Effect of a Pulsed Magnetic Field on Heterodiffusion of Sn in α-Fe in the Paramagnetic Temperature Range



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The effect of a pulsed magnetic field on the bulk diffusion coefficient of Sn in α-Fe was experimentally studied in the range of magnetic field strengths 79.6–398.0 kА ⋅ m–1, in the frequency range 1–21 Hz at temperatures of 790 and 830°C. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, the pulsed magnetic field was found to have a considerable effect on the diffusion coefficient of Sn in α-Fe at 790°C. The observed behavior of the frequency dependence of the diffusion coefficient had a pronounced “resonance” character. The degree of influence of the magnetostriction constant of α-Fe in the paramagnetic region on the additional mass transfer under the influence of a magnetic field is discussed. A theoretical justification is given for the assumption that the “resonant” behavior of the diffusion coefficient is related to the phenomenon of dislocation retarding by the Cottrell atmosphere under the action of a pulsed magnetic field. The significant role of the interaction of elastic fields of defect complexes with the fields of magnetostrictive stresses α-Fe is noted.

Sobre autores

A. Fedotov

Samara National Research University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: andrew.f.box@mail.ru
Russia, 443086, Samara

S. Voronin

Samara National Research University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: voronin.sv@ssau.ru
Russia, 443086, Samara

A. Pokoev

Samara National Research University

Email: voronin.sv@ssau.ru
Russia, 443086, Samara


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Declaração de direitos autorais © А.А. Федотов, С.В. Воронин, А.В. Покоев, 2023

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