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Vol 466, No 1 (2016)


Berdyaush pluton of rapakivi granites, South Urals: New data on the geological structure and geodynamic evolution

Snachev V.I., Bazhin E.A.


The new version of the geological structure of the Berdyaush pluton (a single intrusion of rapakivi granites in the Urals) presented in this paper is significantly distinct from the previous structural schemes. Rapakivi granites compose no more than 10–20% of the area of the pluton and they are widespread only in its northeastern and southwestern flanks. The contacts between gabbro (I phase), hybrid syenodiorites (II phase), and rapakivi granites (III phase) are transitional, metasomatic. The hybrid syenodiorites and rapakivi granites are formed after gabbroic rocks as a result of their intense thermal and metasomatic transformation by the deep fluids. The driving force of this process could be the unilateral compression of the Berdyaush pluton resulting from formation of the eastward continental rift in the beginning of the Middle Riphean.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Precambrian cratons and mechanisms of their neotectonic crustal uplift

Artyushkov E.V., Chekhovich P.A.


Up to 70% of the area of continents is occupied by the Precambrian crust. Shortening of this crust finished 0.5 Ga ago or earlier, while Pliocene–Quaternary rises made up of 100–200 to 1000–1500 m. In order to support these uplifts in the absence of shortening, the density in the lithosphere layer had to be considerably decreased. This lower density can be attributed to the replacement of the lower part of the mantle lithosphere with asthenospheric material or to the expansion of the inner parts of the crust resulting from repeated metamorphism. As is shown by our calculations, a decrease in density at depths of 150–250 km beneath the Precambrian cratons can lead to uplifts only up to 100 m in amplitude. Hence, the neotectonic uplifts were caused by expansion at higher crustal levels. This situation required the supply of a large amount of mantle fluid into the crust, and the volume of this fluid should be comparable to that of the new-formed relief

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):6-10
pages 6-10 views

A new type of noble metal mineralization in the Northern Caucasus

Bogush I.A., Cherkashin V.I., Ryabov G.V., Abdullayev M.S.


The weathering crust of the Beden ultrabasite massif (the basin of Big Laba River) is identified and studied. Anomalously high contents of noble metals (Au, Pt, Pd) are revealed in the basal horizon of the Jurassic part of the weathering crust. For this reason we suspect an existence of a belt of noble metal miner-alization in the Paleozoic ultrabasites in the Peredovoi Range of the Northern Caucasus.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Paleoproterozoic anorogenic granitoids of the Zheltav sialic massif (Southern Kazakhstan): Structural position and geochronology

Tretyakov A.A., Degtyarev K.E., Sal’nikova E.B., Shatagin K.N., Kotov A.B., Ryazantsev A.V., Pilitsyna A.V., Yakovleva S.Z., Tolmacheva E.V., Plotkina Y.V.


The basement of the Zheltav sialic massif (Southern Kazakhstan) is composed of different metamorphic rocks united into the Anrakhai Complex. In the southeastern part of the massif, these rocks form a large antiform with the core represented by amphibole and clinopyroxene gneissic granite varieties. By their chemical composition, dominant amphibole (hastingsite) gneissic granites correspond to subalkaline granites, while their petroand geochemical properties make them close to A-type granites. The U–Pb geochronological study of accessory zircons yielded an age of 1841 ± 6 Ma, which corresponds to the crystallization age of melts parental for protoliths of amphibole gneissic granites of the Zheltav Massif. Thus, the structural–geological and geochronological data make it possible to define the Paleoproterozoic (Staterian) stage of anorogenic magmatism in the Precambrian history of the Zheltav Massif. The combined Sm–Nd isotopic—geochronological data and age estimates obtained for detrital zircons indicate the significant role of the Paleoproterozoic tectono-magmatic stage in the formation of the Precambrian continental crust of sialic massifs in Kazakhstan and northern Tien Shan.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views

New data on the most ancient early quaternary glaciation in Gornyi Altai

Zykin V.S., Zykina V.S., Smolyaninova L.G.


The data presented in this work introduce substantial corrections into the Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and geological history of Gornyi Altai. They provide evidence for the most ancient Early Pleistocene glaciation in this region. This follows from finds of faceted boulders buried in the Bashkaus Formation. Pale-omagnetic investigations revealed in the latter a wide zone of negative polarity corresponding to the Matuyama Chron in the magnetostratigraphic scale and made it possible to correlate the formation with the Lower Pleistocene in the standard stratigraphic scale. It is shown that global cooling at the beginning of the Quaternary Period stimulated development of glaciation on the southern slope of the Kuraiskii Range exceeding in size its present-day scale.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Physicochemical peculiarities of absorbed oil in core samples of gas condensate deposit

Mikhailov N.N., Ermilov O.M., Sechina L.S.


The problem of the composition of absorption hydrocarbons and liquid condensate arises in the study of gas condensate reservoirs. From the examples of the gas condensate part of the Karachaganak, Astrakhan, and Yamburg deposits, it is shown that absorption hydrocarbons (absorption oil) contain polar components with S and O atoms in molecules. The differences in the physicochemical properties of absorbed oil and precipitated liquid condensate are revealed, as are the regularities in the composition and properties of the absorbed oil and condensate. The criteria for division of absorption oil and liquid condensate are given.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):24-27
pages 24-27 views


Behavior of isotope (18O/16O, 234U/238U) systems during the formation of uranium deposits of the “sandstone” type

Golubev V.N., Dubinina E.O., Chernyshev I.V., Ikonnikova T.A.


The uneven character of the distribution of 18O/16O and 234U/238U values was established in the vertical cross section of the productive sequence of the Dybryn uranium deposit (Vitim uranium-ore region, Buryatia). Both a deficiency and an excess of 234U in relation to the equilibrium 234U/238U ratio in the vertical sequence may provide evidence for the extremely low rate of the infiltration water flow. The behavior of oxygen isotope characteristics for different size fractions of terrigenous rocks provides evidence for active uranium redistribution and openness of the isotope system of this element during interaction of terrigenous–sedimentary rocks with infiltration waters.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):28-31
pages 28-31 views

The transformation features of impurity defects in natural diamonds of various habits under high PT conditions

Zedgenizov D.A., Kalinin A.A., Kalinina V.V., Pal’yanov Y.N., Shatsky V.S.


The results of the investigations of the transformation of impurity defects in natural diamonds of various habits at the stage of high-temperature annealing at P = 6 GPa and T = 2200°C are presented. The studies conducted allowed us to ascertain that the transformations of Aand B-defects in diamonds of octahedral and cubic habits follow general regularities. This fact shows that most of the diamonds of cubic habit with low degree of aggregation of nitrogen centers were not really annealed over a long-term interval. Unlike octahedral diamonds, those of cubic habit are characterized by a pronounced increase in the peak of H-containing defects (3107 cm–1) after annealing.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Processes of hydrothermal ore genesis in the World Ocean: The results of 35 years of research

Lein A.Y., Bogdanov Y.A., Lisitzin A.P.


The general features of the processes of hydrothermal ore genesis in the slowly spreading Mid Atlantic Ridge with a separation rate of 2–4 cm/year are considered for the first time.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Nd isotope systematics of the Vendian–Early Cambrian sedimentary ores in the northern segment of the Paleoasian Ocean

Letnikova E.F., Letnikov F.A., Shkol’nik S.I., Cherkashina T.Y., Reznitskii L.Z., Vishnevskaya I.A.


Isotope–geochemical studies of Mn, P, and Ba ores were performed in order to establish the influence of submarine hydrotherms on the formation of Early Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the southern environs of the Siberian Platform. Based on study of the geochemical and isotope (εNd) characteristics of the shallow-water Mn and Ba ores and phosphorites of southern environs of the Siberian Platform with similar ages, two types of sedimentary basins of the different geodynamic origins were distinguished: intraplate oceanic and those of the active continental margin, for which the sources of ore materials differ by the proportions of the mantle and contaminated crustal matter.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Spatial patterns of the evolution of the chemical composition and discharge of river water in the Ob River basin

Savichev O.G., Mazurov A.K., Pipko I.I., Sergienko V.I., Semiletov I.P.


The discharge of major cations and dissolved organic carbon (Corg) with water of the Ob River and its tributaries along the natural zones within the Ob River basin was calculated, and the contribution of the underground component to the volumes of total discharge of the Ob River basin was estimated. It was demonstrated that the total chemical composition of river water and the geochemical discharge in the Ob River basin were consistent with the zoned hydroclimatic conditions controlling the character and duration of interaction in the water–rock system. It was established that the average ionic discharge of the Ob River increased from 6–7 × 106 t/year near Barnaul to 46–47 × 106 t/year near Salekhard; the discharge of dissolved Corg increased from 0.1 × 106 to 3.8 × 106 t/year. Multiple enrichment of underground waters of the Ob River in dissolved organic matter from the upper to the lower reaches was revealed.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):59-63
pages 59-63 views

40Ar/39Ar age of gold mineralization of the Malomyr deposit (eastern part of the Mongolian–Okhotsk foldbelt)

Sorokin A.A., Ponomarchuk A.V., Buchko I.V., Travin A.V., Ponomarchuk V.A.


Reliable age estimation was obtained originally in this study for gold mineralization of the Malomyr deposit (the eastern part of the Mongolian–Okhotsk foldbelt), which is one of the most well-known deposits in the Russian Far East. The data obtained show that the age of hydrothermal process that resulted in the formation of the Malomyr deposit may be estimated as ∼133–132 Ma. Data on magmatism of the same age within the considered region are absent. In the opinion of the authors, mobilization, redistribution of the ore material, and the formation of the Malomyr deposit were mostly controlled by dislocation processes accompanied by hydrothermal activity, which is supported by the results of structural studies.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):64-69
pages 64-69 views

Evolution of melts of the Changbaishan Tianchi volcano (China–North Korea) as a model of ore–magmatic system formation: Data from melt inclusions studies

Andreeva O.A., Andreeva I.A., Yarmolyuk V.V., Borisovskiy S.E.


The composition and evolution of the melts of trachytes from the volcano were studied based on examining the inclusions of mineral-forming media by means of X-ray and ion microanalysis. A correlation was shown between the degree of enrichment of these melts in rare elements and the processes of magmatic differentiation. It was found that trachytes of the volcano were generated in highly differentiated alkaline melts enriched in Hf, Nb, Zr, Ta, U, Th, Rb, Y, and REEs under 1020–1060°C. The evolution of melts was determined by the processes of crystal fractionation. The main volatile components in the melts are water, fluorine, and chlorine with the concentrations of 0.1–0.5, 0.2–0.5, and 0.2–0.3 wt %, respectively. The melt crystallization was accompanied by degassing caused by the decrease in the outer pressure. The low concentrations of water and fluorine represent the melt composition by these components exclusively at the time of the melt movement towards the Earth’s surface just before the eruption.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):82-87
pages 82-87 views

The formation of graphite upon the interaction of subducted carbonates and sulfur with metal-bearing rocks of the lithospheric mantle

Bataleva Y.V., Palyanov Y.N., Borzdov Y.M., Bayukov O.A., Sobolev N.V.


Experimental studies of the Fe0–(Mg, Ca)CO3–S system were carried out during 18–20 h at 6.3 GPa, 900–1400°C. It is shown that the major processes resulting in the formation of free carbon include reduction of carbonates upon redox interaction with Fe0 (or Fe3C), extraction of carbon from iron carbide upon interaction with a sulfur melt/fluid, and reduction of the carbonate melt by Fe–S and Fe⎯S–C melts. Reconstruction of the processes of graphite formation indicates that carbonates and iron carbide may be potential sources of carbon under the conditions of subduction, and participation of the sulfur melt/fluid may result in the formation of mantle sulfides.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):88-91
pages 88-91 views

Silurian U–Pb zircon age (LA-ICP-MS) of granitoids from the Zelenodol Cu–porphyry deposit, Southern Urals

Grabezhev A.I., Ronkin Y.L., Puchkov V.N., Shardakova G.Y., Azovskova O.B., Gerdes A.


The Zelenodol porphyry Cu-(Au, Mo) deposit located about 65 km SSW of the city of Chelyabinsk is confined to the western part of the West Uralian Volcanogenic Megazone. The concordant U-Pb age of zircons from ore-bearing island-arc diorite porphyryis 418.3 Â ± 2.9 Ma.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):92-95
pages 92-95 views


Application of a three-component seismic array to improve the detection efficiency of seismic events by the matched filter method

Adushkin V.V., Kitov I.O., Sanina I.A.


It is found that the best results, in terms of the efficiency of detecting regional seismic phases from blast sources, are achieved by using the method of waveform cross correlation applied to the data from a small-aperture array of three-component sensors

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Vertical extension of the urban heat island above Moscow

Lokoshchenko M.A., Korneva I.A., Kochin A.V., Dubovetsky A.Z., Novitsky M.A., Razin P.Y.


The vertical extension of the urban “heat island” (UHI) has been studied on the basis of long-term data of contact air temperature measurements at three places for the example of Moscow. The existence of steady thermal anomaly related to the city in the form of a UHI in the surface layer at any time of the day and also the existence of a cold layer over it at heights higher than 100 m at night were confirmed. The mean daily altitudinal extension of this anomaly is approximately 300 m.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Expected geological and geomorphological risks along the Northern Sea Route

Nikiforov S.L., Lobkovskii L.I., Dmitrevskii N.N., Ananiev R.A., Sorokhtin N.O., Khortov A.V., Bogdanova O.Y.


Degradation of the underwater multiyear permafrost rocks (UMPR) together with intensification of thermal abrasion processes in the coasts are global risks on a planetary scale. Changes in the physical properties of sediments can occur after degradation of the UMPR and can lead to unpredictable consequences especially in the regions of technical development. Drifting ice bottom exaration (ice plucking of bottom sediments), which is increasing based on the data of recent expeditions, is no less dangerous. These processes are hazardous for practically all types of activity.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):75-77
pages 75-77 views

Peculiarities of electric and magnetic tipper variations caused by meteorological disturbances in the atmosphere

Adushkin V.V., Spivak A.A.


We present the results of the analysis of experimental data of synchronous observations of variations in the electric and magnetic fields as well as acoustic oscillations in the surface zone of the Earth compared with variations in the meteorological parameters. We demonstrate the synchronous variations in these fields and atmospheric parameters. We revealed, for the first time, not only synchronous but also advancing manifestations of the geomagnetic field perturbations. We introduce a new parameter: the inverse magnetic tipper whose variations during atmospheric perturbations are clearly manifested compared with the variations in the magnetic tipper.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):96-99
pages 96-99 views


Uncertainties in estimates of the impact of recent climate variations on groundwater

Dzyuba A.V., Zektser I.S.


Objective and subjective uncertainties in modern estimates of the impact of long-term climate variations on the subsurface runoff and groundwater reserves are discussed. It is shown that the assessment of groundwater reserves should take into consideration the insufficient reliability of the main hydrogeological parameters and estimates of their likely changes. Therefore, the prediction of the influence of climate changes on groundwater reserves and its regime is now impossible. The mechanism of the natural floral damping of possible changes in the groundwater replenishment and temperature–moisture regime of large regions determined by climate changes due to the growing greenhouse gas concentration in the troposphere is described for the first time.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):51-53
pages 51-53 views

The North Atlantic Oscillation: A dominant factor in variations of oceanic circulation systems of the Atlantic Ocean

Dvoryaninov G.S., Kubryakov A.A., Sizov A.A., Stanichny S.V., Shapiro N.B.


On the basis of altimetry data, the dynamics of the interaction between the subtropical anticyclonic (SA) and subpolar cyclonic (SC) gyres of the North Atlantic is considered. It is shown that the westerlies in the lower troposphere represented by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index are the main factor responsible for the dynamics of the gyres, which controls the inflow of warm Atlantic water into the Polar basin.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):100-104
pages 100-104 views

Soil resources of the Russian Arctic

Ivanov A.L., Stolbovoy V.S., Savin I.Y.


The soil cover of the Arctic zone of Russia is ∼330 million hectares. Permafrost restricts the thickness of the active layer but does not prevent the formation of significant diversity of soils and soil complexes, including Al–Fe humic and peat soils, gleysols, and others. The available data on soil resources are sufficient for organization and participation of Russia in scientific–practical international programs. At the same time, specific soil related targets and project tasks may require additional study of soils of the Arctic region.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):105-107
pages 105-107 views


Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent stably stratified air flow above a wavy water surface

Druzhinin O.A., Troitskaya Y.I., Zilitinkevich S.S.


The influence of the roughness of the underlaying water surface on turbulence is studied in a stably stratified boundary layer (SSBL). Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is conducted at various Reynolds (Re) and Richardson (Ri) numbers and the wave steepness ka. It is shown that, at constant Re, the stationary turbulent regime is set in at Ri below the threshold value Ric depending on Re. At Ri > Ric, in the absence of turbulent fluctuations near the wave water surface, three-dimensional quasiperiodical structures are identified and their threshold of origin depends on the steepness of the surface wave on the water surface. This regime is called a wave pumping regime. The formation of three-dimensional structures is explained by the development of parametric instability of the disturbances induced by the surface water in the air flow. The DNS results are quite consistent with prediction of the theoretical model of the SSBL flow, in which solutions for the disturbances of the fields of velocity and temperature in the wave pumping regime are found to be a solution of a two-dimensional linearized system with the heterogeneous boundary condition, which is caused by the presence of the surface wave. In addition to the turbulent fluctuations, the three-dimensional structures in the wave pumping regime provide for the transfer of impulse and heat, i.e., the increase in the roughness of the water–air boundary caused by the presence of waves intensifies the exchange in the SSBL.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):54-58
pages 54-58 views

Distribution and composition of suspended particulate matter in the Atlantic Ocean: Direct measurements and satellite data

Lisitzin A.P., Klyuvitkin A.A., Burenkov V.I., Kravchishina M.D., Politova N.V., Novigatsky A.N., Shevchenko V.P., Klyuvitkina T.S.


The main purpose of this work is to study the real distribution and spatial–temporal variations of suspended particulate matter and its main components in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean on the basis of direct and satellite measurements for development of new and perfection of available algorithms for converting satellite data. The distribution fields of suspended particulate matter were calculated and plotted for the entire Atlantic Ocean. It is established that its distribution in the open ocean is subordinate to the latitudinal climatic zonality. The areas with maximum concentrations form latitudinal belts corresponding to high-productivity eutrophic and mesotrophic waters of the northern and southern temperate humid belts and with the equatorial humid zone. Phytoplankton, the productivity of which depends primarily on the climatic zonality, is the main producer of suspended particulate matter in the surface water layer.

Doklady Earth Sciences. 2016;466(1):78-81
pages 78-81 views

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