Author Details

Полумордвиновъ, Д.

Issue Section Title File
Vol VII, No 1 (1899) Original article To the technique of painting Nissl`evsky bodies PDF
Vol VII, No 1 (1899) Original article To the morphology of the terminal nervous apparatus in the muscles of voluntary movement PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Steinach. Ueber die centripetale Erregungsleitung im Bereiche des Spinalganglions. (On the centripetal conduction of excitation along the dorsal nodes). - Arch of Pfluger. Bd. 78, p. 291 PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Goltz. Beobachtungen an einem Affen mit verstümmelten Grosshirn. (Observations over the monkey after the operation of partial removal of the cerebral cortex). Pflüger's Arch. Bd. 78, p. 411 PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Weiss. Influence des variations de temperature sur les periodes latentes du muscle, du nerf et de la moelle. Compt. rend, hebdom. des seances de la Societe de Biologie T. III No. 3 p. 51 1900. About the influence of temperature on the latent period of irritation of muscle, nerve and spinal cord PDF
Vol IX, No 2 (1901) Articles Carvallo. Influence de la temperature sur la fatigue des nerfs moteurs de la grenouille. Journ. de Physiol. et. de pat-hol. generale. T II p. 549 1900. Influence of temperature on fatigue of motor nerves of a frog PDF
Vol IX, No 3 (1901) Articles W. Einthoven. About nerve stimulation (through frequent alternating currents - Pflüger’s archive, vol. 82 p. 101, 1900. On irritation of nerves by frequent alternating currents PDF
Vol XXII, No 1 (1915) Articles Physiology of vagus nerves PDF
Vol XI, No 1 (1903) Articles Is a negative oscillation of the nerve current a sign of an active state of the nerve? PDF

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