Surgical treatment of a metastatic melanoma patient after targeted therapy

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The article presents issues of diagnosis, course of disease, results of target therapy and surgery of a patient with metastatic melanoma Material and methods. Patient B., aged 19, referred to the department of tumors of the skin and soft tissues of COD № 1MOH KR with complaints on painful tumors in soft tissues of the body, right thigh and left inguinal area. On the basis of the examination she was diagnosed skin metastatic melanoma with multiple soft tissue lesions in the body, right thigh, left inguinal area and left ovary. The patient had surgical treatment: left laparoscopic adnexectomy, left inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy, surgical excision of multiple soft tissue tumors in the body and right thigh. Results. We achieved a partial response to vemurafenib in the patient that allowed further surgical treatment. The postsurgical period was rather tolerable; the patient was discharged from the hospital under the surveillance of a cancer specialist near her place of residence.

About the authors

Sergey A. Yargunin

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

MD, PhD 350040, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

E. V Semenihin

Clinical Oncology Dispensary №1

350040, Krasnodar, Russian Federation


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