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Vol 44, No 4 (2017)

Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Contribution of symbiotic microbiota to adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to an unfavorable growth medium

Panchenko P.L., Kornilova M.B., Perfilieva K.S., Markov A.V.


The contribution of symbiotic microbiota to the adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to fodder with an increased content of NaCl has been analyzed. The reproduction efficiency and the development rate of D. melanogaster on the saline fodder medium, on which a homogenate of flies from laboratory salt-adapted lines and from control lines not adapted to the salt were inoculated, were compared. It was established that inoculating with homogenized salt-adapted flies significantly increased the efficiency of use of salty fodders by flies in comparison with the control flies homogenate, which is manifested in the increased number of offspring produced by a pair of parents over a fixed time, and also in faster larval development. It was noted that the results obtained were consistent with the assumption that the adaptation of D. melanogaster to salted fodder is largely due not to genetic changes in the experimental populations but to changes in the concomitant bacterial and yeast microbiota.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):345-354
pages 345-354 views

Cell Biology

Differentiation of stem cells isolated from rat skeletal muscles towards cardiomyocytes: The effect of an inhibitor of DNA methylation 5-azacytidine

Balan O.V., Ozernyuk N.D.


The effects of the inhibitor of DNA methylation 5-azacytidine on stem (satellite) cells isolated from fetal and definitive skeletal muscles of rats lead to the expression of marker genes of cardiomyogenesis (Gata4, Nkx2.5, connexin-43, n-cadherin, as well as Cacna 1 c encoding the cardiac subunit of the L-type Ca2+-channel). Through comparative analysis of the dynamics of expression of key markers of cardiomyogenesis, it was established that satellite cells isolated from fetal muscles have a more expressive potency to cardiomyocyte differentiation in vitro (expression of specific marker genes) compared to cells from muscles of adult animals. In the process of induced cardiomyocyte differentiation, the expression of MyoD and m-cadherin marker genes of skeletal muscle differentiation was not detected, suggesting that in the experiments presented the program of myogenic differentiation of skeletal muscles is inhibited.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):355-362
pages 355-362 views

Preservation of a specialized phenotype of dermal papilla cells of a human hair follicle under cultivation conditions

Kalabusheva E.P., Chermnykh E.S., Terskikh V.V., Vorotelyak E.A.


Possible ways to extend cultivation of dermal papilla cells without the loss of expression of their specific markers were studied. The effect of extracellular matrix components, as well as valproic acid, on the maintenance of the phenotype of dermal papilla cells was studied for the first time. Two ways of cultivation (in a monolayer culture and in spheroids) were used. It was established that a short-term positive effect is reached during the addition of the BMP6 growth factor and vitamin D3 in the monolayer culture, while cultivation in spheroids or in the presence of valproic acid allows us to preserve most efficiently the initial phenotype of these cells in vitro. The significance of the results obtained for tissue engineering and for the study of regeneration processes is discussed.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):363-371
pages 363-371 views

Developmental Biology

The dynamics of mass growth and oxygen consumption in ontogenesis of the newt Pleurodeles waltl: 3. The postlarval period

Vladimirova I.G., Alekseeva T.A., Kleymenov S.Y.


The relationship between animal growth and oxygen consumption was studied by the example of the postlarval period in ontogenesis of the newt Pleurodeles waltl. These parameters increased during the first 1.5 years after metamorphosis and then did not change. Gender differences were found for the body mass, growth rate, and rate of oxygen consumption, which in males were less than in females. The mass-specific rates of oxygen consumption in males and females were the same. The relationship between the body mass and the rate of oxygen consumption in immature and mature newts can be expressed by a common allometric equation.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):372-378
pages 372-378 views


Variability of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase first subunit gene (COI) fragments in several tick species of the marginatus group (Ixodidae, Amblyomminae, Dermacentor)

Bogdanov A.S., Makenov M.T., Medyanikova L.V., Shchouchinova L.D., Yakimenko V.V.


This paper analyses variability of the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase first subunit gene fragments in four tick species of the marginatus group—Dermacentor marginatus, D. silvarum, D. niveus, and D. nuttalli. It is noted that, with the exception of D. niveus, the clustering of mitotypes in the marginatus group does not show a clear correspondence of the species identity of ticks, which had preliminarily been established based on morphological characters.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):379-383
pages 379-383 views

Polymorphism and the secondary structure of the mitochondrial nad1 gene b/c intron in Malus species and related Rosaceae species

Filyushin M.A., Boris K.V.


Nucleotide sequences polymorphism of mitochondrial nad1 gene b/c intron was studied in 41 Malus accessions and 21 related Rosaceae accessions. The b/c intron sequence in genus Malus appeared to be very conservative, while in other studied Rosaceae species 126 variable sites and indels were detected in the intron sequence that varied in length from 1124 to 1456 bp. The predicted b/c intron pre-mRNA secondary structure for Malus species was determined; IBS/EBS binding sites and the boundaries of the six functional domains were identified.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):384-390
pages 384-390 views

Genetic variability of the peripheral population of the greater long-tailed hamster Tscherskia triton (De Winton 1899) in the northeastern part of the distribution range based on sequencing data of the control region of mitochondrial DNA

Sheremetyeva I.N., Kartavtseva I.V., Pavlenko M.V., Vasiljeva T.V., Korablev V.P.


The genetic variability of the greater long-tailed hamster Tscherskia triton of the peripheral population of the southern Russian Far East is evaluated compared to the central populations of China based on the nucleotide sequences of the control region of mitochondrial DNA. The high genetic diversity of the population of the southern part of Russian Far East is established, which does not confirm a hypothesis on reduction of the diversity in the peripheral populations. The presence of three phylogroups is discovered: one within Russia (“northern”) and two within China (“central” and “southern”). A deletion, absent in other taxonomically distant groups of the Old and New World and acquired by the greater long-tailed hamster over the course of its evolutionary history, is present in certain populations of this species. A preliminary hypothesis, according to which the contemporary structure of this species is determined not only by topographical and climatic events, but by human activity as well, is formulated.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):391-400
pages 391-400 views


Immunosuppression of insects by the venom of Habrobracon hebetor increases the sensitivity of bait method for the isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from soils

Kryukov V.Y., Tyurin M.V., Tomilova O.G., Yaroslavtseva O.N., Kryukova N.A., Duisembekov B.A., Tokarev Y.S., Glupov V.V.


We evaluated the susceptibility of Galleria mellonella larvae immunosuppressed by the venom of Habrobracon hebetor to soil entomopathogenic ascomycetes with the use of bait method. It was found that the sensitivity of the modified method was significantly (by almost 200 times) increased as compared with the standard procedure, which provided the isolation of fungi when their abundance was extremely low. Envenomated larvae were more susceptible to the entomopathogenic but not saprotrophic fungi. We presented results of isolation of the entomopathogenic fungi from soils in different climatic zones (from the forest tundra to the steppe) using an improved procedure.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):401-405
pages 401-405 views


Hybridization of alien and aboriginal taxons of Bidens L. genus in Eastern Europe

Galkina M.A., Vinogradova Y.K.


Earlier it was suggested, based on study of the morphological features, that a new taxon of burmarigold, which had been noted in recent decades in several locations on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries and described as an alien species of Bidens connata, is in fact a hybrid species that arose in Europe. This hypothesis was confirmed by the molecular genetic method. A complex of taxa of the genus Bidens from various parts of the areal and their F1 first generation offspring were studied, and a polymerase chain reaction was performed using ISSR primers. It was established that the taxon investigated represents a complex of hybrids and recurrent hybrids that arose in the European part of Russia independently by hybridization of the alien B. frondosa and the aboriginal B. cernua.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):406-411
pages 406-411 views


Growth characteristics and rates of the mash frog Pelophylax ridibundus Pall. introduced into water bodies of the Middle Urals

Ivanova N.L.


The characteristics and growth rates of mash frogs introduced upon the completion of metamorphosis into the cooling ponds of heating stations have been studied. The age composition of frog populations has been determined. It has been shown that an extra year must be added to the visible adhesion lines in the tissue of long bones. It has been found that the population of mash frogs inhabiting the Verkhnii Tagil Reservoir is characterized by not only a longer life span than in the Reftinskoe Reservoir, but also by a sufficiently high frequency of occurrence in the samples of older age groups.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):412-416
pages 412-416 views

Interrelation between size of body and of digestive tract organs in some myomorpha: Isometry or allometry?

Varshavskiy A.A., Naumova E.I., Zharova G.K., Chistova T.Y., Varshavskiy A.A.


Using nonparametric tests, we analyzed the weights of the digestive tract organs of 198 rodent individuals belonging to 11 species of Arvicolinae (family Cricetidae) and Murinae (family Muridae), using both fresh and fixed material, the weight characteristics of which were identical. It has been shown that no unique dependence exists between the body weight and the entire digestive tract one in Arvicolinae rodents weighing 8–73 g. It was also shown that interspecific differences in the relative mass of such a dynamic system of organs as the digestive system cannot always be regarded as a function of the body size alone.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):417-424
pages 417-424 views

Animal and Human Physiology

Effect of ambient odor on cognitive functions in children

Rodionova E.I., Minor A.V.


We studied the effect of the peppermint ambient odor on the performance of routine Russian school language tests by primary-school students in a standard classroom, where a noiseless source of odor provided scenting the air by means of free evaporation of the essential oil at a constant low concentration. It is shown that in the presence of peppermint odor the marks for a word dictation test that is based on the longterm memory are significantly higher than in the absence of the odor, whereas the performance of text copying test (based mainly on attention) is not influenced by the presence of peppermint odor.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):425-429
pages 425-429 views


Stability of the microbial population in the gut of omnivorous wireworms (Coleoptera, Elateridae)

Samoylova E.S., Kostina N.V., Striganova B.R.


The variability of the microbial population structure of the gut of omnivorous wireworms Agriotes obscurus (L) and Selatosomus aeneus (L) was studied. The limits of intra- and interspecific and intersite variation were determined. The stability of the microbial composition of the gut allows us to reveal the list of obligate saprotrophs (with 95% probability) using only five replications. In the case of S. aeneus, the influence of starvation and diet change was studied. Starvation changed the microbial population structure, while the diet did not. The results confirm that omnivorous wireworms have a stable gut microbial population, which suggests an advanced mutualistic relationship between wireworms and their gut bacteria, possibly assisting in digestion and providing for ecological flexibility of wireworms.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):430-438
pages 430-438 views

Thermal resistance, preferred and avoidance temperatures of Cyclops strenuus Fischer, 1851, and their relation to optimal, pessimal, and tolerant temperatures

Verbitsky V.B., Grishanin A.K., Malysheva O.A., Medyantseva E.N., Verbitskaya T.I.


Ranges of preferred and avoidance temperatures in Cyclops strenuus Fischer, 1851 were determined based on the results of its experimental testing in the thermal gradient device. It is established that the process of temperature selection occurs with an overshoot. It is noted that copepods started to select the final preferred temperatures on the 8th day (temperatures above 26°C were avoided; the avoidance of low temperatures was not recorded). The average value of the critical thermal maximum for the season was determined. It is found that optimal, pessimal, and tolerant temperatures can be calculated on the scale of the species tolerance according to values of preferred and avoidance temperatures as well as according to values of the temperature range of regulation of the critical thermal maximum.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):439-448
pages 439-448 views

Pyrogenic dynamics of vegetation cover and bird population in a mountain taiga landscape (A case study at the Bureya mountains)

Osipov S.V., Biserov M.F.


Two pyrogenic cycles (two succession series) of ecosystems in the boreal forest belt are characterized. One cycle is associated with the subbelt of subgolets (subalpine) spruce and larch forests, and the other, with the subbelt of taiga spruce and larch forests. The bird population at different stages of succession are compared. Quantitative analysis utilizes measures of inclusion and similarity. The avian faunistic and ecological complexes, as well as forest layer aggregations, are considered. As is shown, the ecosystems at the early stage of succession play a significant role in the spread of the Chinese ornithofaunistic complex against the background of prevalence of the Siberian complex. The species involved in both cycles belong to the forest ecological complex. The bird population in the succession systems at later stages and native ecosystems of two subbelts are more similar to one another as compared with the succession systems of the same subbelts at early stages.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):449-459
pages 449-459 views

Patterns of the structural dynamics of shrew taxocenes in Sakhalin

Nesterenko V.A., Loktionova E.Y.


The features of transformation of the structure of two model shrew taxocenes in Sakhalin have been discussed, and the general parameters in the dominance hierarchy have been revealed. It has been established that the long-clawed shrew is the basic element that maintains the taxocene symmetry on the southern part of Sakhalin, while on the northern part of the island, this role is played by Laxmann’s shrew. However, the quantitative dynamics of different taxocenes is subject to similar patterns and integrally varies on the basis of the synchronization of fluctuation of the abundance of all species. It is shown that the leading position of the organizing species within the framework of the two structural schemes revealed (the mono- and bidominant schemes) is annually determined according to the phases of the population dynamics of common species.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):460-469
pages 460-469 views

The effect of various disturbing factors on the radial increment in pine forests of Central Siberia

Makhnykina A.V., Verkhovets S.V., Koshurnikova N.N.


The results of study of regeneration periods in pine forests after natural and anthropogenic disturbanses have been presented. It has been found that the rate of recovery depends on the type of disturbing factor. The differentiated effect of climatic factors (air temperature, amount of precipitation) on the growth rate of forests with different types of disturbances has been investigated.

Biology Bulletin. 2017;44(4):470-476
pages 470-476 views

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