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Vol 44, No 4 (2018)


Phlorotannins are Polyphenolic Metabolites of Brown Algae

Imbs T.I., Zvyagintseva T.N.


This review is devoted to the analysis of publications on studies of phlorotannins, which are polyphenolic metabolites of brown algae. Their properties, the pathway of biosynthesis, and the structural diversity and classification of phlorotannins, as well as the methods for their isolation and determination of their metabolic profiles, are examined. The antioxidant, antitumor, and antimicrobial activities of phlorotannins and their role in the regulation of enzyme activity are discussed. These properties of phlorotannins determine the prospects of using phlorotannins in pharmacology.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):263-273
pages 263-273 views

Original Papers

Key Factors Determining the Distribution of Beluga Whales, Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas, 1776), in River Estuaries of Western Kamchatka

Shulezhko T.S., Gorin S.L., Koval M.V., Solovyov B.A., Glazov D.M., Rozhnov V.V.


The results of observations on the distribution of beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas, 1776), in three large rivers of western Kamchatka in the summer and autumn seasons are discussed. In the summer, the number of beluga whales in the Khairyuzova, Belogolovaya, and Moroshechnaya rivers reaches 111–250 individuals. Most of the belugas enter the rivers during the flood tidal phase: the number of animals in the estuaries increases along with the rising water level to the maximum value at spring tide. The belugas do not move upstream out of the estuaries and tend to remain in the zone of mixing riverine and marine waters, where 20 species of fish and three species of invertebrates have been identified. At ebb tide, the belugas leave for the sea; however, during a large run of salmon some individuals remain in the estuaries and continue hunting in deep-water areas. The main issue that causes beluga whales to form summer aggregations in Kamchatkan rivers is the hunt for salmon. The distribution of beluga whales in river estuaries is defined by the dynamics and intensity of salmon spawning runs. The preference of beluga whales for these rivers can be explained by the channel type of their estuaries.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):274-282
pages 274-282 views

The Biochemical Composition and Caloric Content of the Macrozoobenthos of the Western Kamchatka Shelf

Gorbatenko K.M., Nadtochy V.A.


Data on the biochemical composition and caloric content of common species of the zoobenthos of the western Kamchatka shelf were estimated for the entire body of an organism together with the integument and separately for muscle tissue. Estimates of the gross biomass of zoobenthos at different trophic levels calculated from bottom trawl and dredge sampling data, taking the isotope composition of benthic invertebrates into account, showed that the proportion of zoobenthos at the second trophic level was approximately 87%, while at the subsequent trophic levels it only slightly exceeded 13%. More than 70% of the energy was concentrated in valuable forage species. The total amount of energy at the second trophic level was 77.8%, while at the third and fourth levels it was 22.2%.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):283-291
pages 283-291 views

The Morphology of the Mandibles in Zoea I Larvae of the Burrowing Shrimp Genera Upogebia (Gebiidea) and Nihonotrypaea (Axiidea)

Kornienko E.S., Golubinskaya D.D.


The mandibles in the first zoeal stage of five species of the burrowing shrimp genera Upogebia (infraorder Gebiidea) and Nihonotrypaea (infraorder Axiidea) have been examined by scanning electron microscopy. The general shape of the mandibles in Upogebia zoeae is similar to that in Anomura larvae; in Nihonotrypaea, it is intermediate between the mandibles of anomuran and caridean shrimp larvae. The asymmetry of the mandibles, which is more pronounced in Nihonotrypaea, is confirmed. Species-specific features of the structure of the incisor process are found in three Upogebia species, while two Nihonotrypaea species almost do not differ in the mandible structure in their zoea I larvae. The morphological features of the mandibles indicate differences in the diet of Upogebia and Nihonotrypaea larvae. Under natural conditions, zoea I of the studied Nihonotrypaea species may feed on diatoms, which should be taken into account when rearing these decapod larvae in the laboratory.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):292-303
pages 292-303 views

The Larval Development of the Chiton Deshayesiella curvata (Carpenter in Dall, 1879) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)

Sirenko B.I.


Chronological study of the larval development of the chiton Deshayesiella curvata with sketching of the first stages of egg division and embryos up to the seven-valved shell stage is presented for the first time. D. curvata exhibits pelagic development with lecithotrophic larvae. Larval eyes form at the age of 3 days; at the age of 6 days, a Schwabe organ appears near the eyes in the form of two pigmented spots. Chitons at the stage of seven-valved shell have larval eyes, as well as the Schwabe organ.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):304-308
pages 304-308 views

Molecular-Genetic, Karyological, and Morphological Variability of Hadropareia middendorffii Schmidt, 1904 and Magadanichthys skopetsi (Shinohara, Nazarkin et Chereshnev, 2004) (Actinopterygii: Zoarcidae)

Radchenko O.A., Moreva I.N., Poezzhalova-Chegodaeva E.A., Petrovskaya A.V., Borisenko S.A.


The suggestion that the fish specimens caught in the littoral zone off Nedorazumeniya Island, Taui Bay, Sea of Okhotsk, belong to the eelpout species Magadanichthys skopetsi [23] and Hadropareia middendorffii Schmidt, 1904 has been confirmed by the analysis of their molecular-genetic and morphological characters. Their karyotypes have been studied for the first time: M. skopetsi, 2n = 48 (2 meta-, 26 subtelo-, and 20 acrocentric chromosomes), NF = 50; H. middendorffii, 2n = 48 (2 meta-, 36 subtelo-, and 10 acrocentric chromosomes), NF = 50. As a result of a comprehensive study, the levels of interspecific differentiation of these species has been established, the degree of intraspecific variability has been determined, and the lack of the population-geographical subdivision of H. middendorffii has been shown.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):309-317
pages 309-317 views

The Microscopic Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Gill Slits in the Appendicularian Oikopleura gracilis Lohmann, 1896 (Tunicata: Oikopleuridae)

Savelieva A.V.


The morphology of gill slits in the appendicularian Oikopleura gracilis (Oikopleuridae) has been studied using light, scanning, and transmission-electron microscopy. The gill slits are a pair of tube-shaped outgrowths of the single-layered flat epithelium of the ventro-lateral pharynx wall. Each gill slit, in its middle part, has a thickening in the form of a ciliated epithelium, which is referred to as a ciliary ring, or stigma. It is formed by cells of two types: multiciliated cells, arranged in four parallel rows, and two rows of higher parietal cells, which form a kind of pocket for the first type of cells. The gill-slit epithelium contacts the single-layered epidermis of the pharyngo-branchial and digestive compartments of the trunk; thus, the pharyngeal cavity is connected with the external environment through the gill slits. The issue of the oligomerization of gill slits in appendicularians is discussed in the context of the hypothesis of their neotenic origin from the ancestral larvae of ascidians.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):318-327
pages 318-327 views

The Response of Blood Biomarkers of the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) (Perciformes: Gobiidae) to Chronic Coastal Pollution in the Sea of Azov

Kovyrshina T.B., Rudneva I.I.


The long-term variations in blood biomarkers and weight–size characteristics of the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814), have been studied in specimens collected from two sites of the southwestern Sea of Azov. The fish from catches of 2011–2012 showed a decrease in the size and weight parameters and an increase in the antioxidant enzyme activities and the level of oxidized serum proteins compared to the values in the fish caught in 2003. The ecological causes of the observed differences and the possibility of using the studied fish blood biomarkers in programs of monitoring the marine coastal waters are discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):328-333
pages 328-333 views

The Effects of Anthropogenic Pollution on the Immunological and Biochemical Indices of the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) (Perciformes: Gobiidae), Inhabiting Coastal Waters of the Black Sea

Mikryakov V.R., Silkina N.I., Mikryakov D.V.


This study investigated several immunophysiological indices of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814), which inhabits Caucasian coastal waters of the Black Sea with different levels of anthropogenic load. Fish specimens caught in areas of a high level of pollution differed significantly from fish from pure water areas in low indices of antimicrobial properties of the blood serum, antioxidant activity, and phospholipid contents, and, in contrast, by high levels of immune complexes, total lipids, triacylglycerols, and malonic dialdehyde.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):334-339
pages 334-339 views

The Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and the Glutathione Content of the Digestive Organs in Marine Invertebrates from Possiet Bay, Sea of Japan

Istomina A.A., Chelomin V.P., Dovzhenko N.V., Kurilenko V.V., Fedorets Y.V., Belcheva N.N.


The main components of the antioxidant (AO) system, that is, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase, as well as the glutathione content of cells of the digestive organs, have been measured in 26 species of marine invertebrates that belong to four taxonomic groups from the Possiet Bay, Sea of Japan. It has been shown that the activities of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione content are species specific. In the digestive organs of echinoderms, the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the glutathione content are generally higher compared with those in mollusks. All the studied species exhibit the greatest variability in the activities of catalase and glutathione peroxidase; the lowest variability occurred in activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione content. The possible causes of the differences in the levels of the investigated components of the AO system are discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(4):340-345
pages 340-345 views

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