse mussels increased with increasing depth; at a depth of 10–11 m it was an average of 101 ± 78 and 51 ± 41 ind./m2, respectively (without taking young-of-the-year into account). At different depths, Gray’s mussel spat made up 13.3 to 42.4% of the population while horse mussel spat were 1.9 to 5.2%; the proportion of mollusks of pre-reproductive size (age) varied from 56.5 to 85.6% and from 13.2 to 31.5%, respectively. The greatest multi-age composition was found in C. grayanus aggregations on boulders at 0–1 m; the age range narrowed with depth. For M. kurilensis, the opposite trend was found. The oldest individuals of Gray’s mussel (29 years) were found on boulders at 0–1 m; while the oldest individuals of horse mussel (46 years) occurred on silty sand at 10–11 m. The differences are discussed from the standpoint of the morpho-physiological adaptations of mollusks of the genera Mytilus and Modiolus to living in different biotopes.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):363-372
pages 363-372 views

Changes in the Structure of the Subtidal Phytocoenosis along the Gradient of the Concentrations of Biogenic Elements in the Sukhoputnaya Bay (Ussuriisky Bay, Sea of Japan)

Skriptsova A.V., Kalita T.L., Sabitova L.I.


The modification of the structure of the subtidal phytocoenosis was investigated along the gradient of the concentration of nutrients brought with sewage effluents into the Sukhoputnaya Bay (Ussuriisky Bay, the Sea of Japan). It was shown that an increase in the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from 4.2 to 16.6 μM was followed by a decrease of 1.7 times in species richness, while the relative biomass of opportunistic species increased simultaneously by more than 1.5 times and by more than 5 times for Ulva lactuca. A decrease in the number of dominant species and in the number of layers in the structure simplified the algal phytocoenoses. The complex polydominant multi-layered phytocoenosis of Stephanocystis crassipesLaurencia nipponica + Ulva lactucaAhnfeltiopsis flabelliformis was first substituted for a bidominant two-layered phytocoenosis of Stephanocystis crassipesTichocarpus crinitus, and further by a one-layer monodominant phytocoenosis of Ulva lactuca. A comparison of our own and published data allows us to conclude that complex phytocoenoses of perennial macrophytes can develop in water areas with DIN concentrations that do not exceed 15 μM.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):373-382
pages 373-382 views

The Influence of the Trematode Paragonimus cf. westermani on NO- and HIF-1α-Containing Structures in the Brain of the Crab Eriocheir japonica (De Haan, 1835) Decapoda: Varunidae

Kotsyuba E.P.


The influence of the trematode Paragonimus cf. westermani on the NO- and HIF-1α-containing structures in nerve centers of the brain, depending on degree of infection and behavioral responses, has been studied in the crab Eriocheir japonica (De Haan, 1835). The NO-ergic activity in the brain has been found to increase in crabs with a low level of infection and decrease in individuals with a high level of infection. In addition, an increased HIF-1α-immunoreactivity in neurons and hemocytes of the brain has been detected in crabs that show a high level of infection and modified behavior. The involvement of NO and HIF-1α in the induction of brain tolerance and in the pathological states of the brain formed due to parasitic influences is discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):383-389
pages 383-389 views

Quantitative Analysis of Thyroid Hormone Levels in the Caspian Seal Pusa caspica (Gmelin, 1788)

Kydyrmanov A.I., Karamendin K.O., Kassymbekov E.T., Dmitrieva L., Goodman S.


The levels of thyroid hormones (total thyroxine, free thyroxine, and total triiodothyronine) in the blood serum of the Caspian seal Pusa caspica are reported for the first time. The serum levels of thyroid hormones in Caspian seal were comparable to those in the harbor seal Phoca vitulina. An increased plasma level of total thyroxine was found in seals during the molting season. A tendency toward an increase in free thyroxine levels was observed in adult females in the autumn. In contrast to the data for the harbor seal, in our research there were only two cases when measured levels of thyroid hormones in the blood serum of Caspian seals dropped below the threshold.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):390-393
pages 390-393 views

The Structure of the Reproductive Gathering of Beluga Whales, Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas, 1776), off Solovetsky Island (White Sea) as Inferred from Results of Photo Identification in 2007–2013

Chernetsky A.D., Krasnova V.V.


The study of the summer gathering of beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, off Cape Beluzhy, Solovetsky Island, White Sea, whose results are considered in the present work, is based on the analysis of photo identification materials over a 7-year period (2007–2013). The Solovetsky gathering is a structural unit of the Onega subpopulation of White Sea beluga whales that consists of individuals with varying degrees of fidelity to this water area. The resident individuals of the Solovetsky gathering usually remain in these waters throughout the summer season, with some of them returning here after each winter, thus, exhibiting philopatry. The non-resident belugas (adult males and females) visit the area only for a certain period of time. During the summer they freely move within the Onega Bay. According to photo identification data, considering the rotation of individuals in the gathering, approximately 195.4 ± 23.5 animals can visit the study area during each summer. This value is significantly greater than the results of visual observations.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):394-403
pages 394-403 views

Differentiation of Freckled Goatfish Upeneus tragula Richardson, 1846 (Mullidae) in the Coastal Zone of Vietnam Based on Otolith Shape Analysis

Pavlov D.A.


Abstract—The shape of otoliths (sagittae) is analyzed in freckled goatfish Upeneus tragula from South Vietnam (Gulf of Thailand), southern Central Vietnam (Nha Phu and Nha Trang bays), and North Vietnam (Ha Long Bay). The shape indices, elliptic Fourier analysis, and canonical discriminant analysis are applied. In the Gulf of Thailand, the samples off Hon Thom (Thom Island, An Thoi Archipelago, to the south of Phu Quoc Island) including the red morph and black morph collected during two subsequent years almost do not differ in otolith shape. A comparison of the samples from four regions of the Gulf of Thailand (40 km to the west of Phu Quoc, pooled sample off Hon Thom, coastal zone to the east of Phu Quoc, and 19 km to the west of Ha Tien) shows a discrimination of the stocks from the west to northeast. Substantial differentiation between the samples from Central and North Vietnam is not registered. The results are discussed in relation to the features of life history of U. tragula and possible relative isolation of some stocks.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):404-414
pages 404-414 views

Oxygen Exchange and Primary Production of Zostera japonica Ascherson et Graebner 1907 Community in the Golubinyi Bay (Sea of Japan)

Sabitova L.I., Skriptsova A.V., Cherbadgy I.I.


The net primary production per daylight period (Pn, dl) and dark respiration per day (Rd) of the eelgrass Zostera japonica community were measured in situ by the continuous-flow-system method in the Golubinyi Bay (Sea of Japan) in May–June 2008–2012; the obtained values were Pn = 3.37 g О2/(m2 dl) and Rd = 7.21 g О2/(m2 d). The photosynthesis rate of Z. japonica depended on the intensity of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and salinity. The gross primary production (Pg) of the Z. japonica community was 6.98 g О2/(m2 d) or 2.62 g С/(m2 d) at the salinity of 34–17‰. With reduction of water salinity to 8–1‰, the Pg of the Z. japonica community decreased to 2.17 g O2/(m2 d) or 0.81 g C/(m2 d), because of a lower rate of photosynthesis in plants. The primary production of Z. japonica was 6.10 g O2/(m2 d) or 87.4% of the gross production of the community. The ratio of gross production to dark respiration (Pg/R) was approximately 1.0, indicating the balance of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in the community.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):415-423
pages 415-423 views

Antiviral and Larvicidal Properties of Novel Bioactive Compounds Produced from Marine Actinomycetes

Avilala Janardhan ., Kumar A.P., Viswanath B., Gopal D.S., Narasimha G.


The aim of the present study was to assess the antiviral and larvicidal property of the marine actinobacterial compound extracted from Nocardia alba KC710971. The compounds were tested against the Newcastle disease virus and infectious Brucellosis disease virus and the larvae of Aedesegypti, Culexquinquefasciatusand Anopheles stephensi. The isolated bioactive compound have showed potential to act as antiviral and anti-larval and the compound was identified as “(Z)-1-((1-hydroxypenta-2,4-dien-1-yl)oxy)anthracene-9,10-dione”.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):424-428
pages 424-428 views

Brief Notes

Diagnostics of Gymnocanthus pistilliger (Pallas, 1814) and G. galeatus Bean, 1881 (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae) in their Cohabitation Areas

Balanov A.A., Matveev A.A.


Sex-independent characters for identification of Gymnocanthus pistilliger and G. galeatus in their cohabitation areas were revealed: the presence, position, and arrangement of rough bony plates on the interorbital space, as well as the total spine and ray count for all fins (dorsals and anal; doubled number of rays in pectoral). The interorbital space of G. galeatus is completely covered by bony plates; the spine and ray count for all fins is 82−89. In G. pistilliger, the interorbital space is naked (26%) or has only a few bony plates that never extend onto the rim of the orbit; the spine and ray count for all fins is 74−81. In the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, G. galeatus is not common and perhaps might be found here only occasionally.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(5):429-432
pages 429-432 views

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