Criteria for the definitive diagnosis of melanoma, by creation of a scorecard




Melanoma of a skin is thought to be one of the most aggressive tumors with unpredictable prognosis because of a high potency of local growth, local and remote metastases, and dissemination. Regarding this point very important aspect is an adequate assessment of patients and proper therapy administration according to a disease stage. Options for effective diagnosis is to create a single user registration card will allow to create the uniform Russian Federation register of patients with a skin melanoma and will help to introduce an international treatment standard with distribution of patients on stages and substages.


S. Yargunin

Clinical Oncological Center No1 of Health Department of Krasnodar Region

канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием хирургии опухолей кожи и мягких тканей

I. Davidenko

Clinical Oncological Center No1 of Health Department of Krasnodar Region

заведующая отделением химиотерапии, доктор медицинских наук


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