Immunobiochemical markers of the gematoentsefalitics barrier and autosensibilization at early forms chronic ischemia of the brain

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The level of neurospecifi c proteins and autoantibodies to the subunit NR2 of the NMDA receptor in veterans with early forms of chronic cerebral ischemia was studied. It was shown that these patients had permeability disturbances of the blood-brain barrier with the growth of autosensibilization processes to brain antigens, which may be one of the mechanisms of progression of chronic cerebral ischemia and a predicted failure of cerebral circulation compensation in patients with progressive course of chronic cerebral ischemia. On the other hand, the defi nition of neurospecifi c proteins in the systemic circulation may be promising for the diagnosis of early stages of chronic cerebral ischemia, when other objective methods of research may be of little informative.

About the authors

E. . Davydova

South Ural State Medical University; Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

A. . Zurochka

South Ural State University (National Research University); Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Immunology and Physiology

Russian Federation

D. . Altman

South Ural State Medical University; Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Davydova E..., Zurochka A..., Altman D...

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