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Vol 44, No 2 (2018)


The Role of Microorganisms in Transformation of Selenium in Marine Waters

Ivanenko N.V.


The activity of microorganisms is a decisive factor in the transformation of the essential and, at the same time, toxic selenium (Se) in marine waters. This review provides an analysis of the literature data on the microbiological regulation of the state of Se in marine waters: the role of microorganisms in eliminating toxic Se from marine waters through precipitation of reduced Se forms and in the reverse process, transformation of Se into a form available to be taken up by organisms and involvement of this element in the biogeochemical cycle. The processes of transformation of the oxidized and reduced Se forms with the participation of microorganisms in marine waters are considered. It has been shown that in anaerobic conditions bacteria use the oxidized Se forms as electron acceptors (reduction). Bioavailable selenite and selenate ions are formed in the case of aerobic oxidation. Biotransformation of dissolved Se is a key mechanism for the formation of methylated gaseous Se forms in marine waters as one of the ways to remove this element from the aquatic environment.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):87-93
pages 87-93 views

Original Papers

The Parasitic Fauna of Common Species of Hermit Crabs of Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan)

Kornienko E.S., Korn O.M., Selin N.I.


The parasitic fauna of common species of hermit crabs was investigated in Vostok Bay (the northwestern Sea of Japan). Pagurus proximus and Areopaguristes hirsutimanus had no parasites. The average prevalence of rhizocephalan infestation in other five species of hermit crabs ranged from 5.67 to 20.83%. The prevalence of the isopod Parapseudione lata on hermit crabs did not exceed 1%, the prevalence of infestation with the isopod Athelges takanoshimensis was significantly higher, reaching 14.58% in Pagurus middendorffii. Parasitism by the isopod P. lata on the hermit crabs Pagurus minutus and P. ochotensis, as well as parasitism by the rhizocephalan Peltogaster reticulata on P. minutus were recorded for the first time. Several variants of simultaneous infestation with two parasitic species were found. The decline in the abundance of P. middendorffii accompanied by the high prevalence of parasites, primarily the colonial rhizocephalan Peltogasterella gracilis, suggests that parasite invasion may play a more significant role in regulating the abundance of hermit crabs than was previously assumed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Fatty-Acid and Stable-Isotope Compositions in Shallow-Water Bivalve Mollusks and their Food

Kharlamenko V.I., Kiyashko S.I.


We conducted a comparative analysis of the fatty acid (FA) composition and the ratios of stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in soft tissues of ten species of bivalve mollusks collected simultaneously on adjacent biotopes in shallow Vostok Bay (the Sea of Japan). Comparison of the FA composition of the lipids of digestive gland and all soft tissues showed that the percentages of C16 and C18 marker FAs were greater in the digestive gland and the levels of marker C20 and C22 FAs were, in most cases, higher in soft tissues. According to the results of cluster analysis and principal component analysis, four groups of samples were identified with a similarity of the FA composition of more than 80% within groups. The carbon stableisotope ratios varied within very wide limits in the studied species of bivalves; the range of δ13C variations was 8.1‰. The range of δ15N variations was much smaller, 2.5‰. Two pairs of species of mollusks (Saxidomus purpurataProtothaca euglypta and P. jedoensisDiplodonta semiasperoides) did not differ in the values of both δ15N and δ13C, the remaining species differed in at least one of these parameters. The greatest similarity of the FA composition and stable-isotope ratios was found in species that inhabit similar substrates, except Macoma irus and D. semiasperoides. Particularly marked differences in the FA composition and stable-isotope ratios were found between a filter-/surface deposit-feeder M. irus and filter-feeders Arca boucardi and Mytilus coruscus that live next to this species.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):100-111
pages 100-111 views

The Taxonomic Status and Intraspecific Differentiation of the Black Sea Horse Mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus (Aleev, 1956) (Carangidae)

Slynko Y.V., Boltachev A.R., Karpova E.P., Slynko E.E.


The taxonomic status of the horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus (Aleev, 1956), which inhabits the Black Sea, has been clarified based on the analysis of variation in the nucleotide sequence of the mtDNA cytochrome b (Cyt-b) locus. A comparison of this species with the horse mackerel from the Mediterranean basin and the World Ocean has shown that the Black Sea horse mackerel is neither an independent species nor a subspecies and can only be qualified as the species Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) distributed throughout the Mediterranean Sea basin. A hypothesis has been made about the possible cause of the origin and existence of two forms, “large” and “small”, of the horse mackerel. By using the technique of calculating ontogenetic trajectories, it has been found that these are two morpho-ecological forms, whose differentiation is most likely determined by the type of feeding.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):112-121
pages 112-121 views

The High Divergence of Two Morphologically Similar Trematode Species of the Genus Nanophyetus of Salmonids from the Data of mtDNA nad1 Gene Sequences

Voronova A.N., Chelomina G.N.


Intestinal flukes of fish (mainly salmonids) belonging to the genus Nanophyetus (Trematoda: Troglotrematidae) are the causative agents of nanophyetiasis, a zoonotic disease of animals and humans, which is widespread in countries in the northern Pacific. Two geographical forms, one from North America and the other from the eastern Eurasia were described within this genus; however, their taxonomic status was debatable. A multilocus analysis of nuclear rDNA sequences applied in this study has shown that these forms are independent nominal species: Nanophyetus salmincola and Nanophyetus schikhobalowi. This study, based on sequencing the mtDNA nad1 gene, has evaluated the genetic variability of N. schikhobalowi from eastern Eurasia (Russia) and compared our data with the results obtained for N. salmincola from North America (United States). The genetic differentiation within the Eurasian sample was 1.4%, that for the North American sample was 0.8%, and differentiation between the samples was 15.5%. High values of genetic divergence and completed sorting of mitochondrial haplotypes confirmed the species independence of the compared geographic forms of Nanophyetus.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):122-126
pages 122-126 views

The Effect of Pentacyclic Guanidine Alkaloids from the Marine Sponge Monanchora pulchra Lambe, 1894 on the Activity of Natural β-1,3-D-glucanase from the Marine Fungus Chaetomium indicum Corda, 1840 and the Marine Bivalve Mollusk Spisula sachalinensis, Schrenck, 1861

Dubrovskaya Y.V., Shubina L.K., Makarieva T.N., Bakunina I.Y.


The effect of pentacyclic guanidine alkaloids monanchomycalin B, monanchocidin A and normonanchocidin A isolated from the Far-Eastern marine sponge Monanchora pulchra was investigated towards the activity of exo-β-1,3-D-glucanase from the filamentous marine fungus Chaetomium indicum and endo-β-1,3-D-glucanase LIV from the marine bivalve mollusk Spisula sachalinensis. All compounds were shown to be slow irreversible inhibitors of exo-β-1,3-D-glucanase and significantly activated endo-β-1,3-Dglucanase. The equilibrium inhibition constants (Ki, μM) and the inactivation rate constants (kinact, min–1) were determined for each compound. The inhibitory capacities of alkaloids were shown to depend on the structure of the “anchor” part of the molecule of the compounds. Normonanchocidin A was the best inhibitor of exo-β-1,3-D-glucanase from fungi. A possible biological role of these compounds in the life of sponges and their microbial symbionts is discussed here.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):127-134
pages 127-134 views

Morphological Descriptions of the Esophagus of the Sea Bream (Sparus aurata, Linneaus 1758)

Abumandour M.M., El-Bakary N.E.


The current work prepared to describe the microscopic morphological appearance of the esophagus of the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). The esophageal wall was organized into four tunica; mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa. There are many goblets cells in the esophageal epithelium. The tunica muscularis is very thick and consisting of; an outer circular thick layer and an inner longitudinal layer of striated muscle. The presences of the many goblet cells help in the esophageal lubrication and protection. By the histochemical reactions with Alcian blue and PAS staining, the esopgaster secretory epithelium devoid from any goblet cells. There are many mucous droplets of the high electron density and the low electron density between surface epithelial cells within the goblet cells. The obtained results of the current investigation may help to understanding the physiology of the esophageal digestive functions in Sparus aurata.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):135-140
pages 135-140 views

Comparative Gametogenesis and Biochemical Differentiation of Goatfish (Parupeneus heptacanthus and Parupeneus cyclostomus) from Red Sea

Saeed A.A., Moharram S.G., Al-Abbasi F.A.


Red Sea’s goatfish (Mullidae), locally referred as ‘Sultan Ibrahim’, are a popular recreational fish that also supports neighboring commercial markets. The present study compares spermatogenesis, oogenesis and gonad structure, in two species of goatfish from Jeddah coast. The reproductive parameters including changes in gonado-somatic index (GSI),and spawning seasons were analyzed for Parupeneus heptacanthus (cinnabar goatfish) and Parupeneus cyclostomus (goldsaddle goatfish). P. heptacanthus spawn from February to June and P. cyclostomus spawning season begins from August to September. Remarkable difference in the egg size has been observed P. heptacanthus had the egg diameter (325.9 μm), while the smallest one is P. cyclostomus (209.6 μm) when compared to other species of Mullidae. P. heptacanthus was observed with largest flagellum length (8.7 ± 0.2 μm). The ultrastructure revealed some common features in both species like oval ova; further the ovarian follicular epithelium consists of two layers, an inner granulosa layer with zona radiata under them and an outer theca layer. Centrioles of both species consist of the typically arranged nine triplets (9 + 0) of microtubules. The external lay of zona radiata is thinner than internal one. Disparity in protein patterns of muscle and gonads were observed in the present study. There was also variation in the number of specific bands for each species in both protein soluble muscle and gonads. The histology results reported gonads to be typically gonochoristic and exhibited asynchronous development of oocytes in the ovary. The outcome of this study has yielded essential information of some of the imperative reproductive biology of P. heptacanthus and P. cyclostomus.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):141-148
pages 141-148 views

Population Dynamic of the Mudskipper Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941 from the Bay of Hormozgan Province, Persian Gulf

Sharifian S., Taherizadeh M.R., Salarpouri A., Dehghani M.


We studied the population structure and reproductive biology of the mudskipper Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941, living on the mudflats of bay of Hormozgan province, Persian Gulf. The specimens were haphazardly and monthly collected from August 2008 to July 2009. A total of 2060 fishes was sampled, sexed 690 of which 221 (32%) were males, and 469 (68%) females. The total length (TL) and weight relationship demonstrated growth in both sexes was isometric with the function W = 0.0078TL3.06. The asymptotic length (L∞) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated as 16.5 cm and 0.75 yr–1, respectively. Age of the fish at zero length (to) was calculated–0.35 and the longevity was attained 3.65 year. The estimated Von Bertalanffy function was TL(t) = 16.5[1–exp(–0.75(t + 0.35))]. Natural mortality (M) was estimated 1.74 yr–1. Four cohorts were distinguished annuallywith mean of TL = 7.35, 10.17, 12.74 and 13.92 cm. The maximum recruitment rate was in January at 17.5%. The overall sex ratio (F: M) (1: 0.49) was significantly different than 1: 1. The peak of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) occurred in February. The size at onset of sexual maturity (LM50)wasestimated at TL = 12 cm. The mean of absolute and relative fecundity were estimated as 3558 ± 2203 and 257 ± 101 eggs, respectively.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):149-158
pages 149-158 views

On the Species Structure of a Competitive Marine Community

Sukhanov V.V.


Some examples of marine animal and plant communities with a structure determined by competitive inter-species relationships are discussed. It has been shown that the ranked species structure of these communities obeys a geometric progression, whose coefficient does not differ significantly from the constant exp(–1) = 0.368. A relationship between a certain parameter of this progression and the species diversity of a community has been found.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):159-163
pages 159-163 views

The Current Status of Populations of the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867) in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve

Lysenko V.N., Zharikov V.V., Lebedev A.M.


The spatial distribution of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867) in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve was studied using scuba. The abundance, size composition, population density, and distribution of A. japonicus were determined. The population density of this species at the mainland coast was higher than in waters around islands in the reserve. Seasonal movements of sea cucumber were observed: in autumn large individuals migrate to greater depths, but at the beginning of summer they move to shallow water. The average sizes of individuals and population density of sea cucumber in the reserve do not differ from those in unprotected areas of Peter the Great Bay. A comparative analysis of our own and literature data showed that the current estimates of sea cucumber population density in the reserve are 5−7 times lower than estimates for the period before the illegal fishing of sea cucumber began in Primorye.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):164-171
pages 164-171 views

Brief Notes

The Abundance and Distribution of the Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan

Tiunov I.M., Katin I.O.


The recent data on the breeding abundance and distribution of the great cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), on the Peter the Great Bay coast, Sea of Japan, are provided. A total of 1715 inhabited nests have been recorded, including 1255 nests on Furugelm Island and 460 nests on Lisii Island.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2018;44(2):172-173
pages 172-173 views

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