On the growth of InGaN nanowires by molecular-beam epitaxy: influence of the III/V flux ratio on the structural and optical properties



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In this work, we studied the influence of the III/V flux ratio on the structural and optical properties of InGaN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. It was found that the formation of InGaN nanowires with a core–shell structure occurs if the III/V flux ratio is about 0.9–1.2 taking into account the In incorporation coefficient. At the same time, an increase in the III/V flux ratio from the intermediate growth regime to metal-rich one leads to a decrease in the In content in nanowires from ~45% to ~35%. This nanowires exhibit photoluminescence at room temperature with a maximum in the range of 600–650 nm. A further increase in the III/V flux ratio to ~1.3, or its decrease to ~0.4 leads to the formation of coalesced nanocolumnar layers with a low In content. The results obtained may be of interest for studying the growth processes of InGaN nanowires and creating RGB light-emitting devices on them.

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Sobre autores

V. Gridchin

Saint-Petersburg State University; Alferov University; IAI RAS; Ioffe Institute

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg; 190103, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg

S. Komarov

HSE University

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 190008, Saint-Petersburg

I. Soshnikov

Saint-Petersburg State University; IAI RAS; Ioffe Institute

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg; 190103, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg

I. Shtrom

Saint-Petersburg State University; Alferov University; IAI RAS

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg; 190103, Saint-Petersburg

R. Reznik

Saint-Petersburg State University

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg

N. Kryzhanovskaya

HSE University

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 190008, Saint-Petersburg

G. Cirlin

Saint-Petersburg State University; Alferov University; IAI RAS; Ioffe Institute

Email: gridchinvo@gmail.com
Rússia, 199034, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg; 190103, Saint-Petersburg; 194021, Saint-Petersburg


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Typical SEM images of samples grown at total incident FIII fluxes corresponding to 1.5 (a); 2.0 (b); 5.0 × 10–7 Torr (c) and the obtained RHEED patterns after completion of growth.

Baixar (173KB)
3. Fig. 2. Normalized PL spectra measured at room temperature from samples grown at a flux of FIII = 5.0 (1); 4.0 (2); 3.0 (3); 2.5 (4); 2.0 (5) and 1.5 × 10–7 Torr (6).

Baixar (117KB)
4. Fig. 3. Dependence of radiation energy on the In content in InGaN (a) and dependence of the In content in InGaN on the FIII*/FN flux ratio (b).

Baixar (97KB)

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