
Elucidation of the Chemical Structure of a Gas Chromatographic Artifact of Synthetic Cannabinoid N-(1-Carbamoyl-2-Methylpropyl)-1-(Cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-Indazol-3Ccarboxamide by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Shevyrin V.
Determination of Total Saturated and Total Aromatics in Oils and Oil Products by Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with Electron Ionization
Brodsky E., Shelepchikov A., Kalinkevich G., Mir-Kadyrova E.
Application of Mutually Complimentary Analytical Methods to Investigating the Composition of Organic Residues of Ancient Amphorae from Panticapaeum
Pojidaev V., Sergeeva Y., Retivov V., Belus’ S., Yatsishina E., Kashkarov P.
Identification of Spillages of Semi-Volatile Hydrocarbon Fuels in Soils by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Bolotnik T., Plyushchenko I., Smolenkov A., Pirogov A., Popik M., Shpigun O.
Study of archaeological artifact by chromatography–mass spectrometry
Pozhidaev V., Sergeeva Y., Kamayev A.
Microextraction of Aromatic Microbial Metabolites by Packed Sorbent (MEPS) from Model Solutions Followed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Their Silyl Derivatives
Sobolev P., Pautova A., Revelsky A.
A gas chromatographic study of the residual contents of a medieval sphero-conical vessel
Pozhidaev V., Kamaev A., Devlet E., Greshnikov E., Nuretdinova A., Sivitskii M.
Determination of glycols in glycol-containing oligomers using gas-liquid reaction chromatography
Pervova M., Plotnikova K., Chizhov D., Pestov A., Saloutin V.
Use of Chemometric Methods of Data Analysis for the Identification and Typification of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Bolotnik T., Timchenko Y., Plyushchenko I., Levkina V., Pirogov A., Smolenkov A., Popik M., Shpigun O.
Determination of Isomers in Doping Control by Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Obukhova E., Buryak A.
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