Malignant neoplasms: the age peculiarities of the epidemiology of primary disability in the Russian Federation

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The article is devoted to the problem of primary retirement due to malignant neoplasms in the adult population in the Russian Federation. There are presented results of a study of the dynamics (2005-2014) of the age-gender structure, level and severity of primary disability due to this socially significant disease. The ranking of subjects of the Russian Federation according to the intensive index, describing the prevalence of primary disability due to malignant neoplasms is presented also. Over the ten-year period the maximum number for the first time recognized as disabled (FTRD) was revealed to be observed in 2005, amounting to 200.4 thousand people, with a subsequent decrease to 170.2 thousand people in 2008. However, later the trend in the dynamics changed to the increase in the total number of FTRD due to malignant neoplasms and the gain in the index accountedfor 13% in comparison with 2008. In the age pattern of disability due to malignant neoplasms there are dominated elderly invalids (60.3 %), among which there are prevailed the invalids of the group I (31.2%) and group II (53.6%). The area with the lowest level of the primary disability due to malignant neoplasms among the population of elderly is the Sakhalin region (15.4 per 10 thousand of the elderly population). The greatest prevalence of malignant neoplasms occurs in the Kurgan region (52.3 at the average rate of 34.4 per 10 thousand of the elderly population). Also the unfavorable situation in the Kaluga region, the Republic of Kalmykia, Novosibirsk, Bryansk, Orenburg and Arkhangelsk regions (46.9-45.1) per 10 thousand of the elderly population), which requires measures for the effective prevention of primary disability due to this socially significant severe disabling pathology.

About the authors

Marina A. Shurgaya

Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Geriatrics and Medical-Social Expertise Moscow, 123995, Russian Federation


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