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Vol 46, No 4 (2019)

Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Dynamics of Satellite Population Related Species with Cyclical Dynamics

Frisman E.Y., Shlufman K.V., Neverova G.P.


A theoretical study of population dynamic modes in a biological community including one of the species the abundance of which periodically changes due to causes not related to interspecific interactions in the community was studied. It is shown that these fluctuations may lead to reorganization of the dynamic modes of other community members, which synchronously adapt to the regular change in the abundance of this species. It is noted that asynchronous intrinsic regular and chaotic fluctuations in the abundance of other species may also occur, especially if these species have a high reproductive potential. It is found that the amplitude of fluctuations depends on intrapopulational factors and may significantly exceed the scope of changes in the abundance of the key species.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):317-326
pages 317-326 views

Cell Biology

Use of Dibutyryl Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate in Sperm Capacitation for in vitro Production of Bovine Embryos

Smetanina I.G., Tatarinova L.V., Krivokharchenko A.S.


The opportunity to create a chemically defined system for bovine sperm in vitro capacitation has been performed. 100 µM dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) used as a capacitating agent instead of heparin 10 µg/mL solution was administered in a Tyrode’s protein-free medium for fertilization. In addition, the fertilization medium did not contain glucose or any sperm-activating additives. It has been proven for the first time that spermatozoa capacitated in the in vitro protein-free medium with the use of dbcAMP only are capable of highly efficient in vitro fertilization of the bovine oocytes, which were matured outside the body in a protein-free medium as well. Embryos developed to the 4- to 8-cell stage are chosen as criteria for normal fertilization.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):327-331
pages 327-331 views

Developmental Biology

Differences in Nuclear Dynamics in Mouse GV Oocytes with a Diverse Chromatin Configuration

Lavrentyeva E.A., Shishova K.V., Zatsepina O.V.


By means of time-lapse imaging, consistent patterns of nuclei movement in GV oocytes of SN and NSN types, differing in the chromatin configuration and the initial position of the nucleus, were established. Two types of movement specific for the GV oocyte nuclei were shown: directed motion from the periphery to the central region of the oocyte and oscillatory displacements in the central or peripheral region of the oocyte. It was noted that the nuclei of the NSN type oocytes with the initial position at the periphery hardly changed their position and oocytes died 3.5–4 h after the filming started.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):332-341
pages 332-341 views


Long-Term Influence of Surfagon Injection on the Cytological Condition of the Gonads and Level of Thyroid and Sexual Steroid Hormones in Young Brown Trout Salmo trutta

Pavlov E.D., Ganzha E.V., Pavlov D.S.


The long-term effect of the injection of a synthetic analogue of gonadotropin releasing hormone—Surfagon—on the reproductive system of juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta has been studied. The concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood, the rate of gametogenesis, and physiological adaptation of individuals to external conditions increased over five months after injection. The changes identified predetermine the formation of a predominantly resident fish of the brown trout population. Based on the patterns found, the interrelation of the hormonal status, puberty, and the formation of life strategies in salmon species has been analyzed.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):342-352
pages 342-352 views

Protein Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis as a Common Vole Sibling Species Identification Method (Microtus arvalis Pallas, 1779 and M.rossiaemeridionalis Ognev, 1924 (Rodentia, Cricetidae))

Zhigarev I.A., Zhigarev D.I., Alpatov V.V., Lapkovsky V.V., Malygin V.M., Simak S.V.


A new protocol for the identification of two sibling species of voles Microtus arvalis and M. rossiaemeridionalis was proposed by electrophoresis of blood proteins in polyacrylamide gel (PAGE). Animals captured in ten districts of Moscow, Kaluga, and Samara oblasts and Moscow natural territories (1030 individuals), as well as those taken from vivarium collections (five hybrids of the two species), were studied. A comparison of electrophoresis in PAGE, agarose gel, and cellulose acetate plates was carried out. The use of different organs and tissues for species identification was assessed. The relative electrophoretic mobility and the mass of a species-specific blood protein of the southern vole were determined.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):353-360
pages 353-360 views


Differentiation of Groups of Cod Gadus morhua (Gadidae) in the North Atlantic: Constraints of the Model of Isolation by Distance

Stroganov A.N., Orlov A.M., Semenova A.V., Orlova S.Y., Afanasyev K.I.


A comparative analysis of the variability of morphobiological and genetic characteristics in samples from the largest stocks of Atlantic cod in waters of the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic was conducted. Using the results of pairwise assessment of genetic differentiation for the studied microsatellite loci, it was established that the dataset from waters of the New England shelf differed significantly from Iceland–Greenland and Lofoten–Barents Sea cod stocks. It was noted that samples of cod from the waters of East and West Greenland and cod from the waters of the Norwegian and Barents seas, despite significant geographical separation, showed a high level of identity. Special features of application of the model for isolation by distance to studying the formation mechanisms of the population structure were reviewed.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):361-370
pages 361-370 views


Characterization of Phytase Transgenic Wheat under Salt Stress

Kanwal M., Razzaq A., Maqbool A.


Wheat is the major cereal crop. It is grown to meet the demand of food in developing countries but salinity is the serious problem in some countries which are based on agriculture. In the present study fourteen transgenic lines expressing phytase gene were selected using PCR and BASTA leaf paint assay. Different morphological and biochemical analysis that include plant growth, number of spikes, length of spikes, chlorophyll, soluble protein, soluble sugar and proline content were carried out from the leaf of the plants under different stress level of salt. Results showed mostly significant reduction in all the morphological parameters and chlorophyll content with increase in salt concentration while on the other hand in all other parameters, most of them showed significant increment. The result showed that some lines have ability to resist salt stress.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):371-380
pages 371-380 views

Plant Physiology

Plant and Soil Mechanisms of Plant Resistance to Cd Toxicity under Application of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metal

Shabayev V.P., Bocharnikova E.A., Ostroumov V.E.


Plant and soil mechanisms of barley plant resistance to Cd toxicity as influenced by the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium P. fluorescens 21 were studied in a series of pot experiments on artificially Cd-contaminated gray forest soil. It has been established that the application of the bacterium improved the growth of plants and eliminated the toxicity of the heavy metal due to enhancing barrier functions of the plant root system and barrier functions of the soil.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):381-386
pages 381-386 views


Social and Vocal Behavior of Microtus socialis and M. paradoxus in Experiment

Rutovskaya M.V.


The intraspecific relations of two species of the subgenus Sumeriomys have been studied: the social vole Microtus socialis and the paradox vole M. paradoxus. The relationships between animals same-sex individuals in the experimental groups, are generally amicable, but the cohabitation of two or more females suppresses reproduction. Groups formed from unfamiliar individuals were characterized by increased aggressiveness, which led to high mortality. The paradox vole was diffed from social vole by higher motor and social activity and greater aggressiveness towards unfamiliar individuals. The vocal behavior of individuals of both species is similar. 30% of contacts between individuals are accompanied by squeaks; males sing in intersex interactions, but this behavior is rare (less than 1% of contacts).

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):387-397
pages 387-397 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Morphology and Composition of Peripheral Blood Cells during Hibernation in Bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) of Northwestern Russia

Uzenbaeva L.B., Kizhina A.G., Ilyukha V.A., Belkin V.V., Khizhkin E.A.


The composition and morphology of peripheral blood cells during hibernation were studied in five species of bats of the order Chiroptera: Myotis daubentonii (Daubenton’s bat), M. brandtii (Brandt’s bat), M. mystacinus (whiskered bat), Plecotus auritus (brown long-eared bat), and Eptesicus nilssonii (Northern bat). It is noted that these species are characterized by a low level of leukocytes and the prevalence of neutrophils over lymphocytes in the leucogram. Interspecific differences in the morphology of neutrophils, the total number, the absolute and relative content of certain types of leukocytes, and the size of the erythrocyte surface area have been established. They were found to be especially pronounced between the rare species of P. auritus and M. mystacinus and the more common species of M. daubentonii and M. brandtii, as well as the dominant species of E. nilssonii.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):398-406
pages 398-406 views

Physiological Effects of Selank and Its Fragments

Koroleva S.V., Mjasoedov N.F.


The development of Selank based on the natural regulatory peptide tuftsin allowed combining the native bioactivity of the molecule with the design engineering of certain physiological functions. Based on a summary of the experimental and clinical data, a comparative analysis of the structural and functional regularities of the effects of Selank and its fragments was performed. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of correctional processes (anxiolytic, cognitive, immunostimulatory, anti-ulcer, etc.), triggered by the peptide drug and its analogues, are summarized into a single scheme. It is assumed that the Selank effect on the network of cascade processes of peptides and mediators is carried out through enkephalin, the key player of this system.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):407-414
pages 407-414 views


Plankton Biocenoses of the Mountainous Shebety Lake (Zabaikalskii Krai, Russia)

Afonina E.Y., Tashlykova N.A., Tsybekmitova G.T.


Studies of phyto- and zooplankton were performed in summer 2002 and 2016 in the mountain Shebety Lake (Zabaikalskii krai, Russia). According to the hydrochemical composition, the lake waters belong to the hydrocarbonate–calcium type with a total mineralization of 30 mg/L. The littoral plankton biocenosis is characterized by higher species diversity and quantitative parameters in comparison with the pelagic plankton biocenosis. According to the principal component analysis, the hydrochemical composition of lake waters (pH, nutrient, and organic matter concentrations) is the main abiotic factor influencing the structural organization of the plankton community in the pelagic zone; in the littoral zone, these factors are the chemical features of the waters (pH, nutrient content, and cationic composition) and hydrophysical parameters (depth and water temperature). It was found that a combination of abiotic and biotic factors causes a different qualitative distribution of aquatic organisms in different zones of the lake. In the coastal zone, there is a great integration of the community; in the pelagic zone, the community exhibits a multicomponent nature.

Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):415-424
pages 415-424 views


Erratum to: “Glyceryl Tricaprate in Thylakoids of Stevia rebaudiana and Its Physiological Role” [Biology Bulletin 45, 31 (2018)]

Bondarev N.I., Kurilov D.V., Bondareva T.A., Nosov A.M.
Biology Bulletin. 2019;46(4):425-425
pages 425-425 views

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