Vol XXXV, No 3-4 (2003)

Original article

Cerebral insult incidence and death rates in the Republic of Tatarstan

Ismagilov M.F.


Basic epidemiologic indices of cerebrovascular diseases in the Republic of Tatarstan have been analyzed. There has been shown a tendency for increasing the cerebral insult indices of disease, invalidization and death. The main medical causes, enfluencing negatively on the dynamics of these indices in the Republic of Tatarstan and in Russia as a whole, have been discussed. A practical decision of this medical and social problem can be possible only under the guidance of the republican service for fighting a cerebral insult, which should be certainly formed in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):5-8
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Etiologic factors and risk factors of cerebral insults in the city of Volgograd

Astrelina S.A., Petrukhin A.S., Martynov M.Y.


Some peculiarities of risk factors and their clinical manifestations in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic insults in the city of Volgograd have been studied. It was established, that correlation of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic insult in Volgograd was 4,1:1. A hemorrhagic insult more often occurs in young people, and an ischemic insult - in elderly people. The most frequent combinations of risk factors at ischemic and hemorrhagic insult were atherosclerosis and hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease and hypertonic disease, as well as atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):9-12
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Role evaluation of autoimmune inflammatory reaction in cerebral ischemia pathogenesis

Zhdanov G.N., Gerasimova M.M.


Monitoring of contents of antibodies to deoxyribonucleic acid in cerebrospinal fluid and in blood serum at dynamics of acute ischemic insult has been done. It was noticed a reliable increase of antibody level to deoxyribonucleic acid during the first 24 hours of cerebral ischemia both in the blood serum and in the cerebrospinal fluid. Increase is shown untill the 10th day, and then there is a decrease. It should be noted that the higher antibody levelis — the more neurology deficit is expressed and the prognosis is worse. The performed clinical and immunologic study confirmed a role of autoimmune reactions and caused by them a local inflammation in pathogenesis of ischemic insult and infarction alterations formations in the brain tissue.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):13-17
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Velocity of Na+/LI+ countertransport in patients with a chronic heart failure and cerebrovascular disease

Bulashova O.V., Oslopov V.N., Matveeva T.V.


Velocity of Na+/Li+ countertransport through erethrocyte membrane in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), accompanied by different forms of chronic cerebral ischemia has been studied. Incidence analysis of separate variants of CHF in quartiles of values at NA+/LI+ countertransport velocity showed that in men with arterial hypertension an etiologic factor of CHF is very frequently caused by low velocity of NA+/LI+ countertransport. And men with CHF on the basis of the ischemic heart disease more frequently have a high gradation of functional disorders in cardiac activity and are characterised by a high velocity of the IVth quartile NA+/LI+ countertransport. Analysis of men with different forms of cerebral ischemia showed prevalence of moderate velocities of NA+/LI+ countertransport.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):18-24
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Effect of early rehabilitation on restoration of motor functions in acute period of cerebral circulation lesion

Takhavieva F.V., Bogdanov E.I.


The present paper studied the effect of an early complex methodology of restorative treatment of patients with acute lesion of cerebral circulation on rehabilitation of motor functions and vital activity with the help of modern evaluation scales. The analysis of rehabilitation results showed a reliable improvement in restoration of motor functions and vital activity in these patients. An algorythm of planning of restorative treatment has been suggested

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):25-29
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Early diagnosis and treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome in children

Dolgykh G.B.


On the base of clinic analysis and the results of additional methods of investigation (TKD, X-ray e.t.c) there were obtained the main functions and criteria of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. There was elaborated quick method for investigation of children at non-stationary conditions.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):30-33
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Social and hygienic aspects of a disease incidence and treatment results of patients with primary tumors of the central nervous system in the Republic of Tatarstan

Danilov V.I., Alexejev A.G., Vakhitov S.M.


Some data on the central nervous system primary tumor incidence from 1991 to 2000 have been given. Social and hygienic characteristics of patients with primary tumors of brain and of spinal cord were presented. In the structure of neoplasms the tumors of low level anaplasia were prevailing. Correlation of diagnosis and of treatment of this pathology to modem facilities has been analysed. There was made a conclusion that patients got a specialized treatment at late stages of the disease. Early diagnosis and introducing modern methods of a complex treatment of a pathologic process will make possible to improve therapentic results in neorooncologic patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):34-39
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A role of functional biomechanic disorders in formation of myofascial pain syndrome of lower extremities in lumbar osteochondrosis at a remission stage

Boiko S.P., Tretjakov V.P.


On the basis of clinical and roentgenologically verified material a role of functional biomechanical disorders in formation of myofascial pain syndrome of lower extremities on the background of shight vertebral syndrome has been studied. There was made a conclusion about necessity of differentiated approach in treating both vertebrogenic pains in extremities and concomitant functional biomechanic disorders of motor system, accompanied by local and reflected myofascial pains, which imitate lumbarischialgic syndrome.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):40-44
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A restless legs syndrome — a systemic pathology of a motion formation and performance

Ivanichev G.A., Ivanichev V.G., Boiko S.P.


For the first time a pathogenesis of restless legs syndrome has been viewed from the positions of a systematic pathology of the nervous system — disaccordance of motion formation programme in the central nervous system and in peripheric agents activity under the conditions of a latent myofascial trigger point of musculus gastrocnemius. An actual peripheric factor — myofascial trigger point — is an initiating and a maintaining chain in the genesis of restless legs syndrome. Development of a typical picture of restless legs syndrome occurs in the conditions of a minimal dysfunction in mesodiencephalic part of cerebrum — formation of generators of pathologically increased excitement at different levels of a motion formation system.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):45-51
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Ways of psychological and psychopharmocological correction of psychoemotional state of women with dishormonal focal diseases of the mammary gland in pre-operation period

Ustimov D.Y.


The results of correction of psychoemotional state of women with dishormonal focal diseases of mammory gland have been given. The correction was performed with the help of rational psychotherapy, alprozam, atarax and combination of a rational psychotherapy and alprozam. For results evaluation the following methods of investigation were used: clinico-psychopathological, clinico-psychological, anamnestic and experimentally- psychological. The results showed the necessity of correcting psychoemotional state of women with this disease in pre-operation period.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):52-57
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Obesity: psychological and psychopathological aspects

Mendelevich D.M., Nikishova T.V., Grishkina M.N.


Obesity is a heterogeneous disease of the body, characterized by a complex of metabolic disorders, the main manifestation of which is excessive deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue and tissues due to metabolic disorders.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):58-61
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Tension headache treatment

Yakupova A.A., Ismagilov M.F., Yakupov R.A.


Among the variety of different types of headaches, the leading place (more than 80%) belongs to tension-type headache (THT), the frequency of which in the population ranges from 32 to 64%. Treatment of HDN is a rather difficult task. This is primarily due to the need to carefully consider all the mechanisms of the development of the pathological process in various types of HDN, as well as additional factors (cervicogenic, myofascial, psychoalgic, etc.) leading to the onset of pain.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):62-69
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Experience exchange

Evaluation of the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of localization of herniated intervertebral discs in lumbar osteochondrosis

Ablyazov O.V., Shokirov E.A., Khudoiberdiev K.T., Khamraev R.B.


Degenerative-dystrophic lesions in the lumbar spine are most pronounced at the age of 20 to 70 years and are one of the most common causes of temporary disability and often disability of the patient. Herniated intervertebral discs are the most severe manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine. Radiation diagnostic methods and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are of great importance in recognizing herniated intervertebral discs. The advantages of MRI are non-invasiveness, the complete absence of radiation exposure, the possibility of obtaining a multiplanar image, unsurpassed contrast of soft tissues, the absence of artefacts from bone tissues, etc.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):79-80
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Brief communications

Clinical and functional aspects of diabetic distal polyneuropathy in the north

Sakharov V.Y., Penina G.O.


Diabetic polyneuropathy is currently one of the most urgent problems in neuroendocrinology. The objective of this study was to study the clinical and neurophysiological (according to the methods of electroneuromyography and somatosensory evoked potentials) manifestations of diabetic polyneuropathy in residents of the Komi Republic.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):81-82
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Medical and organizational aspects of prehospital care for patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation, delivered to the hospital

Galochkin E.G.


In Russia, there is a steady increase in the frequency of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD): in 1999, this figure was 393.4 per 100 thousand of the population (Yakhno N.N., Valenkova V.A., 1999). In the Republic of Tatarstan (RT), this figure for 1999 was even higher - 467.0 per 100,000 population. At the same time, CVD mortality in the Republic of Tatarstan is 25–30% lower than in the general Russian population: according to 1999 data, it was 208.0 and 320.0, respectively (Ismagilov M.F., 2003). The frequency of disability after a cerebral stroke (MI) in the Republic of Tatarstan (5.49 per 10 thousand of the population) exceeds the national figures (3.2 per 10 thousand). No more than 20% of patients who have had MI return to work, and 1/3 of stroke patients are people of working age. CVD and their most severe forms - acute cerebrovascular accident (ACC) - cause significant damage to the country's economy, taking into account the costs of treatment, medical rehabilitation, and losses in production.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):83-84
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Providing prehospital care to patients with acute cerebrovascular accident left at home

Khaertdinova R.F.


Acute cerebrovascular accident (ACV) is a major medical and social problem. Mortality in the acute period of stroke in Russia reaches 35%, increasing by 12-15% by the end of the first year after a stroke (MI). Post-stroke disability ranks first among all causes of disability. One third of stroke survivors are of working age.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):85-86
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Personal characteristics of patients with tension headache

Yakupova A.A., Ismagilov M.F., Yakupov R.A., Panchenko M.A.


With tension-type headache (THT) with a high frequency (up to 90%), psycho-emotional disorders are detected in the form of increased excitability, anxiety, fear, and depression. At the present stage of studying the problem, the role of depression is especially emphasized. On the one hand, depression is primarily associated with neurotransmitter shifts in the CNS, in particular, with insufficiency of the serotonergic systems of the brain, which determine both the dysfunction of the antinociceptive system and the development of depressive disorders. On the other hand, chronic pain limits a person's capabilities, disrupts his life plans, etc. Such a decrease in the quality of life can give rise to secondary depression. It must be emphasized that the development of emotional-affective disorders, their severity, curability, tendency to relapse largely depend on the personality characteristics of the individual, which are determined by the constitutional features of the CNS reactivity.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):87-88
pages 87-88 views

Historical Article

Vasily Petrovich Andreev - teacher, doctor, person (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of the TASSR)

Mendelevich D.M.


Vasily Petrovich Andreev was born on July 18 (31), 1903 in the city of Simbirsk in a large family of an employee. The parents had 13 children, among whom Vasily stood out for his extremely poor health. At the age of 10, he was suspected of having a stomach ulcer, and somewhat later, intestinal tuberculosis. General lethargy, weakness, pain in the abdominal region, the need for regular dieting did not give him the opportunity to participate in outdoor games with other guys for a long time. Physical weakness forced Vasily to rest for 1-2 hours during the day after school. Conflict-free, evenness in communication allowed him to easily get along with different people. He read a lot, studied well at school, however, he did not have any favorite subjects.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):89-95
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Sex differences in first-ever acute stroke (Stroke. — 2003. Jul. — 34(7). — P. 1581—1585: англ.)

Roquer J., Campello A., Gomis M.


The first stroke in women and men occurs at different times and proceeds differently. A group of Spanish scientists, who observed more than 1.5 thousand patients, revealed a number of features of acute cerebrovascular accident due to sex.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):96-96
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Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years or older (Lancet. — 2003 Feb. — 361(9355). — P. 393—395: англ.)

Cawthon R., Smith K., O'Brien E., Sivatchenko A., Kerber R.


Lifespan has a significant correlation with a long body. It has been established that people over 60 years of age have a shorter reaction of the body, the risk of death from cardiovascular and infectious diseases is higher than the increased one.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):96-97
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Influence of life stress on depression: moderation by a polymorphism in the 5-HTT gene (Science. — 2003 Jul — 18. — 301(5631). — P. 386—389: англ.)

Caspi A., Sugden K., Moffitt T., Taylor A., Craig I., Harrington H., Mcclay J.


Resistance to the development of depression during difficult periods of life may be a manifestation of the manifestation of the 5-HTT gene, which detects the transport of serotonin in the brain. A person can have two versions of the 5-HTT gene - long and short.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):97-97
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Imaging of the 5-HT2A system: age-, gender-, and Alzheimer’s disease-related (Neurobiol aging. — 2003 Jul.—Aug. — 24(4). — P. 553—561: англ.)

Versijpt J., van Laere k., Dumont F., Decoo D., Vandecapelle M., Santens P., Goethal S.


The activity of the serotonin 5-HT2A subtype receptors is differently expressed in patients with the development of Alzheimer's disease. The 5-HT2A subtype serotonin receptors play an important role in the regulation of mind-related and non-conscious behavior, as well as in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):97-98
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Screening for depression among neuro-otology patients with identifiable vestibular lesions (Int. J. Audiol. — 2003. — Apr. — 42(3). — P. 161—165: англ.)

Grunfeld E., Gresty M., Bronstein A., Jahanshahi M.


The presence of symptoms of depression or anxiety disorders was studied in 91 patients complaining of dizziness. It was found that the assessment of the level of emotional resistance to diseases is very important, regardless of the indicators of the clinical examination and their subjective perception of the natural state.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(3-4):98-98
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