
Quantitative and Standardless Determination of the Concentration Composition of Mixtures by Multidimensional Spectroscopy: Theory and Computer Experiments
Gribov L., Baranov V., Mikhailov I.
A Clotrimazole-Selective Electrode and its Application to Pharmaceutical Analysis
Egorov V., Yurenya A.
Selective Voltammetric and Flow-Injection Determination of Guanosine and Adenosine at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with a Ruthenium Hexachlororuthenate Film
Shaidarova L., Gedmina A., Demina V., Chelnokova I., Budnikov H.
Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography on Silica: Group Analysis of Grape Anthocyanins
Deineka V., Makarevich S., Deineka L.
Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Natural and Drinking Waters
Oskolok K., Monogarova O., Alov N.
Use of PLS Discriminant Analysis for Revealing the Absence of a Compound in an Electron Ionization Mass Spectral Database
Sotnezova K., Samokhin A., Revelsky I.
Determination of the oxidation state of iron by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using chemometric approaches
Panchuk V., Rabdano N., Goidenko A., Grebenyuk A., Irkaev S., Semenov V.
Chronoamperometric evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of tea on a polyquercetin-modified electrode
Ziyatdinova G., Kozlova E., Budnikov H.
Methodology of chemometric modeling of spectrometric signals in the analysis of complex samples
Monakhova Y., Mushtakova S.
Estimation of limits of detection and determination in X-ray fluorescence analysis by the dependence of the relative standard deviation on analyte concentration
Borkhodoev V.
Modeling of a new chromatographic system using the IONCHROM software and the choice of the optimum mode of chromatographic analysis
Dolgonosov A., Prudkovskii A., Kolotilina N.
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