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Clinical experience showed that use of the probiotic medicine “Sporobakterin” promotes not only the fissile elimination of ions of lead from an organism to 58,9 % (from an integument to 67,9 % muscular tissue to 47,1 % and a bone tissue to 61,5 %), but also prevents development of degenerative changes of internals that in our opinion has direct dependence. On by it application of Sporobakterin at treatment of intoxication lead interferes with development of inflammatory process in an organism what morphological, hematological and biochemical indexes of blood of the experimental animals testify to, and also have the stimulating effect of factors of nonspecific resistance of an organism.

About the authors

A. N. Sizentsov

FGBOU WO Orenburgsky state university

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Yu. A. Konstantinova

FGBOU WO Orenburgsky state university

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Sizentsov A.N., Konstantinova Y.A.

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