On the Moving Charged Particle’s Position Monitoring Using Its Diffraction Radiation on the Metal Sphere



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The uniformly moving charged particle generates the transition radiation under the motion in the non-uniform medium (in particular, under crossing the interface between two media) and the transition radiation under the motion near the non-uniformities of the medium without crossing theid boundaries. Both diffraction and transition radiation can be used for detection of the charged particles and beam monitoring. While the methods based on the transition radiation from both relativistic and non-relativistic particles are widely used, the utilization of the diffraction radiation for that goals are still under study. The diffraction radiation generation is weakly perturbing for the particle’s motion that permits to develop the non-destructive methods of the beam diagnostics. The description of the diffraction radiation from the charged particle on the conducting sphere has been developed earlier using the method of images known from electrostatics. The method of finding the parameters of the particle’s flying by the sphere based on that approach using the single point detector sensitive to both intensity and polarization of diffraction radiation was proposed earlier. Here we propose the scheme with three detectors that solves the same problem without registration of the polarization.

Sobre autores

V. Syshchenko

Belgorod National Research University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: syshch@yandex.ru
Russia, 308015, Belgorod

A. Tarnovsky

Belgorod National Research University

Email: syshch@yandex.ru
Russia, 308015, Belgorod


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