卷 16, 编号 6 (2011)


Plastic surgery in orthopedic oncology

Teplyakov V., Karpenko V., Bukharov A., Derzhavin V., Myslivtsev I., Shatalov A., Kravtsov S., Rubtsova N., Epifanova S., Sobchenko L., Urlova A., Teplyakov V., Karpenko V., Bukharov A., Derzhavin V., Myslivtsev I., Shatalov A., Kravtsov S., Rubtsova N., Epifanova S., Sobchenko L., Urlova A.


The results of plastic surgery were analyzed in 700 patients surgically treated for tumor involvement of the locomotor apparatus at the Department of Orthopedic Oncology, P.A. Herzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute, in 2005 to 2010. After radical tumor removal, recurrences in the area of surgical interventions were noted in 56 (13%) patients. Orthopedic improvement occurred in 74.5% of the patients after surgical interventions using a plastic repair component. Complications after repair and plastic surgeries were found in 10% of the patients. Infectious complications were observed in 3%. Assessment of the results of surgical interventions with a plastic repair component has shown that combination and complex treatments for cancers, the emergence of new implants and bioengineering designs, and the introduction or repair and plastic surgeries allow organ-sparing operations to be performed in the vast majority of patients with tumor involvement of the locomotor apparatus, by yielding good functional, cosmetic, and oncological results.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):4-10
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Organ-sparing surgery for breast cancer

Pak D., Rasskazova E., Pak D., Rasskazova E.


The paper describes the experience in treating 389 breast cancer patients undergoing organ-sparing operations with and without plastic surgery. Both the patients' tissues and their combination with a silicone endoprosthesis were used for repair. The specific features of a recurrence were analyzed after organ-sparing surgery depending on the stage, treatment method (surgical or combination) and histogenesis of a tumor.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):10-14
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Risk factors for recurrent breast cancer after combination treatment

Shchepotin I., Zotov A., Zaychuk V., Anikus'ko N., Lyubota I., Lyubota R., Shchepotin I., Zotov A., Zaichuk V., Anikusko N., Lyubota I., Lyubota R.


Two hundred and eighteen patients aged 31 to 92 years (mean age 57+1.3 years), who had been treated for breast cancer (BC), were examined. They were divided into 2 groups: 1) 99 patients who had undergone organ-sparing surgery (OSS) and 2) 119 patients after radical mastectomy (RME). The degree of primary tumor differentiation, metastases to regional lymph nodes, and the immunohistochemical pattern of a tumor (ER, PR, and HER-2/neu) were assessed as prognostic factors. The local recurrence rate was found to be 13 and 9% in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. The relapse-free period averaged 53+8 and 56+10 months in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. The degree of tumor differentiation, metastases to regional lymph nodes, the receptor status (ER, PR) of a primary tumor in both groups, and the expression of HER-2/neu after RME do not affect the occurrence of recurrent BC at the 0.05 significance level. In the post-OSS patients, the HER-2/neu-positive primary tumor showed a statistically significant correlation with the rate of recurrent BC at the 0.05 significance level.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):14-17
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Prevention of complications of radical mastectomy for breast cancer

Pak D., Ermoshchenkova M., Pak D., Ermoshchenkova M.


The paper analyzes the immediate and early results of surgical treatment in 266 patients with breast cancer. To prevent postoperative complications, new intraoperative methods were used. These include air plasma currents; plasty of the axillary region with a flap from the broadest spinal muscle; lymph vessel ligation in the axillary-subclavian-subscapular region, by using microsurgical magnifiers; plasty of the axillary-subclavian-subcapular region with a composition of anterior pectoral muscles. The application of the new methods reduces postoperative lymphorrhea from 43.8 to 98.5%; a drain-free procedure of radical mastectomy accelerates and improves rehabilitation in patients with breast cancer and contributes to reductions in postoperative bed-days and in the financial cost of health care facilities.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):17-22
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Cytological and molecular cytogenetic investigations the diagnosis of bladder cancer

Savostikova M., Volchenko N., Rusakov I., Borisova O., Golovashchenko M., Savostikova M., Volchenko N., Rusakov I., Borisova O., Golovashchenko M.


The introduction of a method for molecular genetic analysis into clinical practice extends the possibilities of diagnosing bladder cancer in its early stage. The paper gives the results of urine cytological and cytogenetic investigations in patients with bladder cancer. Forty-four cytological examinations and 25 cytogenetic ones were made. The results of both techniques in the diagnosis of urothelial carcinoma coincided in 12 cases. However, bladder carcinoma was verified only by molecular genetic analysis in 2 cases.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):22-25
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Cisplatin-induced potentiation of the antitumor effect of photodynamic therapy

Kazachkina N., Yakubovskaya R., Morozova N., Kazachkina N., Yakubovskaya R., Morozova N.


The effect of cisplatin on the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) was experimentally studied using leukemia P-388 as a tumor growth model. Treatment was initiated in the presence of a disseminated tumor process. Photosens was administered once in dose of 5 mg/kg on day 5 of tumor growth; PDT was made 24 hours after administration of the sensitizer. Cisplatin was given once in a dose of 7 mg/kg 48, 24, 2, and 0.25 hours before PDT concurrently with the start of radiation or 0.25, 2 or 24 hours after it. A local antitumor effect was judged from the suppression of growth in a primary (irradiated) tumor focus; a systemic effect was from the increased lifespan of mice. The local effect of combination treatment during its all used regimens was higher than that of PDT or chemotherapy (CT) alone. The efficiency of systemic CT in during combination treatment versus its individual components was increased only when the cytostatic was injected prior to PDT.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):26-29
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Lung cancer in the presence of post-tuberculosis changes

Sadovnikov A., Panchenko K., Sadovnikov A., Panchenko K.


The concurrence of different forms of tuberculosis and cancer of the lung was analyzed in 252 patients. Among them, the development of cancer was more commonly observed in 139 patients with residual post-tuberculosis changes. Forty-one patients were operated on. Histological investigations of intraoperative specimens from the lung and removed lymph nodes also ascertained residual post-tuberculosis changes. These are biologically active and conceivably affect the occurrence of cancerous tumors in the lung.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):29-33
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Cancer masks of abdominal tuberculosis

Aryamkina O., Savonenkova L., Aryamkina O., Savonenkova L.


The clinical picture of abdominal tuberculosis that manifests as cancer masks was studied. Forty of 136 patients were examined. Abdominal tuberculosis was multiorgan in all the examinees and concurrent with pulmonary tuberculosis in 35% of cases. The symptoms of abdominal tuberculosis mimicked primary and metastatic tumor processes in the abdominal organs and less frequently blood cancers. Despite the similarity of the clinical manifestations of cancers and tuberculosis, in favor of abdominal tuberculosis are signs, such as prior family contacts with patients with tuberculosis (12.5%), tuberculosis-infected and prior tuberculosis (40%), infectious fever, lymphopenia in the presence of inflammation markers, the presence of calcifications in the liver, spleen (17.5%) and intraabdominal lymph nodes (25%) and a fourth of cases showed a hyperergic response to the Mantoux test with tuberculin 2 TU.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):34-37
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The metalloproteinases MMP-9 and their tissue inhibitors TIMP-1 in the coprofiltrates of patients with colonic carcinoma

Starostina M., Afanas'eva Z., Zinkevich O., Safina N., Starostina M., Afanasyeva Z., Zinkevich O., Safina N.


Before treatment, MMP-9 and TIMP-1 were determined in the coprofiltrates of 63 patients with colonic adenocarcinoma. A control group included 20 healthy individuals. In the group of patients with colorectal cancer, the levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in the coprofiltrates were higher than those in the group of health individuals. In the patients with colonic carcinoma, the concentrations of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 did not depend on tumor stage and site. The informative value of determination of TIMP-1 in the coprofiltrate of patients with colorectal cancer was higher than that of MMP-9. The findings suggest the expediency of further studies of TIMP-1, which are aimed at estimating the possibilities of its use as a noninvasive laboratory test for colorectal cancer.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):38-39
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The system of a Federal Cancer Registry

Starinskiy V., Gretsova O., Petrova G., Prostov Y., Starinsky V., Gretsova O., Petrova G., Prostov Y.


The paper considers the organizational and methodic issues of establishing a Federal Cancer Registry in Russia. A normative and legal base of the registry has been set up; a computer program for the automated system of the register has been elaborated. This program has received approval from the International Agency for Research on Cancer as it meets international standards. The cancer registry has two levels: regional and federal ones. This program has been introduced regionally in 62 areas of the Russian Federation. Its other 21 regions, organizational work is under way to convert a database into single standard. The data base of regional registries is used to monitor the implementation of measures to improve medical care to cancer patients. The Cancer Registry program is drawn up as a module and, if needed, may be augmented by additional information. This registry gives not only descriptive epidemiological data (morbidity, prevalence, morbidity, survival), but also qualitative on-line information on a wide range of important problems in the functioning of both a branch as a whole and its individual areas. It provides a way of obtaining valid information on used diagnostic methods, the efficiency of standard and newly developed treatment options, such as surgical, radiation, drug, and combination ones.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):40-42
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The state of cancer registries in Siberia and the Far East

Choynzonov E., Pisareva L., Zhuykova L., Choinzonov E., Pisareva L., Zhuikova L.


The paper analyzes the development of population-based cancer registries in Siberia, the Far East, and the Tyumen Region. The scientific and practical value of regional cancer registries at the present stage and the possibility of their consolidation are considered. The present level and promises for software of the medical activity of the Cancer Research Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, are covered.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):42-45
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Ultrasound study of the liver in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer while planning surgical treatment

Stepanov C., Sidorov D., Butenko A., Guts O., Mitina L., Stepanov S., Sidorov D., Butenko A., Guts O., Mitina L.


The overview deals with methods for evaluating the functional state of the hepatic parenchyma in patients with colorectal cancer while planning surgical treatment for liver metastases. The intact hepatic parenchyma should be estimated to reduce the risk of postoperative complications and mortality. Noninvasive diagnostic techniques fail to provide an objective assessment. Only a morphological study of parenchymal biopsy specimens will help rule out hepatic steatosis/ fibrosis and give surgeons information on the postresection liver remnant.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):46-49
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Ultrasound study of space-occupying lesions in the mediastinum: Methodological aspects

Kazakevich V., Safonov D., Kazakevich V., Safonov D.


Based on the experience in examining more than 700 patients, the authors show the capacities of chest ultrasound study (USS) for space-occupying lesions in the mediastinum. With primary tumors and cysts being present or thyroid tumors spreading into the mediastinum, the technique permits the imaging of abnormalities in virtually all cases and the diagnosis of involvement of the large vessels of the mediastinum, pericardium, and heart. The nature of a tumor can be defined by the characteristic ultrasound pattern of pericardial coelomyc cyst, abdominomediastinal lipoma, broncho- and enterogenic cysts, teratoma, or neurinoma. Ultrasonically guided diagnostic puncture is performed if there is a need for morphological verification. The method allows therapeutic effectiveness to be evaluated during a follow-up of patients with mediastinal tumors receiving medical antitumor treatment.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):49-53
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Index of paper published in this journal in 2011

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Russian Journal of Oncology. 2011;16(6):55-56
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