Информация об авторе

Degtyarev, K.

Выпуск Раздел Название Файл
Том 466, № 1 (2016) Geology Paleoproterozoic anorogenic granitoids of the Zheltav sialic massif (Southern Kazakhstan): Structural position and geochronology
Том 467, № 1 (2016) Geology The migmatite–gneiss complex of the Chuya–Kendyktas sialic massif (Southern Kazakhstan): Structure and age
Том 467, № 2 (2016) Geology First results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Upper Ordovician sandstones of the Bashkir uplift (Southern Urals)
Том 470, № 2 (2016) Geology Sources of Paleozoic granitic rocks and isotopic heterogeneity of the continental crust of the Aktau–Dzhungar microcontinent, Central Kazakhstan
Том 471, № 2 (2016) Geochemistry Sources of Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks and formation time of the continental crust of the Kokchetav Massif (Northern Kazakhstan)
Том 472, № 2 (2017) Geology Geochemical and Lu/Hf isotopic (LA–ICP–MS) systematics of detrital zircons from the Upper Ordovician sandstones of the Bashkir Uplift (Southern Urals)
Том 472, № 2 (2017) Geology The Early Cambrian age of intraplate mafic–ultramafic plutons of the Ulutau sialic Massif (Central Kazakhstan)
Том 472, № 1 (2017) Geology Polychronous formation of the ophiolite association in the Tekturmas zone of Central Kazakhstan inferred from geochronological and biostratigraphic data
Том 473, № 2 (2017) Geology First results of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Ordovician clastic sequences of the Sol-Iletsk Block, East European Platform
Том 473, № 2 (2017) Geology The late Tonian Zhaunkar granite complex of the Ulutau sialic massif, Central Kazakhstan
Том 475, № 2 (2017) Geology First results of U/Pb dating of detrital zircons from middle Riphean sandstones of the Zigalga Formation, South Urals
Том 476, № 1 (2017) Geology The first find of spinel peridotite in the Southern Kazakhstan: Structure, composition, and parameters of high-pressure metamorphism
Том 478, № 2 (2018) Geology Late Carboniferous Monzonite–Granosyenite Magmatism in the Northern Balkhash Region (Central Kazakhstan)
Том 479, № 1 (2018) Geology The Late Silurian Age of the Reference Aralaul Granosyenites–Granite Massif (Northern Kazakhstan)
Том 479, № 1 (2018) Geology New Data on the Age of Detrital Zircons from the Kokdjot Group and Bolshekaroi Formation, Malyi Karatau (Southern Kazakhstan)
Том 479, № 1 (2018) Geology First Results of Study of Detrital Zircons from Late Precambrian Quartzite–Schist Sequences of the Aktau–Mointy Block, Central Kazakhstan
Том 479, № 2 (2018) Geochemistry Ankaramite: A New Type of High-Magnesium and High-Calcium Primitive Melt in the Magnitogorsk Island-Arc Zone (Southern Urals)
Том 483, № 1 (2018) Geology First Results of Dating Detrital Zircons from Late Precambrian Coarse Clastic Sequences of Ulutau Massif, Central Kazakhstan
Том 483, № 2 (2018) Geology Carboniferous 40Ar/39Ar Age of Rare-Metal Enriched Rhyolites and Ignimbrites in the Sakmara Allochthon (Southern Urals)
Том 484, № 1 (2019) Geology The Early Ordovician Alkaline-Ultramafic Zhilandy Complex of Central Kazakhstan: Structure and Geochronology
Том 484, № 2 (2019) Geology The Late Cryogenian Age of the Kumysty Granosyenite Complex, Greater Karatau, Southern Kazakhstan
Том 489, № 1 (2019) Geology First Results of Dating Detrital Zircons from the Late Precambrian Quartzite–Schist Sequences of the Chu Block (Southern Kazakhstan)

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