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卷 20, 编号 4 (2017)


Motion decomposition, frame-indifferent derivatives, and constitutive relations at large displacement gradients from the viewpoint of multilevel modeling

Trusov P., Shveykin A., Yanz A.


Widespread approaches to generalizing geometrically linear constitutive relations to the case of large displacement gradients have been considered. These approaches are based on the replacement of the material derivatives of stress and strain tensors by frame-indifferent corotational or convective derivatives. The correctness of choosing the indifferent derivatives is analyzed from a more general viewpoint of motion decomposition into rigid and strain-induced motion. It is shown that the use of the Zaremba-Jaumann derivative in constitutive relations corresponds to motion decomposition by the Cauchy-Helmholtz theorem according to which instantaneous rigid rotation of a material particle with small neighborhood is described by the vorticity tensor. The relations derived with the use of the so-called "logarithmic spin" are analyzed. It is noted that the spin tensors entering into these relations are not associated with the material fibers (in particular with the symmetry axes of anisotropic materials) during the entire studied process of deformation. Hence these spins do not describe the rotation of the reference frame (crystallographic one for metals) in which the material property tensor is defined. A new method of motion decomposition is proposed on the basis of a two-level (macro and meso) approach for single and polycrystalline metals. The mesoscopic spin is determined by the rotation rate of the corotational coordinate system associated with the crystallographic direction and crystallographic plane. Mesoscopic constitutive relations are formulated using the proposed spin. The spin of a representative macrovolume is determined by averaging the spins of the crystallites contained in this volume. This spin is used to formulate rate-type elastic constitutive equations. Examples are given to illustrate the stress state determination for loading along closed strain paths and two-segment paths for isotropic and anisotropic (with cubic symmetry, hcp) elastic materials, and an elastoviscoplastic fcc crystallite. The determination is carried out by using the corotational derivatives in the constitutive relations which are obtained by different motion decomposition methods.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):357-376
pages 357-376 views

On motion decomposition and constitutive relations in geometrically nonlinear elastoviscoplasticity of crystallites

Trusov P., Shveykin A.


The formulation of geometrically nonlinear boundary value problems is a necessary component in modeling real technological processes of thermomechanical material processing, wherein the main issues are the description of nonlinear kinematics and the formulation of constitutive relations. Most of the existing works do not explicitly consider the used method of motion decomposition that implies the extraction of the part responsible for quasi-rigid motion from the motion of a deformed solid. On our opinion, when choosing a method of motion decomposition and the corresponding corotational frame, the latter must be associated with the material to correctly describe the loading history and symmetry properties of the modeled body. Note that crystalline materials (including metals and alloys) at different scale levels are always anisotropic to a certain extent, and their properties can differ significantly in different directions. Even initially isotropic (at the level of the representative macrovolume) polycrystalline materials also become anisotropic under severe plastic deformation due to texturing. A multilevel approach allows the determination of symmetry elements (planes and axes of symmetry) at the crystallite level in metals, and we propose to relate these elements to the axes of the corotational frame that defines quasi-rigid motion. A new way of motion decomposition is proposed, namely, a multiplicative representation of the deformation gradient with an explicit extraction of the corotational frame motion. Elastoviscoplastic constitutive relations are formulated in terms of a stress free configuration. As the used stresses and strains are energetically conjugate, the requirements of no stress hysteresis and no energy dissipation in arbitrary closed elastic strain cycles are automatically satisfied, which is exemplified for anisotropic crystals. ©hus, an approach is proposed for the construction of geometrically nonlinear kinematic and constitutive relations for metal crystallites using a physically justified method of motion decomposition, with taking into account the symmetry properties of materials.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):377-391
pages 377-391 views

Identification of gradient elasticity parameters based on interatomic interaction potentials accounting for modified Lorentz-Berthelot rules

Lurie S., Solyaev Y.


The identification algorithm developed here for scale parameters of gradient elasticity combines solutions for a deformed heterogeneous composite fragment in a continuous one-dimensional model and for a diatomic chain in a discrete atomistic model. For the identification, the models are taken equivalent and the effective stiffnesses of equivalent composite fragments are compared. In the discrete model, only the nearest neighbor atoms interact and the interaction between dissimilar atoms are determined by a modified Lorentz-Berthelot rule. As a result, the effective stiffness of the discrete composite represented as a nonuniform atomic chain is found. The continuous model is a gradient one and takes into account nonlocal effects in the volume and adhesive properties of phase boundaries. The problem of determining the effective stiffness of a composite fragment is solved analytically in the one-dimensional approximation. The study is aimed to develop a procedure of identifying the scale parameters of gradient theories such that the parameters would be independent of the choice of potentials used in discrete modeling. On the example of modeling using the Morse and Lennard-Jones potentials, we propose an identification methodology invariant with respect to the choice of potentials. It is shown that the invariance is provided if the potentials in discrete modeling are coincided in the vicinity of equilibrium points. It is demonstrated that for unambiguous determination of the scale parameters of gradient elasticity, it suffices to use the simplest two-parameter potentials approximating any other potentials subject to equal equilibrium bond distances and equal second derivatives at the equilibrium point (i.e., force constants). An example of identifying the gradient elasticity parameters is presented for a two-phase W-Si composite.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):392-398
pages 392-398 views

Metastable states, relaxation mechanisms, and fracture of liquids under severe loading conditions

Zubareva A., Utkin A., Uvarov S., Naimark O., Bannikova I.


The relaxation properties and fracture of glycerol, silicone oil, transformer oil, and water have been studied experimentally under shock wave loading. The power-law strain rate dependences of the stress amplitude and spall strength were found for the compression and rarefaction fronts, respectively. It was shown that temperature has a strong influence on the spall strength of glycerol near the phase transformation temperature. The power laws reflect a self-similar nature of the momentum transfer and fracture mechanisms of liquids that are conventionally observed in solids and governed by the mechanisms of defect-induced structural relaxation. The mechanisms of viscoelasticity are related to the metastable states that may give rise to a collective behavior of displacement field fluctuations (microshearing) in liquids and thus provide a viscoplastic response of liquids under high strain rate loading.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):399-406
pages 399-406 views

Computation of effective resistivity in materials with microinclusions by a heterogeneous multiscale finite element method

Epov M., Shurina E., Kutischeva A.


In this paper, we propose a numerical method to obtain an effective electrical resistivity of heterogeneous media under the influence of a direct current. The heterogeneous multiscale finite element method is used to solve the direct problem of simulation of an electrostatic field. The computational experiments using the developed software complex showed that even the small inclusion concentrations define the effective resistivity of the media. In addition, the change in the localization, orientation, and geometrical shape of inclusions also leads to a significant change of the effective properties of the media.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):407-416
pages 407-416 views

Mesoscale plastic flow instability in a solid under high-rate deformation

Khantuleva T., Meshcheryakov Y.


Here we consider high-rate deformation in solids in the context of a nonlocal transport theory, present a dynamic stress-strain diagram with elastic and plastic portions defined from a single standpoint, determine the conditions for pulse stress accumulation, and propose a mathematical model of momentum and energy exchange between scales and an instability criterion for transient plastic flow under shock loading. Phe instability criterion for high-rate deformation is verified by the example of shock loading of high-strength 30CrNi4Mo steel.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):417-424
pages 417-424 views

Micropolar beam model for nanocrystalline material consisting of linear chains of atoms

Sargsyan S.


A discrete model of a linear chain of atoms has been developed with regard to the noncentral and rotational (moment) interactions between atoms. The transition from a discrete to continuous model is performed. It is shown that the obtained continuous model of a chain of atoms coincides with the model of the applied micropolar beam model. Lagrangians for the discrete and continuous models of linear chains of atoms are constructed.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):425-431
pages 425-431 views

Dynamics of the coefficient of friction between a rigid conical indenter and a viscoelastic foundation under step-wise change of sliding velocity

Dimaki A., Popov V.


We numerically calculated the coefficient of friction between a rigid cone and a viscoelastic Kelvin body under step-wise change of the velocity of sliding. The time dependence of the coefficient of friction has been empirically approximated. We show that the transition process has different character for the cases of increasing and decreasing of the sliding velocity.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):432-437
pages 432-437 views

Synthesis of ceramic composites using three-dimensional nanostructuring (reinforcement) of alumina matrix with TiN and SiC nanostructures and study of their mechanical properties

Zemtsova E., Monin A., Smirnov V., Semenov B., Morozov N.


The paper considers a new 3D nanostructuring technology of next-genergtion ceramic composites based on a ceramic matrix reinforced with titanium nitride (TiN) gnd silicon carbide (diC). Research data are reported on the formation of TiN and diC nanostructures on the surface of disperse alumina during successive gas chemisorption of organic Ti(N(CH3)2)4 (tetrakis-dimethylamino-titanium, TDMAT) and ammonia NH3 in the first case and Cl2Si(CH3)2 and methane CH4 in the second. Such chemisorption increases the number of surface-attached Ti-N groups crystallized on annealing at 1100°C with the formation of a TiN or a SiC nanoparticle layer. According to X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, TiN nanoparticles with an average size of about 40 nm are formed on the surface of alumina particles after TDMAT and NH3 treatment for 2 h and subsequent annealing at 1100°C. The mechanical properties of compacted α-A12O3-based ceramics reinforced with TiN and SiC nanoparticles excel the properties of the best ceramic materials provided by different manufacturers.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):438-446
pages 438-446 views

The effect of thermal aging on the strength and the thermoelectric power of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy

Carreon H., San Martin D., Caballero F., Panin V.


When the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is overaged at 500-600°C, nanometer-sized α2 (Ti3Al) particles can be homogeneously precipitated inside a phases, thereby leading to strength improvement. Widmanstätten and equiaxed microstructures containing fine α2 (Ti3Al) particles were obtained by overaging the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Precipitation of α2 (Ti3Al) particles was monitored using thermoelectric power measurements for different aging conditions in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Overaging heat treatments were conducted at 515, 545 and 575°C for different aging times. In addition, overaging samples were examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and hardness measurements. It was found that the thermoelectric power is very sensitive to the aging process in the two studied Ti-6Al-4V structures.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):447-456
pages 447-456 views

Fracture investigation of V-notch made of tungsten-copper functionally graded materials

Mohammadi H., Salavati H., Alizadeh Y., Berto F., Panin S.


The fracture of V-notches with end holes made of tungsten-copper functionally graded material under mode I has been studied in this paper. The averaged strain energy density over a well-defined control volume was employed to predict the fracture loads. A numerical approach was used to determine the outer boundary of the control volume. Mechanical properties such as elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, fracture toughness KIc, and ultimate tensile stress have been considered to obey the power law function through the specimen width.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):457-464
pages 457-464 views

Simulation of sintering of low-temperature ceramic products formed by additive technology

Leitsin V., Ponomarev S., Dmitrieva M., Ivonin I., Tyryshkin I.


Computer simulation methods have been applied to study the processes of low-temperature ceramics synthesis corresponding to technological processes. The simulation is performed for micron- and nanosized powders with different morphology. The synthesized composite medium has the characteristics (microlayer thickness, pore volume fraction, etc.) that reflect imperfections in the initial dispersion. The developed model allows one to examine the governing factors of physical and chemical processes in low-temperature ceramics synthesis.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):465-471
pages 465-471 views

Effect of local curvature of the coating-substrate interface on deformation and fracture of ceramic coatings under uniaxial tension

Shugurov A., Panin A.


Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy have been applied to study the fracture of SiAlN coatings on Cu substrates under uniaxial tension. It is shown that coating spalling occurs in the zones of local curvature of the SiAlN-Cu interface which form due to dislocation glide in the substrate. Preliminary ion bombardment of the substrate suppresses dislocation-induced kinking at the coating-substrate interface and increases the adhesive strength of the coatings, thus preventing their edge delamination. At the same time, the wavy coatingsubstrate interface resulting from ion bombardment gives rise to normal stresses that lead to the buckling and spalling of the coatings in the zones of positive local curvature of the interface.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):472-479
pages 472-479 views

Retraction Note

Retraction Note: “An indirect evidence of piezonuclear fission reactions: Geomechanical and geochemical evolution in the Earth’s crust”

Carpinteri A., Manuello A.


The Editor-in-Chief is retracting this article [1] because it contains a significant amount of overlap with [2].

Physical Mesomechanics. 2017;20(4):480-480
pages 480-480 views