Antegrade transhepatic papillodilatation and dislocation of bile stones in duodenum in management of cholelitiasis

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Endobiliary antegrade stenting by self-expanding stents was performed in 32 patients with unresectable tumors of pancreatobiliary area. Uncoated stents were used in 15 patients with the proximal obstruction of the biliary tree. Uncoated stents prevent the blockade of lobar, segmental and cystic duct. Covered self-expanding stents were used in 17 cases of distal occlusion and obstruction of the peripapillary area. Antegrade stenting drainages of 8Fr were performed in a stepwise manner, consistently performing outside, then outward-internal drainage of the biliary tree, which was transformed into endobiliary stenting. Hybrid endobiliary antegrade stenting, which involves maintaining outward-internal drainage in lumen installed endobiliary stent, was performed in 14 patients. Hybrid antegrade stenting endobiliary allowed to keep endobiliary access to palliative care for all the time, monitor and correct the patency of the stent, by releasing from intraluminal sludge, to carry out a successful reparative stenting “stent to stent” in case of the invasion of tumor or scar tissue in to the lumen of the stent or around of its proximal end.

About the authors

Oleg I. Okhotnikov

Kursk State Medical University; Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital

MD, Phd, DSc, Prof. of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the Kursk State Medical University Kursk, 305001, Russian Federation

M. V Yakovleva

Kursk State Medical University; Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital

Kursk, 305001, Russian Federation

A. P Kalutskiy

Kursk State Medical University

Kursk, 305001, Russian Federation


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