Modeling of the effect of diffusion processes on the response of ion-selective electrodes by the finite difference technique: Comparison of theory with experiment and critical evaluation



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Experimental data are compared with the results of calculations by the finite difference technique within the dynamic diffusion model of the interphase potential on an example of a picrate-selective electrode in real scenarios corresponding to the conditions of the determination of selectivity coefficients by the methods recommended by IUPAC. It was found that, in the majority of the considered cases, the calculated values of the potential and selectivity coefficients and also the dynamics of potential change at particular steps well agree with the experimental data. The model has principal restrictions, leading the failure of calculations, when the concentration of potential-determining ions in the near-electrode layer of the solution performed is low according to the algorithm of measurements, whereas the instant increase in its concentration in the surface membrane layer due to the replacement of the sample solution induces a flux of these ions from the surface deep into of the membrane.


V. Egorov

Chemical Faculty

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220030

A. Novakovskii

Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220030

E. Zdrachek

Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems

白俄罗斯, Minsk, 220030

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