Criteria for the definitive diagnosis of melanoma, by creation of a scorecard

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Melanoma of a skin is thought to be one of the most aggressive tumors with unpredictable prognosis because of a high potency of local growth, local and remote metastases, and dissemination. Regarding this point very important aspect is an adequate assessment of patients and proper therapy administration according to a disease stage. Options for effective diagnosis is to create a single user registration card will allow to create the uniform Russian Federation register of patients with a skin melanoma and will help to introduce an international treatment standard with distribution of patients on stages and substages.

About the authors

S. A Yargunin

Clinical Oncological Center No1 of Health Department of Krasnodar Region

канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием хирургии опухолей кожи и мягких тканей

I. S Davidenko

Clinical Oncological Center No1 of Health Department of Krasnodar Region

заведующая отделением химиотерапии, доктор медицинских наук


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