Dynamics of age structure and level of re-recognized disability due to cancer in adult population in the Russian Federation in 2005-2014

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We analyzed special features of re-recognized disability due to cancer in adults in the Russian Federation in 2005-2014. We studied the absolute number, the level, and the age structure of the persons re-recognized as disabled. We determined the proportion of the re-recognized disability due to cancer among all the people re-recognized as disabled because of other disease types. Re-recognized disability due to cancer increased in the Russian Federation. However, the level of the disability among young and middle-aged population decreased, whereas it increased in retirement-age people. The level of the re-recognized disability in this age group of the adult Russian Federation people increasedfrom 10.1% to 41.6% per 10 thousands of the relevant population over 10 years (from 2005 to 2014). Malignant tumors ranked second after the blood system diseases as the re-recognized disability cause in the Russian Federation (in 2014).

About the authors

S. N Puzin

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

123995, Moscow, Russian Federation

Marina A. Shurgaya

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Email: daremar@mail.ru
MD, PhD 123995, Moscow, Russian Federation

T. A Muteva

Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in Moscow

Branch Office №3 117647, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. R Sumedi

City Clinical Hospital №24

127015, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. A Kuznetsova

City Clinical Hospital №24

127015, Moscow, Russian Federation


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