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Vol 42, No 7 (2016)


The phylogeography of the asian sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka, inferred from the data on the variability of mitochondrial SNP loci: Analysis of scenarios for post-glacial expansion of the species over the asian coast of the pacific ocean

Khrustaleva A.M.


The variability of three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in the mitochondrial DNA (mtSNP) is analyzed for sockeye salmon populations over a major part of the species range, from Chukotka to the Kuril Islands. Two basic mtSNP haplotypes, GCC and GTT, have been revealed in 20 sockeye samples from 15 lake–river systems on the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean. In most of the samples, the ratio of the haplotypes is approximately equal. The GTT haplotype dominates the populations from the Kuril Islands (except Shumshu Island); only the GCC haplotype has been found in the sample from the Commander Islands. This geographic pattern of haplotype distribution was presumably caused by the historico-demographic events related to the formation of the Asian sockeye range in the Middle–Late Pleistocene, viz., fragmentation of the species range and subsequent secondary contact between previously diverged populations. These data provide a basis to consider different scenarios for the formation of the modern diversity of sockeye mtSNP haplotypes, all of which suggest multiple expansions of the species to Asian waters during the periods of oceanic transgression after the Pleistocene glaciations.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):517-526
pages 517-526 views

The survival of Pacific salmon in the North Pacific in the winter and spring

Naydenko S.V., Temnykh O.S.


The effects of various factors (water temperature, food availability, predation, and the size of juveniles) on the survival of Pacific salmons during overwintering in open ocean waters are analyzed based on the data collected by expeditions of the Pacific Research Fisheries Center to the northwestern Pacific Ocean in the winter and spring seasons of 1986–1992 and 2009–2011, as well as in the summer seasons of 2004–2011. The temperature factor is unlikely to be a direct cause of the high salmon mortality in the ocean during the winter, as there is no clear evidence that it affects food availability for salmon. The biomass of forage zooplankton in the Subarctic Front zone in February and March is lower than that in April and June–July, but it does not decrease substantially in the winter months. Taking the fact into account that the total abundance of planktivorous nekton is also low in this area during the winter, food availability cannot be considered a crucial factor that has a serious influence on salmon mortality in this period. The difference in feeding intensity between salmon species and between their size groups in the winter and spring is determined by their life strategies. The observed variations in feeding intensity and lipid accumulation from autumn to spring are caused by cyclic seasonal changes in physiological processes in salmon rather than by the amount and availability of food resources. The low abundance of predators in subarctic waters and in the Subarctic Front zone in the winter also cannot reduce salmon abundance substantially. The probable relationship between the critical size of juveniles and their survival in the winter is considered using the example of a Sea of Okhotsk stock of pink salmon. The conclusion is that the size of juvenile pink salmon cannot always be used as a predictor of the values of its subsequent returns, because survival of salmon during the ocean period of life depends both on the initial conditions during downstream migration and on the ocean conditions that form in the winter. Thus, none of the factors above can be considered as strictly limiting the abundance of Pacific salmon in the winter. It is more probable that the survival of salmon in the ocean is influenced, to a lesser or greater extent, by the combined effects of abiotic and biotic factors.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):527-550
pages 527-550 views

Fish production in estuaries of Primorye

Kolpakov N.V.


Production of fish communities in 15 different-types estuaries was assessed based on the data collected as a result of 90 surveys (860 seine stations) conducted in Primorye in 2002–2015. The main contribution to production was made by semi-anadromous species (the so-iuy mullet Liza haematocheilus, Far Eastern redfins Tribolodon spp., and Japanese smelt Hypomesus nipponensis, etc.). In both external (EPext) and internal (EPint) polyhaline estuaries (EP) a substantial portion of the production was provided by resident marine species (mainly by the saffron cod Eleginus gracilis, Far Eastern smooth flounder Liopsetta pinnifasciata, and tidepool gunnel Pholis nebulosa) and southern immigrants (flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus, dotted gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus, Japanese halfbeak Hyporhamphus sajori, and Pacific needlefish Strongylura anastomella). In mesohaline (EM) and oligohaline (EO) estuaries, the proportion of marine residents and southern immigrants was reduced to a minimum, while that of freshwater species (bighead gudgeon Gobio macrocephalus, Prussian carp Carassius gibelio, minnow Phoxinus spp., Amur bitterling Rhodeus sericeus, spiny bitterlings Acanthorhodeus spp., etc.) substantially added to the production of semi-anadromous fish. The mean fish biomass for the vegetation season varied in the 143–1463 mgC/m2 range; the mean annual production was 174–4267 mgC/m2 and the mean P/B ratio was 0.2–3.2. In 2007, the high annual production in the Artemovka River estuary, 9356 mgC/m2, was formed by the juvenile so-iuy mullet of the strong yearclass that hatched in 2006. The lowest mean production and P/B values were typical mainly for the water bodies with a salinity more often close to that of the barrier zones (5–8‰ for α-horohalinicum and 22–26‰ for β-horohalinicum), i.e., for EM and EPext. This relationship is explained by the features of the osmotic regulation in fish of various origins and its ontogenetic variations. In particularly, the salinity in EM is more frequently close to the critical salinity (5–8‰, α-horohalinicum); thus, the proportion of juveniles of most of the species in the catches decreases (as their resistance to salinity variations is lower). This results in higher mean values of the specific and absolute production of fish communities in EPint and EO as compared to those in EM. The conclusion was made that the estimates of fish production in the estuaries of Primorye are similar to those in the well-studied estuaries of the temperate, subtropical, and tropical zones. Moreover, they are comparable to the fish production estimates for mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes in northwestern Russia, substantially lower than those for large lowland rivers, and higher than those for small rivers. The fish production in seas, including the Japan/East Sea (0.20 gC/m2) and, particularly, Peter the Great Bay (0.28 gC/m2), is mostly lower than that in Primorye estuaries.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):551-567
pages 551-567 views

The current status of demersal fish resources in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan

Kalchugin P.V., Boyko M.I., Solomatov S.F., Chernienko E.P.


A bottom trawl survey was conducted over all of the shelf and continental slope in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan, from Peter the Great Bay to the La Perouse Strait, from March 31 to July 8, 2015. The species composition and biomass of demersal fish were determined for Peter the Great Bay, waters of southern and northern Primorye, and the West Sakhalin subzone. The bulk of the biomass (over 90% of the estimated biomass in the study areas) was formed by four families: Gadidae, Pleuronectidae, Cottidae, and Clupeidae. The highest biomass, 218000 t, was recorded from the West Sakhalin subzone; the lowest, 77400 t, was found from Peter the Great Bay. The proportions of biomasses of the considered species varied substantially between areas: walleye pollock and plain sculpin dominated by biomass in Peter the Great Bay; walleye pollock and scale-eye plaice dominated off southern Primorye; herring dominated off northern Primorye; and scale-eye plaice and speckled founder were dominant in the West Sakhalin subzone. The density of the fish concentration was determined for several bathymetric ranges in the considered areas. In the period of studies, the pattern of distribution of fish in Peter the Great Bay was still of the winter type, which is characterized by high concentrations over the continental slope. There was some shift towards shallower depths in Primorye waters; however, taking the great latitudinal span of the area of the research and the early spring into account, these migrations were not so clearly pronounced, as would be observed in later periods. The most distinct differences in the bathymetric distribution were found in the West Sakhalin subzone, where the distribution pattern corresponded mostly to the summer type with its high concentrations in shallow waters and low ones over the continental slope. According to the estimates in 2015, the biomass of demersal fish slightly increased as compared to the values of the 1980s–1990s.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):568-581
pages 568-581 views

The efficiency of Yesso scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) aquaculture in Ussuri Bay (Sea of Japan)

Gavrilova G.S., Kim L.N.


Data on cultivation of the Yesso scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, in Ussuri Bay are summarized. The sea-based farms that are established in the shallow waters at depths of 2–18 m differ in the area occupied by their facilities and the hydrodynamic characteristics. A farm with a complex structure (collectors, cages, and bottom cultures) operates in the semi-enclosed Sukhodol Bay. In the other two bays, mostly bottom facilities for ranching scallop and sea cucumber are used. The local scallop broodstocks were formed by introducing juveniles from Posyet Bay. As a result, at least 20 million scallop spat were collected in these three bays from 2000 to 2014. The total yield of market-size scallops was approximately 216 tons, of which over 111 t were obtained in Sukhodol Bay, 70 t in Ilmovaya Bay, and 35 t in Malye Kushi Bay. Analysis showed that the potential for the development of this type of aquaculture in the region was limited. The mean long-term value of the spat density was not higher than 200 spat per collector and did not increase throughout the period of operation of the farms. Thus, farmers had to increase the number of collectors to obtain the required quantity of scallop seed. Some years were unfavorable for harvesting juvenile scallop at all of the farms along the eastern coast of Ussuri Bay. The environmental conditions in these waters are not optimal for Yesso scallop cultivation by the extensive method.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):582-590
pages 582-590 views

The biochemical composition and calorie density of the walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the Sea of Okhotsk

Gorbatenko K.M., Lazhentsev A.E.


In tissues of the walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma the dry matter content averages 18.5%. The lipid content of the raw material is 0.7%, the protein content is 15.3%, carbohydrates are 0.6%, and ash is 1.3%. The average calorie density is 940 cal/g wet weight and 5080 cal/g dry weight. The dry matter content of gonads varies within 14.9–28.0% in females and 14.5–17.0% in males. The lipid content of the raw material is 0.9–3.0% in females and 1.3–1.8% in males; the protein content is 10.2–21.5% and 10.7–13.4%, respectively. The calorie density of female gonads is 702–1537 cal/g wet weight and 4426–5482 cal/g dry weight; for the male gonads it is 760–960 cal/g wet weight and 4952–5641 cal/g dry weight. The dry matter content of the liver varies within 42.2–62.2% for females and 34.4–62.4 for males. The lipid content of the raw material is 25.6–44.5% for females and 16.6–41.3% for males; the protein content is 6.3–9.8% and 8.1–12.3%, respectively. The calorie density of the liver in females varies within 2918–4601 cal/g wet weight and 6370–7395 cal/g dry weight; in males it is 2291–4357 cal/g wet weight and 6392–7492 cal/g dry weight. The minimum calorie density of the liver is observed in juvenile pollock: 963 cal/g wet weight and 2045 cal/g dry weight. The dry-matter content of feces in different size groups varies within 15.0–18.4%. Values of the average lipid content of raw material range from 1.1 to 1.6%; the protein content is from 1.8 to 3.8% and carbohydrates are from 0.9 to 1.4%. The calorie density of feces from variously-sized walleye pollock varies within a narrow range, from 308 to 362 cal/g wet weight. The energy equivalent ranges, depending on body size, from 259 to 2377 cal. The share of energy concentrated in the somatic (muscle) tissue of variously-sized walleye pollock during ontogenesis constitutes 56.5–93.9%; in female gonads it is 0.9–26.6%; in male gonads it is 0.4–7.3%, in the female liver it is 7.9–27.2%, and in the male liver it is 5.7–26.9%. The amount of energy (cal), concentrated in the female liver and gonads is on average 1.5 and 3 times as high as that in the male liver and gonads, respectively. The maximum total energy loss (15–30%) in mature walleye pollock of various-sizes occurs in the spawning period, during the transition from the maturity stage 5 to stage 6. The total amount of energy accumulated during the lifecycle from small juveniles (<17 cm) to very large individuals (>60 cm) averages 1964 kcal for females and 1465 kcal for males. The difference in the amount of energy is explained by the fact that oogenesis requires more energy than spermatogenesis.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):591-601
pages 591-601 views

The economic valuation of biological resources and ecosystem services in the Sea of Okhotsk

Lukyanova O.N., Volvenko I.V., Ogorodnikova A.A., Anferova E.N.


The total monetary value of the harvestable stocks of commercial aquatic species in the Sea of Okhotsk, based on the Forecast of the Total Allowable Catch for 2014 and world prices for seafood, is estimated at $23.5 × 109 USD/year. The potential value of all the surveyed biological resources in the sea (including potential ones) in the case of their more complete economic use, $58.5 × 109 USD/year, is determined using the databases on macrofauna in the pelagic and benthic zones of the Far Eastern seas. Taking the mean value of ecosystem services per unit area in some parts of the World Ocean into account, the total value of ecosystem services for the Sea of Okhotsk may constitute $294.4 × 109 USD/year. The ecosystem services whose market values cannot be determined have a much higher cost than the traditionally exploited biological resources. The value of ecosystem services expressed in monetary terms can be considered as a tool to enhance the conservation importance of natural complexes in the course of the implementation of various industrial projects.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2016;42(7):602-607
pages 602-607 views

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