Expression and prognostic significance of bcl-2 apoptosis inhibitor in renal cell carcinoma

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This articlepresents the study of prognostic significance of bcl-2 apoptosis inhibitor expression in renal cell carcinoma. Operation samples of 59 patients with renal cell carcinoma were studied. Average age of patients was 56,6 ± 1,3 years. 31 (52,5 %) were men , 28 (47,5 %)-women . Correlations were found between bcl-2, clinical cancer stage (r = 0,31; р = 0,02), size of tumor node (r = 0,29; р = 0,02), regional and distant metastasis ( r = 0,35; р = 0,005) and histologic tumor type (r = 0,41; р = 0,002). No correlation was found with patients ’ sex (r = 0,16; р = 0,22), age (r = 0,17; р = 0,22) and tumor grade by Furman (r = 0,19; р = 0,15). Absence of bcl- 2 expression in tumor cells can be considered as a marker of possible metastases. The results showed correlation between the marker expression and overallsurvival was. Low level of bcl-2 oncoprotein expression in tumor cells is apoorprognostic factor of fatient’s survival.

About the authors

Tat’yana M. Cherdantseva

The Altai State Medical University

MD, PhD 656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

I. P Bobrov

The Altai State Medical University

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. F Lazarev

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

The Altai Branch 656049, Barnaul, Russian Federation

V. V Klimachev

The Altai State Medical University

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A. M Avdalyan

The Altai State Medical University

656038, Barnaul, Russian Federation


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