Lung cancer in the presence of post-tuberculosis changes

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The concurrence of different forms of tuberculosis and cancer of the lung was analyzed in 252 patients. Among them, the development of cancer was more commonly observed in 139 patients with residual post-tuberculosis changes. Forty-one patients were operated on. Histological investigations of intraoperative specimens from the lung and removed lymph nodes also ascertained residual post-tuberculosis changes. These are biologically active and conceivably affect the occurrence of cancerous tumors in the lung.

About the authors

A A Sadovnikov

Костромской областной противотуберкулезный диспансер

канд. мед. наук, зав. легочно-хирургическим отд-нием: тел.: (4942) 22-54-63- проф., зав. каф. патологической анатомии; тел.: (4852) 73-26-53; Костромской областной противотуберкулезный диспансер

K I Panchenko

Ярославская гocyдарственная мeдицинcкая академия

кафедра патологической анатомии (зав. - проф. К. И. Панченко); Ярославская гocyдарственная мeдицинcкая академия

A A Sadovnikov

K I Panchenko


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