Vol XVI, No 3 (1909)


To casuistry of obsessive aspirations and sexual perversions. (Forensic psychiatric case)

Ivanov N.K.


The casuistry of sexual perversions is very extensive and, if we allow ourselves to report the case we are observing, it is due to the interest that it has from the forensic psychiatric point of view.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):461-482
pages 461-482 views

About some changes in the intraorbital part of the optic nerve after a single injury. (On the question of de-and regeneration of nerves)

Pozharsky I.F.


The present study concerns the area, which occupied the researchers only in passing when solving various problems about the pathological morphology of the eye.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):483-510
pages 483-510 views

Wounded caudae equinae with a sharp cutting tool in the upper part

Veselitsky I.A.


At the end of the last year and the beginning of the present clinic, there was a case in the continuation of two months to observe a one-sided wound with a sharp cutting tool of that part of the caudae equinae, which is adjacent to the lower branch of the spinal cord. Injuries in general with a sharp tool of the contents of the spine are more inflicted by an outside hand than by the victim himself. According to Roesler, who has collected several of these newest cases from the literature (about 50), most of these injuries occur in the cervical part, where they occur twice as often as in other parts. A particularly extensive literary material concerning injuries, mainly of the spinal cord, was collected from the Flatau literature (from 1743 to 1905, with up to 108 works reviewed). In the review of the described cases of injuries to the contents of the spine over the past seven years, I did not have to meet a single case of injury in the lower part of the spine. Thus, cases of this kind, apparently, are far from frequent. In addition, they seem to be very interesting in diagnostics, which is why I thought it was not superfluous to present our case.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):511-524
pages 511-524 views

The significance of the nervous system in the life of the organism in connection with the structure of it

Favorsky A.V.


Even at the end of the past century, leading clinicians expressed themselves as follows: “it's time to think anatomically in the clinic” Lepine said; “in the clinic, henceforth, it is necessary to think and act physiologically,” added Huchard to this.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):525-543
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Psychosis as a consequence of trauma

Sholomovich A.S.


The role of trauma in the origin of nervous diseases is beginning to be defined more or less precisely. So, Mendel, on the basis of a large proven material and a thorough study of their own cases, it comes to the conclusion that only meningitis, myelitis, apoplexy and epilepsy can be purely traumatic (rein traumatisch); polyneuritis and brain abscess can also be directly caused by trauma, especially with the help of infection; all the same other diseases of the nervous system: tabes, brain tumor, syringomyelia, Graves disease, paralysis agitans and others, if not with complete certainty, then with the greatest likelihood, how purely traumatic diseases can be considered non-existent.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):544-556
pages 544-556 views

Physiology n. depressoris. Relationship n. depressor to vasomotor centers. Literary experimental research

Fofanov L.L.


After describing the most interesting moments observed in our experiments with joint irritation of the nerves of the antagonists-depressor and n-vi ischiadici, comparing all the facts we obtained, we will have to come to the conclusion that the level of blood pressure is dependent at any moment depending on it has two completely opposite agents - the centers of the vasoconstrictor and the vasodilator. Explain all the phenomena in changes in blood pressure by accepting the existence of only one c. vasoconstrictors, as recommended by Suon and his school, is completely impossible. A simple observation of fluctuations in blood pressure, depending on the type of vasodilator or other irritations, makes it necessary to accept the view that the center of the vasodilators exists, and it does not matter at all whether it exists in the form of an isolated center, or if it is a part of the vasomotor center that is embedded in the brain. It is difficult to argue for the false, but in any case, Bayliss's theory46) that the vasomotor center is a paired center - consisting of a constrictor and a dilator - is very close to the truth, if it is not already the truth.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):558-607
pages 558-607 views

Dr. De Buck. Macro and microscopic anatomy of epilepsy. Anatomie macroet microskopique de l'epilepsie. Le Névraxe, vol. IX.

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author presents the results of anatomical studies of cases of epilepsy with mental disorders and in the state of dementia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):608-608
pages 608-608 views

Dr. Anglade et Jacken. Cardiovascular form of epilepsy. Annales medicopsychologiques, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Many authors recognize a special form of cardiovascular epilepsy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):608-609
pages 608-609 views

Dr. J. Roubinowitch. Dermographism in epileptics. Bulletin medical, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Dermographism in epileptics is a very frequent phenomenon.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):609-609
pages 609-609 views

Dr. Negro. Pupil of epileptics anthropolis. crime. et medico legale. 1908.

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author often observed an anomaly of the pupil in epileptics, consisting in a change in the place of the pupil.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):609-609
pages 609-609 views

Dr. Bratz. To the ethiology of epilepsy. Zur Aetiologie der Epiepsie. Neurol. Centralb., 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


It has long been established that epilepsy in a large number of cases appears on the basis of parents' alcoholism.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):609-610
pages 609-610 views

Dr. Perugia. About the epileptic aura. La Reforma medica. 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Epileptic aura occurs in less than half of cases of epilepsy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):610-610
pages 610-610 views

Dr. Parhon et Uréchie. Influence of the period of menstruation on the frequency of epilepsy. Revista Stüntelor medicale, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


In most cases, during the period of menstruation, epilepsy attacks intensify and become more frequent, but in a minority the situation is the opposite.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):610-610
pages 610-610 views

Dr. John Turner. Thrombotic origin of the seizure. Some further observations bearing on the supposed thrombotic origin of epileptic. The Journal of mental saence, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Studies of Krainsky, Ceni and others have shown that epilepsy is very often of toxic origin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):611-611
pages 611-611 views

Dr. Donath. About hysterical amnesia in connection with retrograde amnesia. Neurolog. Centralb., 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author draws an analogy between hysterical anesthesia and amnesia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):611-612
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Dr. Ch. de Montet und dr. W. Skop. Myasthenia gravis und Muskelatrophie. Monatsschrift f. Psychiatrie und Neurologie 7. 1908

Sholomovich A.


A case of myasthenia with a pronounced atrophy of all muscles and a pronounced myasthenic reaction is described.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):612-612
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A. Dyleva. Muscle strength in paralysis of tremors. Sur la force musculaire dans la Maladie de Parkinson. From reports of Neurology. Society va in Paris 2 / VII 1908. From the department of prof. Dejerine въ Salpetrieru

Sholomovich A.


Based on two cases. P. b. the author comes to the conclusion that active movements become weak when resistance against passive movements is still preserved.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):612-612
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Dr Kurt Mendel. Trauma in the ethiology of nervous diseases. Der Unfall in der Aetiologie der Nervenkrankheiten. — Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. September 1907-June 1908

Sholomovich A.


The voluminous work published in 10 books of the journal on the role of trauma in nervous pathologies is based on a thorough critical study of a huge number of cases of all kinds of forms of nervous diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):612-614
pages 612-614 views

Jenö Kollarits. Bloody vomiting in gastric crises in tabets. Blutbrechen bei Crises gastriques tabétiques. Neurologisches Centralblatt No. I, 1909

Nakhsidov G.


K. cites a case of a 38 yr. Tabet, who, three months before admission to the clinic, suddenly began to appear, regardless of the intake of food, severe pain in the stomach area, followed by mucous vomiting of a greenish color.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):614-615
pages 614-615 views

F. Conzen. Uterine crises with tabes. Uteruskrisen bei Tabes. Neurolog. Centralbl. No. I, 1909

Nakhsidov G.


S. cites the history of the illness of 33 years old tablets, in which the crises were concentrated in the uterus. The patient herself says that pain appeared in the sacrum, which spread to the uterus; the last one contracted convulsively; when the pain reached its highest point, then the patient felt as if the child's head was erupting; then the pain stopped, a trembling occurred in the body, and the patient felt as if it had disintegrated. Attacks of such pains, similar to labor pains, were repeated 3-4 times a day, lasted 2 1/2 minutes and ended with watery expirations in the amount of 4-5 cubic meters. from.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):615-616
pages 615-616 views

Souques et H Chéine. Tachycardia of the spinal cord with muscle atrophy in the area innervated by nn. trig., vagus, accessor., hypoglossus and lower roots pl. brachialis. — Revue neurol. 1909, no. 5

Osokin N.


Amyotrophies in the region of the cranial nerves with tabes are generally relatively rare.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):616-616
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M. Perrin. Increased knee reflexes with polyneuritis. A propos de l'exagération des réflexes rotuliens dans un cas de polynévrite. Revue neurol. 1909, no. 5

Osokin N.


The total number of polyneuritis with an increase in reflexes, without the participation of the latter during the entire illness, according to Jngelraus's definition in 1903, reached 10.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):616-617
pages 616-617 views

G. Roussy. Two cases of lesion of the visual hillock. Deux nouveaux cos de lésions de la couche optique suivis d'autopsie. Revue neurol. 1909, no. 6

Osokin N.


The syndrome of the visual tubercle is not very bright. Since the publication of Roussy's work (1907), in which 13 observations have been collected, descriptions of Claude, Vincent and Klirrel have also appeared.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):617-618
pages 617-618 views

V.N. Vasiliev. Foreigners from the north of the Turukhansk region. Yearbook of the Russian Anthropological Society at St. Petersburg University, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


The indisputable truth is that we, Russians, know a lot and at all do not know only our homeland.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):618-620
pages 618-620 views

Mach Löwy About hypochondria and her roots. New to the differential recognition of hypochondriasis, especially from psychosis. Ueber Hypochondrie und ihre Wurzeln. Neues zur Differentialdiagnose der Hypochondrie, besonders von den Psychosen. Report read in Mardenburgsk. Societies of Physicians 6 / IX 1906

Sholomovich A.


Conclusions of the author: Pure hypochondria is one of the forms of functional neuroses, for the most part, neurasthenia, part of hysteria.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):620-620
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Dr. Innins und dr. M. Arndt. About paralysis in spouses and taboparalysis. Uber Konjogale Paralyse und Paralysetabes. Monatsschr. Psych. f. und Nervenheilkunde. No. 7-1908

Sholomovich A.


The authors studied in Dalldorf 38 pairs of progressive paralysis in spouses and 16 cases of prog. paralysis in one of the spouses in case of suspicion of the same disease. the other.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):620-621
pages 620-621 views

H. Meige. Fear of trembling. Trémophobie. Revue neurol. 1909, No. I

Osokin N.


The obsessive state described by the name "tremophobia" is in many ways similar to erythrophobia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):621-621
pages 621-621 views

Dr. Baugl. Observation of mentally ill epileptics treated with hospital problems. Observations on insane Epeleptics treated imber Hospital principles. — The Journal of mental science, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author asks the questions: how to treat epileptics with mentally abnormal manifestations in hospitals, and answers — the same way as all mentally ill patients. In this relationship are especially important: peace, bed keeping and careful observation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):621-622
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Dr. Nonet. Mental epilepsy and coffee poisoning. Epilepsie psychique et intoxication cofeique. Journal de Neurologie, 1907

Kovalevsky P.I.


The author describes a case of mental epilepsy in a person with hereditary neuropathological aggravations and personal disposition to convulsions caused by abuse of coffee.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):622-622
pages 622-622 views

Dr. Fourcade. To learn about the epileptic aura and especially the psychic aura. Contribution a l'étude de l'aura epileptique. Paris, 1907

Kovalevsky P.I.


Aura in epilepsy is far from a mandatory phenomenon and does not happen more than in a third of cases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):622-623
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Dr. Anglade et Jacquin. Periodic psychosis and epilepsy. Psychoses périodiques et epilepsie. L'Encephale, 1907

Kovalevsky P.I.


The authors, studying the ethiology and clinic of periodical psychosis and epilepsy, find a lot in common between them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):623-623
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Dr. Holos. Epilepsy and paranoia. Neurolog. Gentralblatt, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


At the congress of doctors in Budapest, the author reported on the joint appearance of epilepsy and paranoia in four cases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):623-623
pages 623-623 views

A. V. Ilgin. About the processes of concentration (attention) in the mentally ill. Experimental and psychological study of the mentally ill. Dissertation. From the psychological laboratory of Acad. V. M. Bekhterev. SPb. 1909

Bogatyrev N.


The author studied attention in the mentally ill four clinical forms: 1) dementia senilis, 2) dem. praec. 3) d. paralyt. and 4) paranoia. All patients were in the stage of clearly expressed dementia, but had not yet reached a deep degree. For the study, the author used the tables of Vaschide icons and tables of 6 letters, repeating without a certain order. The studied patients looked through the tables and marked the pre-defined symbols and letters. The number of viewed icons and letters measured the amount of work, and the % of incorrectly marked and missed ones indicated the quality of it, on the basis of which the conclusion about the state of attention was given.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):623-626
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Tomaschny. About mixedѳmatous changes in the skin with manic-depressive psychosisѣ. Über myxödematöse Hautveränderung als Parallelvorgang bei manisch-depressiver Psychose. Neurolog. Centralblatt. 1909, no. 4

Nakhsidov G.


Dr. Tamaschny cites the history of Maria P.'s illness at 22 years old, with a very difficult inheritance, which, suffering from man.depr. psychosis since 1897, he was admitted under observation on 29 / IX-1905.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):626-627
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Dr Bernaldo de Quiros. New theories about crime. Las nuovas teorias de la criminalidad, 1908. Journal of mental science, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Quiros is a defender of a modern view of crime and criminals in Spain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):627-627
pages 627-627 views

Prof. Friedenreich. About mindfulness. (Criminal value of suspicion) Ueber Zurechnungsfähigkeit (In strafretlicher Bedeutung). Monatsschr. f. Psych. und Nervenheilk. 7-1908

Sholomovich A.


The author disagrees with the opinion that the issues of suspicion and invisibility - as a purely metaphysical understanding, should be resolved by lawyers, not doctors. Only psychiatr, according to the Copennagen scholar, can be a judge in these questions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):627-628
pages 627-628 views

Dr. Alan Mc Dougall. On the principles and foundations of epilepsy treatment. On the principles of the treatement of epileptics. The Journal of mental sience, 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Treatment of epilepsy should be preceded by a study of its nature, causes and bases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):629-629
pages 629-629 views

W. Winternitz. Physical methods of treatment in medical practice. Die physikalischen Heilmethoden in der ärztlichen Praxis.-Monatschr. f. physikal.diätet. Heilmethoden. H. I. 1909

Klyachkin G.


The first book of the new monthly magazine, devoted to the issues of physical therapy and deethetics, opens with an interesting article by prof. Winternitz, in which the famous physical therapist, on the basis of his many years of scientific research and clinical observation, gives a number of practical indications necessary for a doctor when applying physical methods of treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):629-631
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Max Kahane. Physical treatment of sciatic nerve inflammation. Die physikalische Therapie des Ischias. — Monatsch. f. d. physikal. diät. Heilmethoden. 1909. H. 3

Klyachkin G.


The author points out that in the treatment of ischias, all physical methods are widely used; but advises to be strictly guided by the ethology and pathogenesis of this suffering. In the idiopathic form, ethiology consists in two main factors: in the disorder of the exchange of substances and in the common cold; accordingly, physical therapy should be directed. Two methods are most widespread here - hydro and mechanotherapy, to which diet therapy is added. Of the hydrotherapy procedures, the author recommends warm baths or warm-humid limb wraps, especially Scottish showers. In the same cases, where the illness begins with very acute phenomena, one should first refrain from any active therapy, adopting peace, lying on a pillow filled with air or water, additional laxatives and a light diet.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):631-632
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Fr. Linn. On the influence of local arsonwalization. Ueber die Wirkung localer Arsonwalisation. — Arch, physik. Med. u. med. Technik. III. Bd. H. 3-4

Klyachkin G.


The author, in order to find out the effect of such a high voltage on the body, performed a number of experiments on animals, at which he used lower animals to eliminate the influence of suggestion and the side effect of the current on the hairy parts.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):632-632
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A. Gramegnа. Rodiotherapy in the case of acromegaly. Un cas d'acromégalie traité par radiothérapie. — Revue neurol. 1909, No. I

Osokin N.


Bearing in mind the effect of X.- rays on glandular tissue, especially neoplasms, established by observations, and also based on the accepted view that acromegaly is in a causal relationship with hypertrophy of hypophysis, the author decided to experience radio therapy in one case. rays were directed to gl. pituitariam.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):632-633
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From the life of psychiatric institutions

Sholomovich A.


Before us is a report (belated) of the St.Petersburg city hospital of St. Panteleimon for the mentally ill for 1905 and three reports for 1907 of the hospitals: Pokrovskaya - Moscow Provincial Zemstvo, Odessa City Psychiatric Hospital and Psychiatric Hospital of Penza Provincial Zemstvo.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):633-638
pages 633-638 views

Dr. Brugelmann. Migraine, its origin, essence, treatment. Migräne. 1909

Kovalevsky P.I.


The basis of this disease is either somatic or mental trauma to the central nervous system, or a reflex effect from some organ on the nerve centers, blood poisoning.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):638-638
pages 638-638 views

Report on the doctoral debate at the Imperial Kazan University

Sholomovich A.


On February 22, 1909, the physician M. A. Chalusov defended his dissertation, which was published from the physiological laboratory of prof. N. A. Mislavsky under the title: “To the question of relations n. depressoris to the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator centers ".

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):639-639
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Chronicle and mix


- In St. Petersburg, from January 3 to 10, 1910, the XI Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors will take place in memory of N.I. Pirogov.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):640-642
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Protocol of the next meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on March 18, 1909

Darshkevich L.О.


Chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. V.P. Pervushin. Attended by dd. member prof. V.P. Osipov, Dr. A. Sholomovich, I. A. Veselitsky, V. N. Osipova, N. A. Donskov, S. A. Bolberg, M. A. Chalusov, V. S. Boldyrev, guests —Dr. VA Perimov, VI Kotelov, II Tsypkin, Kozlov, Persons and up to 30 people Ch. arr. senior medical students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):642-647
pages 642-647 views

Protocol of the meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on April 22, 1909

Osipov V.P.


Present: chairman prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary A.S. Sholomovich: Active members: prof. N.A.Mislavskiy, V.P. Osipov, V.N. Tonkov, D.A. A. V. Gavorskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, P. S. Skuridin, N. A. Donskov, V. P. Pervushin, I. A. Veselitskiy, M. A. Chalusov, N. A. Glushkov, E. M. Idelson; guests: Dr. Shibkov, Glushkov, Bogatyrev, Golovin, Tupitsyn, Mikhailov and about 20 medical students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1909;XVI(3):647-654
pages 647-654 views

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