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Issue Title File
Vol 53, No 11 (2017) Erratum to: “Determination of the principal parameter of ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength of lightweight concrete by using variance method”
Tanyildizi H., Coskun A.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) Erratum to: “Thermal nondestructive testing of thermal-barrier coatings of turbine buckets”
Vavilov V.P., Marinetti S., Cernuschi F., Robba D.
Vol 53, No 3 (2017) Estimating the depth of surface flaws by penetrant testing
Delenkovsky N.V., Gnusin A.B.
Vol 53, No 2 (2017) Estimating the efficiency of two algorithms for segmentation of digital radiation images of test objects
Vorobeichikov S.E., Fokin V.A., Udod V.A., Temnik A.K.
Vol 52, No 12 (2016) Estimating the humidity of wood by terahertz infrared thermography
Chulkov A.O., Pradere C., Puiggali J.R., Batsale J.C., Vavilov V.P.
Vol 54, No 8 (2018) Estimating the Influence of Quantum Noises on the Quality of Material Identification by the Dual-Energy Method
Udod V.A., Osipov S.P., Wang Y.
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) Estimating the Probability of Detecting a Delamination in the Wall of Equipment Depending on the Set of Used Methods of Nondestructive Testing and Ways of Its Improvement
Rastegaev I.A., Gomera V.P., Tyupin S.A., Smirnov A.D., Grigor’eva A.V.
Vol 53, No 1 (2017) Estimating the probability of flaw detection by modeling processes of image generation and interpretation
Kosarina E.I., Stepanov A.V.
Vol 53, No 2 (2017) Estimating the strength of welded hull elements of a submersible based on the micromechanical model of temporal dependences of acoustic-emission parameters
Nosov V.V., Zelenskii N.A.
Vol 53, No 3 (2017) Estimation of the sensitivity of acoustic reflectometry to flaws in heat-exchange pipes
Murav’eva O.V., Strizhak V.A., Pryakhin A.V.
Vol 55, No 10 (2019) Evaluating Damage Accumulated in Car Wheelset Axle Journals by the Ultrasonic Method Using Rayleigh and Head Waves
Murav’ev V.V., Gushchina L.V., Kazantsev S.V.
Vol 53, No 2 (2017) Evaluating parameters of semiconductors from their microwave reflection spectra in a wide temperature range
Usanov D.A., Postel’ga A.E., Gurov K.A.
Vol 55, No 4 (2019) Evaluating Specific Electrical Conductivity of Two-Layered Nonmagnetic Objects by Pulsed Eddy-Current Method
Terekhin I.V., Slavinskaya E.A.
Vol 52, No 12 (2016) Evaluating the level of residual stresses in anisotropic electric steel
Korzunin G.S., Lobanov M.L., Lobanova L.V.
Vol 53, No 2 (2017) Evaluating the structure of a ferromagnetic material based on magnetic-field strength between the poles of an attached two-pole magnetizing device
Zakharov V.A., Molin S.M., Len’kov S.V.
Vol 55, No 4 (2019) Evaluation of Damage Degree of Inconel 718 Alloy with the Use of Non-Destructive Methods
Krysztofik J., Kukla D., Manaj W., Socha G.
Vol 54, No 2 (2018) Evaluation of the Size and Type of Flaws in a Railhead
Markov A.A., Mosyagin V.V.
Vol 52, No 7 (2016) Exact solution of one problem of magnetostatics in bipolar coordinates (continued)
Dyakin V.V., Kudryashova O.V., Raevskii V.Y.
Vol 53, No 12 (2017) Examination of Reflection from a Disk using Linear Phased Array Probe in Immersion Mode
Mirchev Y.N., Chukachev P.H., Mihovski M.M.
Vol 53, No 4 (2017) Examining the Experience of Revealing Delayed Deformation Corrosion Cracking
Razygraev A.N., Razygraev N.P., Dikov I.A.
Vol 52, No 12 (2016) Excitation of a circular-aperture transducer with an echo pulse reflected from a spherical surface
Perov D.V., Nemytova O.V., Rinkevich A.B.
Vol 54, No 10 (2018) Experimental Determination of Critical Fields of 90-Degree Domain Wall Displacement in Plastically Deformed Low-Carbon Steels
Kuleev V.G., Stashkov A.N., Tsar’kova T.P., Nichipuruk A.P.
Vol 52, No 12 (2016) Experimental research into possibilities and peculiarities of ultrasonic testing of additive manufactured parts
Aleshin N.P., Murashov V.V., Shchipakov N.A., Krasnov I.S., Lozhkova D.S.
Vol 54, No 6 (2018) Experimental Research of SAW-Sensors Applied to Atmospheric Leak Hunting
Maslennikov A.V., Zubkov I.L., Sazhin S.G.
Vol 52, No 6 (2016) Experimental study of directional characteristics of a pulsed laser thermoacoustic radiator
Gurevich S.Y., Petrov Y.V., Golubev E.V., Karasev O.V.
151 - 175 of 405 Items << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >> 

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