
Application of microemulsions to the recovery, preconcentration, and determination of ten surfactants from various soils
Tolmacheva N., Zhang M., Pirogov A., Popik M., Shpigun O.
Cleaning of extracts of cereal crop samples with aluminosilicate in the determination of pesticides by gas chromatography with mass-spectrometric detection
Oskotskaya E., Gribanov E., Saunina I.
Determination of unsaturated fatty acids with a migrating double bond in complex biological matrices by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometry detection
Ivankin A., Oliferenko G., Kulikovskii A., Chernukha I., Semenova A., Spiridonov K., Nasonova V.
Modeling of a new chromatographic system using the IONCHROM software and the choice of the optimum mode of chromatographic analysis
Dolgonosov A., Prudkovskii A., Kolotilina N.
Hydrophilic interaction chromatography as an alternative to reversed-phase HPLC in determining anthocyanins and betacyanins
Deineka V., Saenko I., Deineka L., Blinova I.
Modified Vortex-assisted Surfactant-enhanced Emulsification Microextraction using Methyl Benzoate for the Preconcentration of Fungicides in Fruit Juice Samples and Determination by High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Yanawath Santaladchaiyakit , Sadchaiyaphum J., Phannorit N., Lekyoung C., Chumwangwapee N., Srijaranai S.
Rapid Identification and Determination of N-Nitrosamines in Food Products by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–High Resolution Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry by Exact Masses of Protonated Molecules
Amelin V., Bol’shakov D.
Simultaneous Determination of Diclofenac and Esomeprazole by Reversed phase Liquid Chromatography, Dual Wavelength and Derivative Spectrophotometry
Mokhtar M. Mabrouk , Hammad S., Mansour F., El-Khateeb B.
Determination of Andarine (S-4), a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, and Ibutamoren (MK-677), a Nonpeptide Growth Hormone Secretagogue, in Urine by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass-Spectrometric Detection
Dmitrieva E., Temerdashev A., Azaryan A., Gashimova E.
Separation of β-Blocker Enantiomers on Silica Modified with Gold Nanoparticles with Immobilized Macrocyclic Antibiotic Vancomicin
Anan’eva I., Polyakova Y., Shapovalova E., Mazhuga A., Shpigun O.
Application of Mutually Complimentary Analytical Methods to Investigating the Composition of Organic Residues of Ancient Amphorae from Panticapaeum
Pojidaev V., Sergeeva Y., Retivov V., Belus’ S., Yatsishina E., Kashkarov P.
Adsorption and selective properties of 4-{4-[4(S)-2-methyl-1-butoxybenzoyloxy]phenyldiazenyl}benzaldehyde in gas–mesophase chromatography
Kuvshinova S., Kuvshinov G., Koifman O.
Determination partition coefficients of volatile organic substances in the system liquid–air for the creation of calibration gas-phase samples with trace concentrations of substances
Malysheva A., Baldin M., Gruznov V.
Using additional standards for increasing the accuracy of quantitative chromatographic analysis
Zenkevich I., Prokof’ev D.
Separation of β-blocker and amino acid enantiomers on a mixed chiral sorbent modified with macrocyclic antibiotics eremomycin and vancomycin
Fedorova I., Shapovalova E., Shpigun O.
Influence of modifying cobalt(II) chloride additive on the selectivity of stationary phases in gas chromatography
Rodinkov O., Zhuravleva G., Moskvin L.
Effect of 3-methyl-1-cetylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid on the electrophoretic preconcentration of steroid hormones
Bessonova E., Kartsova L., Gallyamova V.
Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of tetrodotoxin in water, drugs, and blood plasma
Stan’kov I., Kondrat’ev V., Derevyagina I., Morozova O., Selivanova V., Semchenko F., Rufanov K., Dvoretskaya S.
From Liquid–Gas Chromatography to a Chromatomembrane Mass-Exchange Process
Moskvin L., Rodinkov O.
Effects of the Discrimination of Sample Composition with the Use of Split Injection into Gas Chromatographic Capillary Columns
Zenkevich I., Olisov D.
Nano Ion Exchangers as Modifiers of Chromatographic Phases and Sources of Analytical Signal
Dolgonosov A., Khamizov R., Kolotilina N.
Identification of Spillages of Semi-Volatile Hydrocarbon Fuels in Soils by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Bolotnik T., Plyushchenko I., Smolenkov A., Pirogov A., Popik M., Shpigun O.
Determination of Tetracyclines in Milk, Eggs and Honey Using in-situ Ionic Liquid Based Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction
Kaynaker M., Antep M., Merdivan M.
Development of Standard Reference Samples of Aqueous Fullerene Dispersions
Mikheev I., Kareev I., Bubnov V., Volkov D., Korobov M., Proskurnin M.
Application of high-performance liquid chromatography to the determination of the concentration of lichen secondary metabolites
Prokopiev I., Shavarda A., Filippova G., Shein A.
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