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The investigation is aimed to problems of dynamic changes associated with a progress in sports qualification of sports professionals, and changes in peripheral red blood cell-associated parameters, probability corresponding to positive or negative signs of blood system adaptation to aerobic or anaerobic physical activity conditions. The optimal level of red blood cell-associated parameters, that meets the elevated oxygen tissue consumption demands, was observed in groups of Masters of sports and candidates for Master of sports. In groups of wrestlers and boxers some variations in red blood cell-associated parameters were also observed, with mostly lack of statistically significant differences between sports, sport qualification, or other parameters investigated, indicating no or little impact of sports specificity factors on red blood cell-associated parameters. The values of “leucocytes blood formula entropy” in groups of skiers, swimmers and wrestlers were within normal range, thus indicating a relatively adequate state of adaptation of blood system and it’s regulation in response to increased physical activity, but in boxers group they were out of normal range, probably due to negative side effect of adaptation processes or even a pre-morbid (pre-disease) state. The values of “integral coefficient of blood deterioration” also indicated on worse changes, being statistically significant in group of boxers only, thus reflecting deviations of functional activity, probably due to negative adaptive reaction accumulation as a result of specific factors in this sport. Conclusions: Progress in sports qualification mostly of aerobic (cross-country skiers, swimmers) or anaerobic (wrestlers, boxers) physical activity, was accompanied with changes in red blood cell-associated parameters, thus with sufficient probability corresponding to specific effects of aerobic or anaerobic physical activity on sportsmen.

About the authors

S. L. Sashenkov

South-Uml State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

O. V. Zhurilo

South-Uml State Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

I. Yu. Melnikov

South-Uml State Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

V. A. Kolupaev

South-Uml State Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

I. A. Komarova

South-Uml State Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Sashenkov S.L., Zhurilo O.V., Melnikov I.Y., Kolupaev V.A., Komarova I.A.

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