Methods of nonenzymatic determination of hydrogen peroxide and related reactive oxygen species



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Contemporary nonenzymatic methods for the qualitative and quantitative determination of hydrogen peroxide and reactive oxygen species, preceding to hydrogen peroxide or resulting from it, are reviewed. Many of these procedures can be applied to the detection and determination of reactive oxygen species, for example, anions, peroxide radical anions, hydroxide radicals, etc., in both model and real samples that are of practical importance in biochemistry and medicine. The main direction of development in this area includes the target formation of a surface layer of a sensing element at the nanoscale level, including using nanoparticles. In some cases, higher selectivity can be achieved, and the analytical and performance characteristics of the procedures, such as minimum detectable concentration, analytical range, or sensitivity, can be improved. Most of the cited papers were published after 2010.


A. Olenin

Department of Chemistry; Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry; Federal Research and Clinical Center of Critical Care Medicine and Rehabilitation

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