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To investigate protein content of ALK, Her2 and gene of Her2, CEP17 in interrelation with proliferative activity and survival in I-II stages lung adenocarcinoma cases. There were investigated 82 surgery samples taken from I-II stage lung adenocarcinoma patients. With the use of immunohistochemical method ALK protein (clone D5F3, Ventana), Her2 protein (clone 4B5, Ventana), topoizomerase IIα (clone JS5B4, Ventana), Ki-67 (clone MIB-1, Dako) were determined, Her2 gene was investigated with the use of the SISH method (Ventana) also. The positive expression of ALK is detected in 4(5%) cases, Her2 - in 16(20%) cases and amplification of Her2 gene - in 7(9%) cases. In lung adenocarcinoma with positive expression of ALK protein and amplification of Her2 gene low proliferative activity was noted (on labeling index Ki-67 and topoizomerase IIα). The survival of lung adenocarcinoma patients was less in cases of a positive expression of ALK protein in comparison with patients with the negative expression (difference is not reliable). Statistically significant low survival rates of patients is found in cases with amplification of Her2 gene. According to data mono- and multifactor regression analysis the amplification of Her2 gene has been interrelated with the poor forecast. Mutation of ALK gene and amplification of Her2 gene are interrelated with the proliferative activity and survival rate of lung adenocarcinoma patients.

About the authors

Artak U. Panas’yan

Altai branch of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Altai Krai Oncology Centre

MD, Researcher of the Department for the Development of Modern Methods of Treatment in Thoracic Oncology of the Altai Branch of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation; Barnaul, 656043, Russian Federation

D. S Kobyakov

Kogalym municipal hospital

Kogalym, 628481, Russian Federation

A. M Avdalyan

Altai branch of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation

A. A Ivanov

Altai branch of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation

E. L Lushnikova

Institute of Molecular Pathology and Pathomorphology

Novosibirsk, 630117, Russian Federation

M. A Bakarev

Institute of Molecular Pathology and Pathomorphology

Novosibirsk, 630117, Russian Federation

A. F Lazarev

Altai branch of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation


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