Results of X-ray endovascular hemostasis in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the colon and rectum, complicated by bleeding

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There are present near results of X - ray endovascular hemostasis in patients suffering from malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid colon and rectum complicated by bleeding. Patients were divided into basic group (n=16) where the X - ray-endovascular hemostasis was performed and control group (17 patients) where the conservative methods of hemostasis were used. For angiography there was used X-raysurgical complex “GE INNOVA 4100” (General Electric, USA) and ”SHIMADZU” (Shimadzu Corporation, Japan). After preformed hemostasis, the patients of the control and basic groups for rectal cancer were undergone to preoperative radiotherapy, then radical surgery, for rectosigmoid cancer - surgical treatment. The quantity, volume of donor blood products in the treatment ofpatients of the control group were used in a significantly greater extent (p<0.01) than in cases from the basic group, with the similar median of the blood loss, while in 100% of cases in the control group of patients at 13.3±1.6 day of treatment there was noted the recurrence of bleeding. In the basic group no signs of recurrence of bleeding were noted. The reduction in the relative risk of the development of bleeding during performance of the preoperative radiation therapy in the basic group amounted to 100%. Thus, the method of X- ray endovascular hemostasis can reliably stop intraluminal colorectal tumor bleeding, that allows to stabilize the patient without resorting to repeated blood transfusions.

About the authors

Alexey V. Shelekhov

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Department of oncology Irkutsk, 664079, Russian Federation

V. V Dvornichenko

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664079, Russian Federation

A. V Munkuev

Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664042, Russian Federation

R. I Rasulov

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Irkutsk, 664079, Russian Federation

S. I Radostev

Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664042, Russian Federation

A. Yu Novopashin

Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664042, Russian Federation

N. I Minakin

Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664042, Russian Federation

D. V Moskovskikh

Irkutsk Regional Oncology Dispensary

Irkutsk, 664042, Russian Federation


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