Rezul'taty radiochastotnoy rezektsii pecheni po povodu metastazov kolorektal'nogo raka

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The authors present the immediate and long-term results of atypical hepatectomies carried out in 124 patients for colorectal cancer metastases in 1999 to June 2009. Hepatectomies were performed using radiofrequency (RF) devices in 32 patients and electric, ultrasonic, and argon-beam coagulations in 92. Combined operations in the volume of resection of different portions of the colorectum and hepatectomy were made in 112 patients; hepatectomies for metachronic metastases were carried out in 12. Hepatectomies using RF devices versus conventional hepatectomy reduce intraoperative blood loss, the time of resection, and the incidence of complications. Three-year survival rates in the patients who had undergone RF-assisted hepatectomies are comparable with those in the patients who had conventional atypical hepatectomies.

About the authors

G I Vorob'ev

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

Yu A Shelygin

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

V N Kashnikov

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

E G Rybakov

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

A V Lavrinenko

ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии

аспирант отд-ния онкопроктологии; ФГУ ГНЦ колопроктологии


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