Effect of HER2-Neu expression in primary tumor on the efficacy of adjuvant polychemotherapy in patients with stage i-ii small cell lung cancer

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Lung cancer is a "world leader" in structure incidence and mortality from malignant disease. Surgery is the main treatment that can completely treat patient. But, nearly 50% of patients had disease progression after operation due to presents of micro metastases in time of operation. That’s why necessary to indicate group of patients who needs adjuvant chemotherapy for increasing survival of patients. It is possible to indicate group of patients with the help of molecular markers. The aim of our study is to investigate effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy in early non-small cell lung cancer patients due to expression of HER2-Neu in primary tumor. Evaluation of HER2-Neu expression was conducted in 243 patients. HER2-Neu hyperexpression was detected in 70 (28,8%) patients, and absence of HER2-Neu expression in 173 patients (71,2%). We did not identify relationships between HER2-Neu expression in primary tumor and sex, age of patients, location, histologic form, morphologic differentiation of tumor, T criteria. However, patients with N1 and accordingly stage II more frequently defined HER2-Neu hyper expression (р=0,0001 and р=0,001). Moreover, decrease survival was defined in patients with early stages non-small cell lung cancer with HER2-Neu hyper expression in primary tumor (р<0,0001). There is a significant effect after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with low HER2-Neu expression. It helps to individualize adjuvant chemotherapy and avoid groundless toxic therapy prescription.

About the authors

A. P Kolesnik

Zaporozhye State Medical University

Email: kap_kan@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. онкологии г. Запорожье


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