卷 21, 编号 6 (2016)


Experience of the use of mitotan in the combined treatment of adrenocortical cancer

Dedov I., Melnichenko G., Beltsevich D., Alexeev B., Gorbunova V., Perevodchikova N., Rayhman A., Gildeeva G.


In this article we both summarized the knowledge about epidemiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of adrenocortical cancer (ACC) and discussed treatment issues and main management mistakes. Despite the poor prognosis of the disease, options for the advanced treatment of ACC patients with differentiated approach can significantly improve the overall and disease-free survival rate. In this connection the question arises about the multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of ACC patients with the inclusion of maximum and timely set measures: surgical, drug (mitotan therapy, chemotherapy, replacement and supportive therapy) and radiation therapy.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):284-292
pages 284-292 views

Efficacy and safety of aranoza-based therapy in neuroendocrine neoplasms. Prognostic role of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase expression in tumor tissue

Polozkova S., Gorbunova V., Delektorskaya V., Orel N., Kozlov N., Kuzminov A., Markovich A., Odintsova A., Emelyanova G., Stepanova E., Kuznetsova A.


Aranoza (3-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-1-methyl-nitrosourea) is nitrosourea derivative, as streptozotocin STZ. O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is an enzyme involved in chemotherapy resistance to alkalyting agents. Material and methods. There were observed 117patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) received Aranoza-based therapy. They included 52 cases with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (P-NETs), 52 patients with non-pancreatic (notP-NETs, 13 NET patients with metastases without revealed primary tumor focus). There was investigated the radiologic response to the treatment according to Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) Score, version 1.0), biochemical response, median progression-free survival (PFS) by Kaplan-Meier estimator), toxicity (according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE), version 3.0) and the impact of MGMT expression (immunohistochemistry method) in tumor tissue on the efficacy of the treatment. Results. Objective response rate (ORR) in PNET cases accounted for 39% (20/52) whereas in nonP-NETpatients - 12% (6/52) (p = 0.0032). Median PFS accounted for 15.3 months in PNET patients and 16.6 months in non-PNET cases (p = 0.78). The most common types of the toxicity grade III-IV included thrombocytopenia (17from 871 courses) and neutropenia (11 from 871 courses). In samples of the tumor tissue the lack of MGMT expression was observed in 29 out of 35 P-NET cases, 12 out of 31 non-PNET cases (p = 0,0006). Objective response was recorded in 20 of 44 patients with MGMT-deficient tumors and in 1 out of 27patients with MGMT intact tumors (p = 0.0001). In the lack and presence of the MGMT expression in the tumor tissue median PFS accounted for 20.6 months and 14.4 months correspondingly (p = 0,022). Conclusion. Aranoza-based therapy demonstrated an antitumor activity and good safety profile in NENpatientss. MGMT deficiency in PNETs was more common than in non-PNETs and explained the susceptibility of some PNETs to treatment.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):293-299
pages 293-299 views

Indices of endothelial function in patients with cancer of the digestive tract

Olzhayev S., Lazarev A., Shoykhet Y.


The aim of the study was the determination of the degree of the pronouncement of the endothelial dysfunction in patients with stomach, pancreatic and liver cancer. Results of clinical-laboratory and instrumental observation of 295 patients with stomach, pancreatic and liver cancer were analysed. The study included 122 patients with stomach cancer, including 87 (71.3%) men and 35 (28.7%) women, aged of 62.2 ± 2.3 years. Pancreatic cancer (95 cases) was found in 52 (54.7%) men and 43 (45.3%) women, aged of 61.7 ± 2.1 years. Patients with liver cancer were presented by 57 (73.1%) men and 21 (26.9%) women, aged of 62.2 ± 3.0 years. The following methods were used: determination of the content of the desquamed endotheliocytes in blood according to Hladovec J. et al.; the maintenance of a von Willebrandfactor (VWF) in serum; Doppler echocardiography test with a reactive hyperemic response of the brachial artery. There was noted the significant increase both of the maintenance of the circulating endotheliocytes and VWF and the decrease in endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in all groups of patients with malignancy. The most considerable changes were revealed in the group ofpatients with a liver cancer. Malfunction of endothelium was associated with the pathological activation of vascular-platelet link of hemostasis system.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):300-302
pages 300-302 views

Angioplasty of iliac vessels and the part of abdominal aorta in the female patient with non-organ retroperitoneal liposarcoma

Stilidi I., Nikulin M., Abgaryan M., Kalinin O., Anurova O.


The involvement of large vessels in the tumor process is the cause of the refusal of the surgery. Resection of aorta, even in specialized cancer centers is carried out very rarely. We report the result of long-term treatment of the female patient with retroperitoneal liposarcoma with invasion of the iliac artery, and 22 months later - in aorta.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):303-307
pages 303-307 views

Evaluation of the internalization of AFP-containing noncovalent complexes AIMPILA in the rat model of the isolated segment of rat small intestine

Andronova N., Tcherkassova J., Tsurkan S., Smirnova G., Treshalina H.


Research is devoted to the study of the ability of the labeled complex «AIMPILA-ACRIDIN» and the test compound «AFP-ACRIDIN» in concentration of 1.0 mkg/ml to internalize in a small intestine. For this purpose there was used the modified technique of the isolated inverted small intestinal sac method in rats with the aid of by ourselves delivered technique with the use of a conjugate of the studied complex with luminescent ACRIDIN in the incubatory environment. The nonspecific luminescence of the incubatory environment without label was shown to be extremely low: the level of a luminescence of 30-39 RLU is the minimum basic signal and can t significantly influence on results of testing. The starting level of a luminescence in the incubatory environment after supplementation of conjugates of AIMPILA-ACRIDIN or AFP-ACRIDIN is rather high and accounts of 1073714 RLU and 1602017, respectively. In a gleam of the «inverted» pieces of a small intestine the level of a luminescence accounted of 548 and 997 RLU and 425-829 RLU. The obtained data allow to consider the complex AIMPILA in rather low concentration is capable to absorb in a small intestine of rat over the physiologically adequate time that similar to AFP labeled by ACRIDIN.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):308-311
pages 308-311 views

Hospital registry of neuroendocrine tumors in N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Komarova L., Arion A., Tabolinovskaya T., Pirogova N., Orel N., Solovyeva O., Machaladze Z.


The paper presents a retrospective evaluation of patients diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) from 1990 up to the present time. The cancer registry makes possible to both carry out the multilateral analyses of the end results of the treatment and realize the following up of those patients. Data regarding 756patients were analyzed. Within the study period the incidence rate of NETs patients gradually increased: 1980-1999 year - 86 patients, 2013 - 91, 2014 - 99 cases. The considerable part of the patients - 62.7% was presented by the residence from Moscow and Moscow region.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):312-318
pages 312-318 views

Malignant neoplasms: the age peculiarities of the epidemiology of primary disability in the Russian Federation

Shurgaya M.


The article is devoted to the problem of primary retirement due to malignant neoplasms in the adult population in the Russian Federation. There are presented results of a study of the dynamics (2005-2014) of the age-gender structure, level and severity of primary disability due to this socially significant disease. The ranking of subjects of the Russian Federation according to the intensive index, describing the prevalence of primary disability due to malignant neoplasms is presented also. Over the ten-year period the maximum number for the first time recognized as disabled (FTRD) was revealed to be observed in 2005, amounting to 200.4 thousand people, with a subsequent decrease to 170.2 thousand people in 2008. However, later the trend in the dynamics changed to the increase in the total number of FTRD due to malignant neoplasms and the gain in the index accountedfor 13% in comparison with 2008. In the age pattern of disability due to malignant neoplasms there are dominated elderly invalids (60.3 %), among which there are prevailed the invalids of the group I (31.2%) and group II (53.6%). The area with the lowest level of the primary disability due to malignant neoplasms among the population of elderly is the Sakhalin region (15.4 per 10 thousand of the elderly population). The greatest prevalence of malignant neoplasms occurs in the Kurgan region (52.3 at the average rate of 34.4 per 10 thousand of the elderly population). Also the unfavorable situation in the Kaluga region, the Republic of Kalmykia, Novosibirsk, Bryansk, Orenburg and Arkhangelsk regions (46.9-45.1) per 10 thousand of the elderly population), which requires measures for the effective prevention of primary disability due to this socially significant severe disabling pathology.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):319-324
pages 319-324 views

Hepatotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents: current state of the problem

Vatutin M., Sklyannaya E., El-Khatib M., Starchenko S., Makarova M.


This review is devoted to the actual for the present day problem of the hepatotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents. Liver is the most important organ essential for the maintaining of the body’s internal environment. For the present time there is observed the high level of the morbidity and mortality rate against the background of drug-induced liver lesions due to, in the first instance, the lack ofproper manner for the substitution of the liver function but transplantation. Liver deteriorations due to the administration of antitumor agents have no pathognomonic clinical or histological features that significantly embarrasses the execution of the differential diagnosis with liver disorders against the background of administration of other preparations, either associated with opportunistic infections or the progression of previously acquired pathology of the liver. In the article there is described the toxic influence on the liver of most often used in oncology chemotherapeutic agents - antimetabolites, alkylating agents, platinum compounds, epothilones, taxanes, vinca alkaloids, monoclonal antibodies, anthracycline antibiotics, topoisomerase and protein kinase inhibitors is described in this article. In the review there are summarized results of recent studies of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chemotherapy induced hepatotoxicity. The special attention is given to recent discoveries in the area of pathogenesis of chemotherapy induced hepatotoxicity. However many moments remain to be still not studied completely, that offers perspectives for further research in this field.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):325-333
pages 325-333 views
pages 334-336 views

Index of articles published in the journal "Russian journal of oncology" in 2016

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Russian Journal of Oncology. 2016;21(6):337-338
pages 337-338 views
