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Vol 21, No 5 (2018)


On the Dynamics of the Material with Transformed Microstructure

Morozov N.F., Indeitsev D.A., Semenov B.N., Vakulenko S.A., Skubov D.Y., Lukin A.V., Popov I.A., Vavilov D.S.


Numerous experimental studies on shock wave loading of metals have shown by electron microscopy that the crystal structure of the material can undergo transformation in a certain impactor velocity range. At the macroscale, these changes are observed as energy losses associated with the formation of a new structure. The losses are manifested on the time-velocity profile of the rear target surface which contains key information about the material properties. In this paper, a two-component model of a material with a nonlinear internal interaction force is proposed for the description of structural transformations, taking into account the periodic structure of the material. Dynamic equations are written with respect to the motion of the center of mass of the components acting as a measured macroparameter, as well as with respect to their relative displacement serving as the internal degree of freedom responsible for structural transformations. The proposed model is applied to solve a quasi-static problem of the kinematic extension of a two-component rod in order to determine the parameters of a nonmonotonic stressstrain curve, which is often used in describing materials subjected to phase transformations. By solving a dynamic problem of nonstationary impact on the material by a short rectangular pulse, the effect of nonstationary wave damping is demonstrated which is associated with the wave energy dissipation in structural changes of the material. An analytical expression is obtained on the basis of a continuous-discrete analogy for estimating the duration of structural transformations and the parameter characterizing the internal interaction force between the components. The conclusions are confirmed by a numerical solution of a nonlinear Cauchy problem within the finite difference framework.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):379-389
pages 379-389 views

Lattice Curvature, Shear Bands, and Electroplastic Effect

Egorushkin V.E., Panin V.E., Panin A.V.


In a solid under severe plastic deformation, strain localization develops through shear bands with alternating translations and plastic rotations induced by high lattice curvature. The charge in such plastic rotations is split, forming new electronic states, and stress concentrators arise in their regions due to entropy production via convection. For removing such stress concentrators as a source of cracks, materials can be exposed to rf pulses to destroy charges localized in plastic rotations, provide stress relaxation, and preclude cracking. Here we consider the separation of intrinsic charges in shear bands and the relaxation of mechanical stresses under plastic deformation in a high-frequency pulsed electric field. Expressions are presented for the charges and stresses in plastic rotations, and the stress relief responsible for electroplasticity is explained in the context of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect and convection currents in applied electric fields. The study shows that crystals with polarization in charge separation zones come under the action of induction and displacement currents which arise in variable external fields, inducing a magnetic field in plastic rotations. The magnetic field creates a self-electric field and displacement current, and associated entropy production changes the mechanical stresses in plastic rotations as a polar electroplastic effect. The estimates made agree with the observed electroplastic effect in the order of magnitude and in the behavior of stress-strain curves.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):390-395
pages 390-395 views

Mesoscopic Structural States in Plastically Deformed Nanostructured Metal Materials

Panin V.E., Surikova N.S., Smirnova A.S., Pochivalov Y.I.


The paper presents experimental data which substantiate the fundamental role of mesoscopic states in plastic deformation as applied to nanostructured metal materials. Such mesoscopic states in a deformed nanostructured material arise at the interstices of lattice curvature zones due to the loss of its translation invariance, abnormally high concentration of nonequilibrium vacancies, and permanent changes in its electronic subsystem. The main mode of plastic deformation in nanostructured materials is noncrystallographic motion of point defects via plastic distortion. There can be also dynamic rotations, structural phase transitions, and formation of nonequilibrium phases absent in phase diagrams. If nonequilibrium vacancies coalesce, nanostructured materials display low plasticity; otherwise, they become superplastic.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):396-400
pages 396-400 views

Translation-Rotation Plastic Flow in Polycrystals under Creep

Egorushkin V.E., Panin V.E.


Grain boundary sliding is the primary process of plastic flow in polycrystals under creep which is accommodated by multiscale translation-rotation modes of intragranular plastic deformation. The steady stage of creep is characterized by constant creep rates which is related to slow rotation of sliding dislocations and material mesofragmentation. The rate of the tertiary creep is being increased which is related to the similarity of grain boundary sliding and plastic flow within near-boundary zones, where high lattice curvature arises. Here we develop a nonlinear theory of micro, meso- and macroscale plastic flow and propose a constitutive equation for its velocity, rotation modes, local irreversible stress, temperature, and heat and mass flux densities with regard to structural transformation. The theory agrees well with experimental data on multiscale translationrotation in Al polycrystals under creep, suggesting that fracture in tertiary creep is caused by a multiscale increase in lattice curvature in a deformable polycrystal. Fracture is initiated at the interface of grain boundary sliding and near-boundary regions where lattice curvature results in cracks.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):401-410
pages 401-410 views

Lattice Curvature and Mesoscopic Strain-Induced Defects as the Basis of Plastic Deformation in Ultrafine-Grained Metals

Panin V.E., Kuznetsov P.V., Rakhmatulina T.V.


Here, in the context of space, time, and energy, we analyze the nanoscale mesosubstructure of ultrafinegrained nickel and copper after equal channel angular pressing and subsequent rolling and its changes after lowtemperature annealing. The analysis, including scanning tunnel microscopy and positron lifetime spectroscopy, shows that the basis for plastic deformation in such materials is provided by their lattice curvature and associated nanoscale mesoscopic strain-induced defects. Under equal channel angular pressing and rolling, for example, these structural elements increase the role of nonequilibrium point defects, plastic distortion, and low-angle subboundaries. We also analyze the energy of internal interfaces (grain boundaries) estimated from dihedral angles of etch grooves of different scales and their relative energy from cumulative energy distribution functions. In ultrafinegrained nickel, the integral energy distribution function is Gaussian both after equal channel angular and rolling and after further low-temperature annealing, and this is because of the presence of low-angle subboundaries. In ultrafine-grained copper, the integral energy distribution function is Gaussian after equal channel angular pressing and rolling, and after low-temperature annealing it assumes a power form because of the absence of lattice curvature and low-angle subboundaries. Both metals reveal vacancy clusters due to their lattice curvature and to dissolved low-angle subboundaries. In ultrafine-grained copper at T> 180°C, dynamic recrystallization occurs as nonequilibrium low-angle subboundaries inside nanograins are dissolved. It is the lattice curvature that controls the formation and evolution of mesoscopic substructures on different scales under low-temperature annealing.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):411-418
pages 411-418 views

Identification and Space-Time Evolution of Vortex-Like Motion of Atoms in a Loaded Solid

Dmitriev A.I., Nikonov A.Y., Filippov A.E., Popov V.L.


The paper studies the redistribution of internal stresses and atomic displacements in a preloaded copper crystallite using the molecular dynamics method. It is shown that relaxation within the crystallite volume is accompanied by the formation of dynamic structures in which atomic displacements produce a coherent system of vortex lines. In so doing, the displacement of atoms in neighboring vortex structures has the opposite sign of the angular velocities. The evolution of the dynamic vortex structures is analyzed using an original technique for identifying the vortex motion in the space of a vector variable with a discrete step. It is shown that a system of dynamic vortices and antivortices can propagate inside the crystallite, ensuring the transfer of stresses from the bulk of the loaded material to its unloaded periphery in order to preserve continuity. The developed technique has revealed that the lifetime of such defects depends on their size and ranges from fractions to tens of picoseconds. The simulation results correlate well with the experimental electron microscopy data on the estimation of spatial parameters and lattice curvature during strain localization in the region of elastic distortions.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):419-429
pages 419-429 views

Formation of a Multilevel Hierarchical Mesosubstructure by Cross Rolling and Its Influence on the Mechanical Behavior of Austenitic Steel

Surikova N.S., Panin V.E., Narkevich N.A., Mishin I.P., Gordienko A.I.


A multilevel hierarchical mesosubstructure is experimentally shown to form in metastable austenitic steel subjected to multipass cross rolling in the temperature range 950-75№C. A multilayer mesosubstructure with highly refined grains, changed grain geometry and microhardness builds up between the macro- and microlevels. Its outer layer has a finely dispersed structure and the highest microhardness Hμ = 3400 MPa. The two underlying layers are composed of globular grains 0.9 μm in diameter and exhibit the respective close microhardnesses 3100 and 3000 MPa. The near-axial layer has elongated grains of a fiber-band structure with nanosized width. Between the micro- and nanolevels, a nanosized hierarchical mesosubstructure is formed in all band structures, with the mesosubstructure of nanosized carbides and cardonitrides precipitated at low-angle boundaries. Despite a certain decrease in the steel plasticity in uniaxial tension, such a multilevel mesosubstructure causes a multiple increase in its fatigue life. The formation of hierarchical mesosubstructures is associated with the mechanism of plastic distortion under the conditions of the crystal lattice curvature, when bifurcational structural states arise in its interstices. Multilevel hierarchical mesosubstructures have a strong positive effect on the mechanical behavior of solids, by increasing their strength, wear resistance, and fatigue life.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):430-440
pages 430-440 views

Multiscale Deformation of Commercial Titanium and Ti一6Al-4V Alloy Subjected to Electron Beam Surface Treatment

Panin A.V., Kazachenok M.S., Perevalova O.B., Sinyakova E.A., Krukovsky K.V., Martynov S.A.


The paper studies the effect of electron beam irradiation on the surface morphology, microstructure, and phase transformations in the surface layers of commercial titanium and titanium alloy Ti-6Nl-4V. It has been found that the plastic deformation of the modified surface layers under uniaxial tension of the studied specimens occurs at several scale levels. The main plastic deformation mechanism of the modified surface layers is shear induced by the maximum tangential stresses. The dislocation deformation mechanisms effectively accommodate the material rotation caused by the displacement of one part of the crystal relative to the other. Noncrystallographic shear banding in the surface layer with a nonequilibrium martensitic structure is associated with plastic lattice distortion and with reversible structural phase transformations.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):441-451
pages 441-451 views

Multiscale Mechanism of Fatigue Fracture of Ti—6A1-4V Titanium Alloy within the Mesomechanical Space-Time-Energy Approach

Panin V.E., Surikova N.S., Lider A.M., Bordulev Y.S., Ovechkin B.B., Khayrullin R.R., Vlasov I.V.


Ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) of alloy Ti-6Al-4V (VT6) causes a high lattice curvature, nanostructuring of thin surface layers, and the formation of complex band structures of T Al pre-precipitates in the a phase of the underlying sublayer, as well as the formation of the martensitic a ' phase. In so doing, the fatigue life of the alloy increases only by a factor of 1.3 due to the negative influence of complex band structures. Positron annihilation spectroscopy revealed a nonequilibrium vacancy concentration in the treated surface layer equal to 10-5, which is by five orders of magnitude greater than the equilibrium vacancy concentration. This makes possible reversible structural transformations through plastic distortion under cyclic loading of VT6 and underlies the increase in fatigue life. There is a convergence of the electron energy distribution curves for VT6 + UIT and Al obtained from the Doppler broadening spectra of annihilation radiation. This result suggests the formation of Ti-Ti-Al clusters and Ti3Al pre-precipitates in etch-resistant banded structures. Hydrogen charging of the ultrasonically treated VT6 surface layers leads to a 4-fold decrease in the fatigue life of the material. This effect is due to the formation of α"-phase martensite laths in the a phase which rearranges the hcp lattice into an orthorhombic structure under the functional influence of hydrogen, with the segregation of vanadium atoms in the α"-phase bands. The segregation causes a convergence of the electron energy distribution curves of VT6 + UIT + HN and V, as evidenced by the Doppler broadening spectra of annihilation radiation. Bundles of α"-phase bands reinforce the nanostructured surface layer, which drastically reduces the fatigue life of the alloy. Its microhardness in the zone of fatigue fracture greatly increases. The multiscale structural analysis of fatigue fracture is carried out on the basis of the mesomechanical space-time-energy approach.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):452-463
pages 452-463 views

Structural Scale Levels of Plastic Deformation and Fracture of High-Strength Titanium Alloy Welds

Panin V.E., Panin S.V., Pochivalov Y.I., Smirnova A.S., Eremin A.V.


Structural scale levels of plastic deformation and fracture of welded joints have been studied for two high-strength titanium alloys with a low (VT18U alloy) and a high (VT23 alloy) content of the bcc ß phase. Ultrasonic forging and its combination with high-current pulsed electron beam treatment were used to activate nanoscale structural levels of deformation and fracture in welds in order to increase the fatigue life of welded structures. Ultrasonic forging provides an effective dispersion and nanostructuring of surface layers in the VT18U welded joints with a 4.6-fold increase in their fatigue life. The dispersion and nanostructuring of the VT23 laser welded joints is achieved only by ultrasonic forging combined with high-current electric pulse treatment, in which longitudinal dispersion of ß bands occurs with the formation of orthorhombic a " nanolaths. In so doing, the fatigue life of the VT23 welds increases twice, but the effect depends on the power of the high-current generator and electrical pulse parameters. The fracture micrographs of the treated VT23 welded joints reveal nanofibrous bands responsible for ductile fracture and for the reduction of the fatigue crack growth rate. The structural changes and the increase in the fatigue life of the studied titanium alloy welds are associated with the activation of nanoscale structural levels of deformation and fracture induced by ultrasonic forging or by its combination with high-current pulsed electron beam treatment.

Physical Mesomechanics. 2018;21(5):464-474
pages 464-474 views

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