
Cloud Point Extraction and Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Allura Red and Carmoisine using Wavelet Orthogonal Signal Correction–Partial Least Squares Method
Ahmadreza Amraei , Niazi A., Alimoradi M., Hosseini M.
Covalent binding and fluorimetric determination of dialdehydes using aminated silica nanoparticles and ethylenediamine fluorescein
Filenko I., Golodukhina S., Usol’tseva L., Adamova E., Beklemishev M.
Methods of nonenzymatic determination of hydrogen peroxide and related reactive oxygen species
Olenin A.
Optimization of conditions for the determination of the organic matter content of waters by reagentless oxithermography and its application to the analysis of natural waters
Rogovaya I., Zuev B., Titova T., Morzhukhina S., Saraeva A., Filonenko V.
Selective photometric redox determination of periodate and iodate ions in bottled drinking water
Nayanova E., Sergeev G., Elipasheva E.
Comparison of the Efficiencies of Carbon Sorbents for the Preconcentration of Highly Volatile Organic Substances from Wet Gas Atmospheres for the Subsequent Gas-Chromatographic Determination
Rodinkov O., Vagner E., Bugaichenko A., Moskvin L.
A Methodological Approach to the Analysis of Rocks and Meteorites by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Sedykh E., Gromyak I., Lorents K., Skripnik A., Kolotov V.
Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Molybdenum(VI) using 3-hydroxy-2-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-4-pyrazolyl]-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran as a Chelating Agent
Agnihotri R., Singh A., Agnihotri N.
Luminescence Determination of Copper(I), Silver(I), Gold(I), and Platinum(II) Using 2-Mercapto-5-Benzimidazolesulfonic Acid, also Immobilized on a Silica Surface
Didukh S., Kashkevich A., Trofimchuk A., Siryk E., Losev V., Metelitsa S.
Validation of an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry method for the determination of major elements in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Velasco S., Ortiz L., Rodríguez M., Rebolé A., Treviño J., Benito T., Gómez-Pinilla I., López-Andrés S.
Adsorption-photometric determination of iron using silica with nitroso-R salt and nitroso-N salt functional groups
Didukh S., Losev V., Mukhina A., Maksimov N., Trofimchuk A.
Determination of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in micellar and aqueous–organic media using a spectrophotometric biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase
Rodionov P., Alieva E., Sergeeva E., Veselova I., Shekhovtsova T.
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