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Ковалевский, П. И.

Issue Section Title File
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Dr. Dromard et Dalmas. Spasmodic phenomena in the muscles of vegetative life in epileptics (Syndrome spasmadique portant zur les muscles de la vie vegetative chez un epileptique. La Progrès medicale, 1908, 65 PDF
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Raviart, Breton, Petit, Gayet et Cannac. Wassermann's reaction in the mentally ill. Alienation mental et reaction de Wassermann. La Progrès medical, 1908, no. 71 PDF
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Dr. Charron. Recognition of abnormal children (L'assistance des enfants anormaux. Progrès medicale, 1908, 65) PDF
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Dr. Delelle. Mongolian type of idiotia. La Progrès medicale, 1908, 44 PDF
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Dr. Laignel-Lavastein. Mental disorders are caused by the defeat of the glands without excretory ducts. (Destroubles psychiques par perturbations des glandes à séctétion interne. La Progrès medicale, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 1 (1909) Articles Dr. Labbé. Mitral contraction and nanism (Rétrécissement mitral par et nanisme. La Progrès medical, 1908, 73) PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. De Buck. Macro and microscopic anatomy of epilepsy. Anatomie macroet microskopique de l'epilepsie. Le Névraxe, vol. IX. PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Anglade et Jacken. Cardiovascular form of epilepsy. Annales medicopsychologiques, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. J. Roubinowitch. Dermographism in epileptics. Bulletin medical, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Negro. Pupil of epileptics anthropolis. crime. et medico legale. 1908. PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Bratz. To the ethiology of epilepsy. Zur Aetiologie der Epiepsie. Neurol. Centralb., 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Perugia. About the epileptic aura. La Reforma medica. 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Parhon et Uréchie. Influence of the period of menstruation on the frequency of epilepsy. Revista Stüntelor medicale, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. John Turner. Thrombotic origin of the seizure. Some further observations bearing on the supposed thrombotic origin of epileptic. The Journal of mental saence, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Donath. About hysterical amnesia in connection with retrograde amnesia. Neurolog. Centralb., 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles V.N. Vasiliev. Foreigners from the north of the Turukhansk region. Yearbook of the Russian Anthropological Society at St. Petersburg University, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Baugl. Observation of mentally ill epileptics treated with hospital problems. Observations on insane Epeleptics treated imber Hospital principles. — The Journal of mental science, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Nonet. Mental epilepsy and coffee poisoning. Epilepsie psychique et intoxication cofeique. Journal de Neurologie, 1907 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Fourcade. To learn about the epileptic aura and especially the psychic aura. Contribution a l'étude de l'aura epileptique. Paris, 1907 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Anglade et Jacquin. Periodic psychosis and epilepsy. Psychoses périodiques et epilepsie. L'Encephale, 1907 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Holos. Epilepsy and paranoia. Neurolog. Gentralblatt, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr Bernaldo de Quiros. New theories about crime. Las nuovas teorias de la criminalidad, 1908. Journal of mental science, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Alan Mc Dougall. On the principles and foundations of epilepsy treatment. On the principles of the treatement of epileptics. The Journal of mental sience, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 3 (1909) Articles Dr. Brugelmann. Migraine, its origin, essence, treatment. Migräne. 1909 PDF

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