卷 18, 编号 4 (2013)



Kit O., Frantsiyants Y., Kozlova L., Terpugov A.


Activity of trypsin-like proteinases and components of kinin system in the cancer tissue and polyps of sigmoid colon and rectum has been studied. Exhaustion of kinin system has been identified, as well as significant prevailing of activity of trypsin proteinases both in the malign tumor and in its resection line relative to the corresponding material of polyps. It has been concluded that the tissue surrounding a cancer cannot be considered healthy, even conditionally, at least within the affected organ. The studied parameters of polyps and surrounding healthy tissue maintained their physiological balance. The analysis performed proves that the main distinction of trypsin proteinases status and kinin system in the studied cancer tissue and polyps is the degree of their activation and efficiency of their interaction.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):6-9
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Shilova A., Lazarev A., Karmadonova N., Kudrjavtsev A., Anikeeva O.


The parameters of coagulation hemostasis in 37 patients with gastric cancer, 65 patients with colon cancer, 17 patients with prostate cancer and in 8 patients with lung cancer were analyzed. The aggregation of platelets in 119 patients with tumors of the breast, 17 — stomach cancer, 11 — colon cancer, 17 — prostate cancer and 8 — lung cancer also were analyzed. It was found that cancer patients have hyperthrombinemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, violation of the protein C system, reduction of the antithrombin III concentration, increase of induced platelet aggregation, which contributes to the formation of the thrombophilic status in cancer patients, is significant in the progression of the tumor and its metastasis. The use of anticoagulants and antiplatelets by these patients can not only lead to a decrease in the risk of thrombotic complications, but also to improve the survival of cancer patients.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):9-11
pages 9-11 views


Aslanova E., Drobyshev A., Mudunov A.


Radical treatment with modern diagnostics is the basis of successful treatment patients with tumors of parapharyngeal space. Today CT — and MRI — technologies are the most informative radiodiagnostics methods of parapharyngeal localization parotid gland tumors. The use of CT and MRI technology has improved the detection of tumors and has allowed to perform the differential diagnostics between them. This article justifies high efficiency of CT and MRI application in the diagnosis of parotid gland tumors parapharyngeal localization according to the twenty years of experience. The article contains results of our researches and the review of clinical cases with detailed description of tumors dissemination in different projections.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):12-16
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Kolyadina I., Komov D., Poddubnaya I., Danzanova T., Kostyakova L., Sinyukova G., Banov S.


Screening tumors of breast are detected by instrumental methods of diagnosis, such as mammography (MG), ultrasonography (USG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) only; typically have a size to 2.0 cm (T1) and need support (MG or USG control) at biopsy for morphological study. In the present study the clinical symptoms were analyzed using a large clinical data (1,347 patients with stage-I breast cancer), the rate of screening tumors and the possibility of pre-surgical biopsy of these tumors. The proportion of screening cancer, identified by instrumental methods of diagnosis was only 12.8%, which means the insufficient level of screening programs for all age groups women. Screening methods had the maximum diagnostic value in microcarcinomas (tumors less than 5 mm) which had no clinical symptoms and almost non-palpable. Young patients (<40 years) found breast cancer themselves and went to oncologist (more than 90% of cases; patients 50 years older - in 78% cases, p <0,05). Surgical biopsy with USG or MG control has improved the effectiveness of a biopsy from 74.4% (without instrumental control) to 93%; core-biopsy of tumors has helped to determinate of morphological diagnosis more exactly and plan treatment algorithm in these patients.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):17-20
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Nikogosyan S., Tagibova T., Kuznetsov V., Anurova O., Khizriyeva Z.


Редкие формы рака шейки матки, в частности светлоклеточная, мукоэпидермоидная, нейроэндокринные и другие, встречаются в 1—1,5% наблюдений и отличаются высокой степенью злокачественности и агрессивным течением заболевания. В статье представлены эпидемиология и патоморфологическая характеристика данных опухолей, выделены их основные маркеры. Также приведены основные виды лечения при указанной патологии и данные выживаемости пациенток в зависимости от вида проведенного лечения.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):21-24
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Yukina M., Troshina E., Beltsevich D., Rumyantsev P.


In hereditary MTC recommended age surgery in carriers of the mutation depends on its localization in the gene RET, which determines the probable age of tumor onset, aggressiveness and prognosis of its clinical course. The optimal treatment of the carrier RET mutation is generally recognized preventive thyroidectomy in childhood before the possible onset of malignancy. The only radical treatment of MTC in operable patients is surgical. Regardless of the etiology ( sporadic, familial) MTC is prone to early and extensive metastatic dissemination. The minimum volume of transactions in medullary carcinoma is total thyroidectomy, supplemented with central lymph node dissection. When tumor is operable and in the absence of data for distant metastases should seek to limit the surgical radicality. Clinical supervision with recurrent dinamics assessment of basal and stimulated calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen level after the surgery is indicated. In inoperable cases and after progression of distant metastases treatment options are extremely limited. MTC is a radiosensitive tumor. Chemotherapy has shown very limited effectiveness under high toxicity and therefore is not assigned. Satisfactory anti-tumor effect in moderate toxicity showed some tyrosine kinase inhibitors on the results of recent randomized clinical trials.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):25-30
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Johnston S.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):31-32
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Johnston S.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):32-32
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BRAFoncogen for tumors of the thyroid gland

Atantaeva B., Manambaeva Z., Zhabagin K., Kuanova B., Pak L.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):32-33
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Argentophilic protein expression associated with argyrophilic nucleolar organiser regions (AgNOR) during kidney cancer

Bobrov I., Cherdantseva T., Klimachev V., Bryuhanov V., Lazarev A., Avdalyan A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):33-34
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Clinical and radiological features of neuroendocrine tumors of the mediastinum

Volova N., Alekseeva T.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):35-36
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Pro-inflammatory cytokines in patients with vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy in the acute stage

Goryacheva M., Churilova L., Schumacher G., Travnikova T., Sencheva N., Kuznetsova M., Goryacheva K.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):36-37
pages 36-37 views

Adenocystic cancer diagnostics : cytological, histological and immunohistochemical

Grigoruk O., Bychkova E., Sigitova E., Moskvina T., Bazulina L., Stepanov A., Maksimenko T., Samsonova O., Zorkina Y.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):37-38
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Diagnosis of oncological pleuritis with immunocytochemical method

Grigoruk O., Lazarev A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Kariometriya in remote results evaluation of patients with renal cell carcinoma postoperative survival

Dolgatov A., Cherdantseva T., Bobrov I., Klimachev V., Avdalyan A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):39-39
pages 39-39 views

Prognost value of endotheliosis markers during cancer of pan-creatobiliary zone, complicated by obstructive jaundice

Kazantseva E., Shoykhet Y., Momot A., Fokeev S.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):39-40
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Mass spectrometric analysis of SERUM im patients with squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck

Kakurin G., Kondakova I., Shishkin D., Choynzonov E., Cheremisina O.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):40-41
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pages 41-42 views

Liver resection with perioperative, regional, intra-arterial chemotherapy for metastases from colorectal cancer in the liver in patients with poor prognostic factors

Lazarev A., Mamontov K., Lazarev S., Balueva N., Hays S., Nikitin M., Perfil'ev V.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):42-42
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Some prognostic criteria in triple negative and luminal A breast cancer subtypes

Letyagin V., Bogatyrev V., Tsoy L., Vysotskaya I., Platova A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):43
pages 43 views

Nuclear transcription factor nf-kb - a possible target of cancer therapy

Letyagin V., Kushlinskiy N., Gershteyn E., Platova A., Vysotskaya I., Kim E.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):43-43
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Diagnostic importance of reconstruction in 3Dmultislice computed tomography in patients with globular formations in lungs

Lobanov M., Konovalov V., Shoykhet Y., Kolmogorov V., Berdyugin E., Dombrowskiy A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):44-44
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Volume densitometery of patients with globular formation in lungs with multislice computed tomography

Lobanov M., Shoykhet Y., Konovalov V., Dombrowskiy A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):45-45
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Liver metastasis of colorectal cancer

Magarill Y., Borzyanitsa S.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):45-46
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The use of local induction heating for the treatment of cancer

Magarill Y., Vasil'chenko I., Osintsev A., Pastushenko D., Maytakov A., Vasil'chenko N., Osintseva M., Belousov G.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):46-46
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Current issues in diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)

Magarill Y., Krasil'nikova M.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):46-47
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Malignant tumors of the fallopian tubes

Malikova L., Nechunaeva T., Maksimenko T., Krasilova A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):47-47
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Extensive liver resection in patients with preoperative regional chemotherapy for metastases of colorectal cancer with a high risk of massive blood loss

Mamontov K., Balueva N., Hays S., Nikitin M., Perfil'ev V., Lazarev A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):47-49
pages 47-49 views

Necessity of prostate cancer screening

Manambaeva Z., Sandybaev M., Zhumykbaeva N., Apsalikov B.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):49-50
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Some morphological characteristics of the skin melanoma in the Khabarovsk Territory

Marochko A., Vavrinchuk A., Plyutina G.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):50-50
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The state of cell immunity in cancer patients with different methods of intraoperative anesthesia

Neymark M., Tanatarov S., Serikkan A., Surov M., Ivanchenko E., Smailov E.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):50-51
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Comorbidity of oncological diseases and mental disorders and therapeutic approaches to their correction on ambulatory stage

Paramonov O., Petrova V., Lazarev A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):53-54
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Analysis of non-genetic factors of family and sporadic breast cancer in women of Altay region

Petrova V., Selezneva I., Terekhova S., Mikheeva N., Sekerzhinskaya E., Fedoskina A., Boyarskikh U., Filippenko M., Lazarev A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):54-55
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Stomach cancer progression prognosis based on assessment of the entire immune system

Staheeva M., Eydenzon D., Tuzikov S., Kishkina A.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):55-55
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Opportunities in fluorescence diagnostics and photodynamic therapy in Oncology

Filonenko E.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):56
pages 56 views

Haemostasis indicators in cancer patients

Shilova A., Mamaev A., Karmadonova N., Kudryavtsev A., Lazarev A., Anikeeva O., Kotovshchikova E.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):56-56
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Russian Journal of Oncology. 2013;18(4):57-57
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