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Vol 43, No 4 (2016)


Some characteristics of transgenic clones of mouse R1 line embryonic stem cells

Drozd S.F., Surkov S.A., Glazkov M.V.


Transgenic clones of mouse embryonic stem cells of the R1 line were received by transfection of plasmid linear vectors. The changes in the transgene structure during its integration into the genome of the target cells were investigated. Displacements were found on the flanks of the integrated transgene. It was found that multicopy tandem structures are formed in head–tail orientation at the transgene integration. It was noted that the number of copies of the integrated transgenes varies considerably, but the introduction of DNA fragments isolated from the nuclear envelopes into the flanks of the transgene normalizes the number of its copies.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):283-289
pages 283-289 views


Changes in the composition and physiological and biochemical properties of fungi during passage through the digestive tract of earthworms

Kurakov A.V., Kharin S.A., Byzov B.A.


It was established that the biomass of fungal mycelium decreased by 30–50% during passage through the intestine of the Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris earthworms, while its content in empty intestines was 40–60% less than in the soil. It was found that the amount of mycelium increases again in three-day-old coprolites due to the rapid growth of the species. It was demonstrated that the physiological activity of fungi (estimated according to the time of the appearance of colonies on the medium and probability of propagation) is lower in the intestine content, digestive tract, and fresh excrement of the worms than in the soil. It was noted that the activity and diversity of organic substrates (utilized by fungi), as well as proteolytic activity is lower in fungal isolates from the intestine than from the soil. It was registered that the death of a part of the fungi occurs in the worm intestine, while the physiological state changes in the animals withstanding the effect of the digestive medium.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):290-299
pages 290-299 views

Pine wilt disease and possible causes of its incidence in Russia

Arbuzova E.N., Kulinich O.A., Mazurin E.S., Ryss A.Y., Kozyreva N.I., Zinovieva S.V.


Surveys of forests and stockpiled timber of pine, spruce, larch, and silver fir in 14 administrative subjects of the Russian Federation revealed widespread occurrence of the coniferous wood parasitic nematode Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. Twenty species of bacteria belonging to 13 genera have been detected in 25 B. mucronatus isolates, and their identity has been determined by direct sequencing of the 16S RNA gene. The most frequently occurring were bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Pantoea, Bacillus, Burkholderia, and Serratia. Prevalence of Pseudomonas brenneri and P. fluorescence, which were also found in the nematode dauer larva (LIV) isolated from the fir sawyer beetle Monochamus urussovi, have also been assessed. Two nematode B. xylophilus isolates from Portugal and one isolate from the United States have been examined, and 10 symbiotic bacteria species have been isolated, including Agrobacterium tumefacience, P. fluorescens, P. brenneri, Rahnella aquatilis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, S. rhizophila, and Yersinia mollaretii.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):300-306
pages 300-306 views


Primary plant successions of forest belt vegetation on the Tolbachinskii Dol volcanic plateau (Kamchatka)

Korablev A.P., Neshataeva V.Y.


Primary plant successions on volcanic deposits of the Tolbachinskii Dol Plateau (Central Kamchatka) were studied. The main factors determining the succession rate were revealed. The peculiarities of plant successions on lava flows and ash–scoria deposits differed significantly. Some common mechanisms for all volcanic regions of the world were revealed. The leading factors of plant succession on lava flows were the type of lava surface, the texture of lava, and the fine tephra accumulation rate. The main factors determining plant succession on ash–scoria deposits were wind and water erosion and the distance to the seed sources. The time of formation of a secondary permanent larch (Larix cajanderi Mayr.) forest should take about 1500–2000 years on lava flows and up to 1000 years (but not less than 300–500 years) on ash–scoria plains.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):307-317
pages 307-317 views


Orosensory food testing in fish: Chronology of behavior

Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O.


The orosensory food testing behavior in fish was studied using the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius as an example. The patterns of the chronology of manipulations performed by fish in testing food objects were identified. The existence of two stereotypical patterns of feeding behavior was confirmed, and their new characteristics were obtained. The relationship between the responsiveness to food and the predisposition of fish to feeding was revealed.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):318-328
pages 318-328 views

Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) in the intestinal tract of the herring gull Larus argentatus: Localization and trophic parameters

Kuklina M.M., Kuklin V.V.


We studied the activities both of digestive enzymes in the small intestine of the herring gull (Larus argentatus) and a tapeworm Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) residing in the intestine. It was found that D. dendriticum infects the medial section of the small intestine of the herring gull. Such localization of D. dendriticum is caused by the maximal activity of proteases and glycosidases and by the high rate of membrane and cavitary digestion in this section. The activity of protease and glycosidase in gulls infected with D. dendriticum is decreased. The activity of proteases in the fractions desorbed from the tegument surface of D. dendriticum is significantly higher than that of glycosidases.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):329-334
pages 329-334 views

Mitotypical peculiarities of the population of moose Alces alces of southeastern West Siberia

Nemoikina O.V., Kholodova M.V., Tyutenkov O.Y., Moskvitina N.S.


Based on the structure of the control region (D-loop) of mitochondrial DNA, the genetic diversity of moose of West Siberia was evaluated and their placement within the structure of current species population was determined. It was noted that the values of genetic diversity exceed the values of analogous indices obtained for western groups of the species. Three haplogroups were identified in the population structure: European–Ural, West Siberian, and American.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):335-343
pages 335-343 views

Seasonal changes in blood cells and biochemical parameters in the Mongolian hamster (Allocricetulus curtatus)

Kuznetsova E.V., Feoktistova N.Y., Naidenko S.V., Surov A.V., Tikhonova N.B., Kozlovskii J.E.


It was shown previously that the Mongolian hamster (Allocricetulus curtatus) is a mammalian species with irregular short hibernation. The purpose of the present study was to determine how this status affects seasonal changes in the biochemical and hematological parameters in A. curtatus males under a natural temperature and light regime. It was found that a reduction in circulating white blood cells, specifically lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes, occurred in winter and bilirubin levels increased in spring. These characteristics make Mongolian hamsters closer to the true hibernating species. At the same time, the character of seasonal changes in the number of red blood cells, glucose, total protein, creatinine, and albumin is closer to species with torpor.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):344-349
pages 344-349 views

The effect of commercial cuttings on faunal associations in taiga ecosystems: A case study of small mammals in eastern Fennoscandia

Ivanter E.V., Kurkhinen Y.P.


The general patterns of the effect of cuttings on the habitat structure, abundance, territorial distribution, and specific ecological features of 11 small mammalian species are analyzed based on long-term studies (1958–2013) covering the overall area of eastern Fennoscandia. The responses to concentrated cuttings common for most of the examined species include a decrease in total population size, transition to an arrhythmic population dynamics with drastic short-term rises and deep long depressions, formation of unstable mosaic spatial distribution, disturbances of the reproduction rates, and a decrease in reproduction intensity.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):350-358
pages 350-358 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Irregularity of the linear growth of the Margaritifera margaritifera (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae) population of the Nemina River, Karelia

Zotin A.A., Ieshko E.P.


The dependence of shell growth in length and height during ontogeny has been studied in the pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera inhabiting the Nemina River (basin of Lake Onega, Karelia). It has been shown that the population is heterogenous based on the height-to-length ratio. It has been found that during ontogeny M. margaritifera from the studied population undergoes a constant change in the relative growth of the shell leading to either lengthening or rounding of the shell.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):359-365
pages 359-365 views

Suppression of histamine-induced relaxation of rat aorta and calcium signaling in endothelial cells by two-pore channel blocker trans-NED19 and hydrogen peroxide

Zharkich I.L., Nadeev A.D., Tsitrin E.B., Goncharov N.V., Avdonin P.V.


The blocker of two-pore channels trans-NED19 and hydrogen peroxide were found to inhibit histamine-induced relaxation of rat aorta. The degree of inhibition depended on histamine concentration. The relaxation in response to 1 µM histamine of rat aorta preconstricted with 30 mM KCl, serotonin, or endothelin-1, was completely abolished by 30 µM trans-NED19. On the other hand, trans-NED19 decreased the relaxation of the aorta in the presence of 10 µM histamine only by 2.1to 2.4-fold, and there was almost no inhibition by trans-NED19 of the relaxation induced by 100 µM histamine. Relaxation of preconstricted with serotonin aorta in response to 10 and 100 µM histamine was reduced by hydrogen peroxide (200 µM) by 10and 2.5-fold, respectively. Suppression of aorta relaxation by trans-NED19 and H2O2 correlated with their inhibitory effect on the histamine-induced increase in the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. With the use of a fluorescent probe LysoTracker, the cis-NED19 binding sites were demonstrated to be localized in endolysosomes of the endothelial cells. These data indicate that twopore calcium channels participate in the histamine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation of rat aorta. Furthermore, their functional role is exhibited much more clearly at low histamine concentrations. We suggest that hydrogen peroxide evokes depletion of intracellular calcium depots thereby suppressing the response to histamine.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):366-373
pages 366-373 views


The diversity of parasites in the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) under the conditions of large-scale range expansion

Sokolov S.G., Zhukov A.V.


It has been found that the species composition of parasites infesting the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii in water bodies from the nonnative part of its range is more depleted. Here, the phylogenetic distances between parasites exceed those in the native part of the range. It has been revealed that parasitological differences between P. glenii populations from the nonnative and native parts of the range, as well as between populations inside the nonnative part, have similar composition and abundance of the host-specific and euryxenous components in the parasitic fauna. It has been shown that these differences are determined by the genesis of sites from which P. glenii is introduced, as well as the local conditions of the recipient water bodies.

Biology Bulletin. 2016;43(4):374-383
pages 374-383 views

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