Russian Journal of Oncology

Peer-review bimonthly medical journal.


Journal founders

  • Izdatelstvo "Meditsyna"
  • Eco-Vector Publishing Group



Since 1996 the journal publishes original articles and reviews that cover current achievements in the fields of clinical and experimental oncology as well as practical aspects of diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of malignant tumors. The journal offers insights into actual experience of cancer centers, discusses the current state of oncology research and practice outside Russia, and facilitates experience exchange. The journal also publishes medical news and material on the implementation of scientific discoveries, the most essential theoretical and practical issues, and the history of oncology.

The journal is aimed at a wide range of medical professionals: oncologists, surgeons, general practitioners, and public health officials focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of cancers.

Types of accepted articles

  • reviews
  • systematic reviews and metaanalyses
  • original research
  • clinical case reports and series
  • letters to the editor
  • short communications


  • in English and Russian
  • bimonthly, 6 issues per year
  • continuously in Online First
  • with NO Article Processing Charges (APC)
  • distribution in hybrid mode - by subscription and/or Open Access
    (OA articles with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0))


  • Russian Science Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Russian Science Electronic Library (
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodicals directory
  • WorldCat
  • Crossref



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卷 28, 编号 2 (2023)



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Original Study Articles

Matrix metalloproteinase MMP-7 as a new prognostic biomarker for gastric cancer
Kiseleva A., Antsupova M., Semenkov A., Bykov I.

BACKGROUND: According to statistics, gastric cancer is in a leading position among all gastrointestinal cancers. The most effective treatment for gastric cancer is surgery. There are now heterogeneous clinical outcomes for patients in the same stage of the disease. The main reason for this is the fact that differences in types of gastric cancer occur not only at the histological level, but also at the molecular level. Finding the universal biomarkers that can provide information about patient prognosis is a subject of interest to scientists around the world. MMP-7 is the smallest molecule in the family of matrix metalloproteinases that contributes significantly to oncogenesis by affecting apoptosis and degradation of the extracellular matrix. MMP-7 hyperexpression is associated with aggressive tumor phenotype and worsens prognosis in patients with gastric cancer. Therefore, MMP-7 can be a promising biomarker in the treatment of gastric cancer.

AIM: To identify possible correlations between the expression of MMP-7 in patients with gastric cancer and their prognosis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included samples of 80 patients diagnosed with diffuse gastric cancer, who were selected based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. 30 sectional stomach samples were taken as a comparison group. Of the 80 patients included in the study, gastrectomy was performed in 55% cases (44 people) and gastric resection was performed in 45% cases (36 people).

RESULTS: In our work, the expression level of MMP-7 0.8±0.07 was indicated as high, and the expression rate of 0.40±0.067 as low. During the study, we assessed the link between the level of MMP-7 expression and the clinical characteristics of the tumor. We evaluated the following indicators: the disease stage, the presence of lesions of lymph nodes, the size of the tumor. Patients with increased MMP-7 expression in tumor tissue have a better prognosis than patients with low MMP-7 expression.

CONCLUSION: The results of our study showed high MMP-7 expression in tumor tissue, which allowed us to establish a correlation between MMP-7 expression and adverse clinical outcomes. The data obtained may indicate the possible use of MMP-7 as a biomarker for gastric cancer.

Russian Journal of Oncology. 2023;28(2):99-107
pages 99-107 views
Early diagnostics of prostate cancer based on a comprehensive analysis of risk factors
Lazarev A., Petrova V., Lazarev S., Repkina T., Terekhova S., Obеremok P., Osipov I., Nikolaeva M., Ganov D.

BACKGROUND: There is a trend of increasing incidence and mortality from prostate cancer. Existing methods for early diagnosis and screening of prostate cancer did not demonstrate enough efficiency.

AIM: To improve the quality and efficiency of diagnostic measures for prostate cancer through a personalized approach to patients based on an analysis of a set of risk factors.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The methodology was developed using the data from the population-based Cancer Registry of the Altai Territory, created at the Altai Regional Oncology Center in Barnaul, Russia. At the moment the Cancer Registry included information on 308 550 patients with malignant neoplasms, including 15 167 males with prostate cancer. On the basis of the method of prostate cancer risk assessment proposed by Lazarev AF an automated program for early diagnosis of prostate cancer has been developed. Testing of this technique included assessment of 532 patients (aged between 23 and 82).

RESULTS: 128 patients were determined to belong to the high risk pre-cancer group. A high-risk precancer registry was created, which included the patients having individual risk of developing prostate cancer either increased or high or absolute. Upon a set of in-depth examinations, 7 of 128 patients (9.3%) were diagnosed with prostate cancer, all at early stages (I or II). Thus, the incidence of prostate cancer among the patients from the high risk pre-cancer registry was significantly higher than the average observed during prophylactic examinations (0.01%).

CONCLUSION: The automated program for early diagnosis of prostate cancer could be implemented with the aim to assign in-depth examination in more targeted manner to patients at high risk of prostate cancer and to contribute to detection the cancer in the early stages.

Russian Journal of Oncology. 2023;28(2):109-118
pages 109-118 views
Optimization of algorithms for in vivo preclinical screening of compounds with an alleged antitumor effect
Dodokhova M., Voronova O., Alkhusein-Kulyaginova M., Gulyan M., Kotieva E., Korobka S., Kotieva V., Karapetyan K., Vlasova N., Shpakovsky D., Milaeva E., Kotieva I.

BACKGROUND: Despite a large number of publications on preclinical studies of compounds with a suspected antitumor effect on in silico and in vitro models, in vivo studies are the most informative. The experimental part of the work on laboratory animals has its own peculiarities in the field of preclinical research: a large number of animals and analog compounds in the series, two- and three-phase staging, and, consequently, high cost and labor-intensive execution.

AIM: Optimization of algorithms for screening preclinical in vivo studies of compounds with a suspected antitumor effect.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: To form the algorithm in the preclinical study, primary data was obtained using standard pharmacological (determination of the toxicity class index, antitumor and antimetastatic activity, inhibition of tumor growth by weight, average life expectancy of animals) and morphological (autopsy, micropreparations with hematoxylin and eosin staining, as well as immunohistochemical study using monoclonal antibodies) methods with the selection of leading compounds for in-depth study with a description of the mechanism of pharmacological activity.

RESULTS: Based on a series of comparative experiments, the following algorithm of preclinical in vivo study for newly synthesized compounds with an alleged antitumor effect has been tested.

Stage 1. Determination of the toxicity class with a single intragastric administration to Wistar rats according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 420 protocol and selection of candidates for antitumor drugs according to the principle of the greatest safety of use.

Stage 2. Determination of the presence/absence of pharmacological activity of the tested compounds. Compounds of toxicity classes IV and V (according to the Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Classification and Labeling of Chemical Products) in a wide range of doses (doses are selected depending on the toxicity class) are examined for pharmacological activity before the natural death of tumor-bearing animals with the identification of leader substances, in-depth study of which is appropriate. The selection of promising substances and total doses for administration at the next stage is determined by the life expectancy of tumor-bearing animals.

Stage 3. Determination of indicators of antitumor and antimetastatic activity of leader substances with a fixed euthanasia period for all tumor-bearing animals and determination of possible mechanisms for the implementation of the therapeutic effect using immunohistochemical analysis.

Stage 4. To study the effect of the tested compounds on the growth rates of the primary tumor node and metastatic foci at different stages of the development of the tumor process, when administered in different modes, as part of combined and monochemotherapy, with mandatory clarification of the mechanisms for the implementation of antitumor and antimetastatic activity using biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques.

Stage 5. The study of the most promising compounds according to the guidelines for preclinical safety studies for the purpose of clinical trials and registration of medicines (the document was approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 26, 2019, N 202): «Toxicity studies with repeated (multiple) administration of the drug, preclinical studies conducted in order to justify the conduct of exploratory clinical studies, studies of local tolerability of the drug, studies of genotoxicity of the drug, carcinogenicity of the drug, etc.»

CONCLUSIONS: The step-by-step exclusion of the tested compounds from the line of similarly-structured substances described by us will increase the efficiency of selecting promising candidates for antitumor drugs and reduce the cost of conducting preclinical studies of compounds with an alleged antitumor effect.

Russian Journal of Oncology. 2023;28(2):119-135
pages 119-135 views
Comparative evaluation of the perioperative anesthesia methods for cancer patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy
Zakharenkova I., Khoronenko V., Trifanov V.

BACKGROUND: Pancreatoduodenal resections are one of the most traumatic and technically complex interventions in abdominal surgery. The correct anesthetic management and pain relief allow to substantially reduce the risk of perioperative complications, which remains high even in high-volume oncology centers with extensive experience. Finding new components and methods of anesthesia combined with evaluation of their effectiveness and safety remains a pressing issue.

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of using intravenous lidocaine infusion as a component of anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in cancer patients during pancreatoduodenal resection.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed the course of anesthesia, operation and postoperative period of 43 patients (mean age 63.2±7.1 years) undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. For the purposes of the study, patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, based on anesthesia method: for the first group (n=19) we used epidural analgesia as a component of perioperative anesthesia, for the second group (n=24) we used prolonged intravenous infusion of lidocaine at an average dose of 1 mg/(kg×h). We analyzed the severity of pain syndrome according to Numeric rating scale for pain in postoperative period, as well as opioid requirement, the time of gastrointestinal function recovery, and post-operative complications frequency. In order to prevent systemic toxicity, drug monitoring was carried out — the determination of the plasma concentration of lidocaine.

RESULTS: Perioperative opioid requirement was comparable between groups, with no statistically significant differences observed. The degree of pain syndrome according to the Numeric rating scale for pain did not differ statistically, except for the number of points during activation on day 3: 4.00 (95% confidence interval 3.49–4.51) for epidural analgesia group, compared to 3.12 (95% confidence interval 2.64–3.61) for lidocaine infusion group, p=0.014. There was also a statistically significant increase in infusion volume for epidural analgesia group compared to lidocaine infusion group [8.83 ml/(kg×h) (Q1=7.90; Q3=10.06) and 7.33 ml/(kg×h) (Q1=6.28–Q3=8.49) respectively, p=0.034], as well as a greater need for intraoperative vasopressor support among the patients [15 (78.9%) and 10 (43.5%) respectively, p=0.029]. In the lidocaine group, the time to onset of peristalsis was significantly shorter than in the epidural analgesia group [median 48.0 h (Q1=48.00; Q3=72.00) compared to median 60.0 h (Q1=36.00; Q3=64.50) respectively, p=0.042]. The frequency of postoperative complications did not differ between the groups.

CONCLUSION: Based on a comparative analysis of the study results, it can be concluded that prolonged intravenous infusion of lidocaine, as a component of perioperative anesthetic protection during pancreatoduodenal resections, is safe and comparable in terms of analgesic efficacy to epidural blockade.

Russian Journal of Oncology. 2023;28(2):137-149
pages 137-149 views
Immunophenotype of dendritic cell differentiation markers in breast cancer in in-vitro conditions
Golderova A., Nikolaeva I., Troev I., Zharnikova T., Nikiforov P.

BACKGROUND: During maturation, dendritic cells begin to synthesize peptides that include the major histocompatibility complex MHC-II molecules, costimulatory molecules CD40+, CD80+, and CD86+, as well as CD83+ proteins. In cancer patients, dendritic cells dysfunction can lead to serious consequences in the form of deficiency of antitumor immunity, tumor progression, and decreased response to immunotherapy. All this is important to take into account to rethink the tumor immunotherapy strategy. Thus, approaches aimed at enhancing the viability of dendritic cells and preventing their dysfunction and polarization should be considered as a necessary step in order to increase the effectiveness of dendritic cell vaccines.

AIM: To evaluate the expression characteristics of differentiation markers of dendritic cell maturation obtained from peripheral blood monocytes under culture conditions in patients with breast cancer.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: With informed voluntary consent, 19 patients diagnosed with breast cancer were examined. Mononuclear cells were isolated on a Ficoll density gradient. For adhesion of monocytes to the bottom of 75 cm2 culture flasks, they were pre-incubated for 1.5 hours in conditions of 5% CO2 at 37 ℃. Growth and differentiation factors — GM-CSF (40 µl) and IL-٤ (٤٠ µl) — were added to the attached monocytes on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days of cultivation. Immunophenotyping of dendritic cells was carried out on days 7 and 9 of cultivation using flow cytometry.

RESULTS: Flow cytometry data indicate that the viability of cultured dendritic cells in cancer patients is significantly reduced on day 9 compared to day 7 of cultivation. On day 9, there was a significant increase in CD80+ expression (2.40, p=0.028) and a decrease in CD83+ (1.65, p=0.036) compared to day 7.

CONCLUSION: In general, significant signs of maturation were observed: loss of the monocyte marker CD14+, increased expression of CD80+, CD83+, CD86+ — the main markers. A decrease in CD83+ can be considered as a suppression of excessive activation of immune responses. In the future, a more in-depth study of the characteristics of maturation and activation of cultured dendritic cells is necessary to understand the mechanisms and factors influencing the decrease in the effectiveness of immunotherapy with an autologous dendritic cell vaccine.

Russian Journal of Oncology. 2023;28(2):151-159
pages 151-159 views
