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Лихницкій, В.

Issue Section Title File
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Walter F. Influence of the gland. thyreoidea on the processes of regeneration of peripheral nerves. Ueber den Einfluss der Schilddrüse auf die Regeneration der peripheren markhaltigen Nerven. — Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nerenheilkunde. B.38 1909 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Leslie Paton. Neuritis optica and its relation to brain tumors. A clinical study of optic neuritis in its relationship to intracranial tumours. brain. 1909 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Bonché G. A case of subacute combined sclerosis due to anaemia perniciosa. Un cas de sclérose combinée subaigue associée a l'anémie perniciuese. —Journal de neurologie. 1909, no. 5. PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts A. Rodiet. The influence of a vegetarian regimen on the character and temperament of epileptics. De l'action du regime vegetarien zur le caractére et le temperament des épileptiques. — Journal de neurologic. 1909, no. 12 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts R. von den Velden. Observations on epileptics. The value of sodium chloride in some forms of epilepsy. Ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Chlornatrium fur gemisse Formen der Epilepsie—Deutsehe Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde, Bd. 38, 1909 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts A. Debray. Pathogenesis and treatment of tabes dorsalis Pathogenic du tabes Treatment. journal de neurologic, 1909, no. 22 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts R. Julien. Electrodiagnostics and electrotherapy of neuritic post-typhoid paralysis. Electrodiagnostic et electrotherapie dans les paralysies névriqutics post-typhiques. Archives d'electricité medical. November 1909 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Lallement. Electrotherapy of functional seizures. Electrotherapie dans les spasmes fonctionelles.—Arch. d'Electric. Medicale, 1909. p. 138 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Méret. Facial neuralgia cured by high frequency current. Neuralgie faciale quérite par le caurant, coutinu a haue fréquence. — Archives d'électr médic. 1909, p. 419 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts Belherm and Laquerriere. Some cases of intermittent clauqication and the onset of gangrene treated with high frequency. — Archives of Electric. medical. 1909 PDF
Vol XVII, No 1 (1910) Abstracts G. Markelov. On the Treatment of Neuralgias with Blue Light. The Therapeutic Review, December 1909 PDF

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