Features of Formation of Surface Layers of Titanium Alloy VT6 under Conditions of N+ Ions Implantation




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The effect of implantation of N+ ions on the chemical composition and atomic structure of the surface layers of titanium alloy VT6 is investigated. The accumulation of nitrogen in the surface layers up to concentrations of 30 at % and more and the formation of chemical compounds of titanium nitride TiN in the form of phase inclusions is shown. Presumably, this is due to processes of chemical nature, in particular, the chemical activity of titanium atoms, their tendency to interact with nitrogen atoms. In addition, despite the fact that in the conditions of ion bombardment, the integral oxygen concentration in the surface layers decreases due to sputtering, nevertheless, oxidation of the components of the titanium alloy VT6 is observed in deeper layers. Presumably, both oxygen from the natural oxide layer and from the residual atmosphere of the vacuum chamber, penetrating into deeper surface layers during irradiation, participate in the oxidation of titanium alloy components. The accumulation of nitrogen, the formation of titanium nitrides and the oxidation of the components of the titanium alloy VT6 indicate a significant role of chemical processes in the formation of the structural-phase state of the surface layers of titanium alloy VT6 under the conditions of implantation of N+ ions.


V. Vorobyov

Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

Email: Vasily_L.84@udman.ru
Russia, 426067, Izhevsk

P. Bykov

Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

Email: Vasily_L.84@udman.ru
Russia, 426067, Izhevsk

F. Gilmutdinov

Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

Email: Vasily_L.84@udman.ru
Russia, 426067, Izhevsk

A. Ulyanov

Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

Email: Vasily_L.84@udman.ru
Russia, 426067, Izhevsk

V. Bayankin

Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

Email: Vasily_L.84@udman.ru
Russia, 426067, Izhevsk


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版权所有 © В.Л. Воробьев, П.В. Быков, Ф.З. Гильмутдинов, А.Л. Ульянов, В.Я. Баянкин, 2023
