Vol VII, No 2 (1899)


Physician-psychiatr in the role of an expert on trial

Vorotynsky B.I.


In every science, in every period of its development, you can always find a whole series of controversial issues that are at the moment, so to speak, next in line and await their final resolution. Especially many such questions arise at a time when the well-known science enters a new period of its development, when new ways are outlined in its progressive movement, new theories are put forward, new methods of research are proposed. In such a case, the abundance of controversial issues that appear on the stage indicates only that the previous provisions, dominating in the sciences, turned out to be untenable, the existing views obsolete, the old theories - shaky, unusable. The known degree of revitalization in the scientific development of the most urgent questions, the overwhelming passion during their discussion and decision, the usual enthusiasm and mistakes - all this characterizes sufficiently each new direction in science, all this is observed with the emergence of each new school.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):a1-a22
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Original article

About latirism

Golzinger F.F.


Of the diseases caused by the use of food or other plant substances, latirism is one of the most interesting, in terms of the clarity of the clinical picture, the purity of the nervous phenomena and the comparative simplicity and stereotypicality of symptomatology. This disease is far from uncommon in some exotic countries, in former times and in Europe, it required quite a few sacrifices, but nowadays it is relatively rarely observed in our latitudes, for all this, many questions, especially regarding its pathogenesis and pathological anatomy, are still awaiting clarification

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):1-38
pages 1-38 views

Hysterical stigmata and degeneration (On the question of hysteria in the troops)

Blumenau L.V.


In 1889, R. Marie, examining patients at the Paris Bureau central d'admission, came to the unexpected result that hysteria is encountered very often in the lower classes of society and, moreover, much more often in men than in women. A little later, this result was confirmed by Souques' hospital observations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):39-54
pages 39-54 views

The relationship between the borderline trunk of the sympathetic nerve and the central nervous system

Trushkovskiy S.A.


The question of the relationship of the borderline trunk of the sympathetic nerve to the central nervous system is almost completely undeveloped until the present time, and only recently, thanks to the improvement of methods for studying nerve fibers, it became possible for a more accurate further development of this issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics

Smirnov A.I.


From colors and paints, we now turn to the form of objects, that is, to the presentation of aesthetic conditions and laws of distribution and combination of lines that limit the subject. Color, as we saw, depends on different excitations of different kinds of fibers of the optic nerve; the form depends on the number and relative position of the nerve fibers excited in this way. The eye, initially, can perceive only the length in its two dimensions, that is, the plane of the figure.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):60-71
pages 60-71 views

On some features of the structure of the dorsal and sympathetic nodes in birds

Timofeev D.A.


The question of the finest structure of nerve cells over the past years has attracted the attention of many histologists and neuropathologists. In this direction, very interesting studies have already been carried out in various types of invertebrates and vertebrates, and only regarding birds, as far as I know, there has not yet been more or less detailed research on this topic. True, in the works of some authors there are brief references on this issue, but there are very few such references and these works relate almost exclusively to the period preceding the last studies by Nissl and other authors, who shed new light on the structure of nerve cells.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):72-87
pages 72-87 views

About the influence of sodium bromystago, ammonium bromystago and lithium bromystago on the cerebral circulation

Gerver A.V.


In my previous article, I reported the results of my research on the effect of bromistago calia on cerebral circulation; In the same article, I gave the main principles of the methods that I used in my experiments. In view of this, in this work, I consider it superfluous to describe these methods again, and I refer those who wish to familiarize themselves with them to my previous article.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):88-180
pages 88-180 views

Prolonged contracture of the chewing muscles

Popov N.M.


Among the numerous symptoms, which are expressed by the functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, contracture of the masticatory muscles, trismus, occupies far from the last place, arising under the influence of very different conditions. Most often, it develops on the basis of general neuroses and in such a case it differs for the most part in a transient character. Quite often, we can also observe the reflex origin of this contracture, especially with irritation of the sensitive nerves of the trigeminal nerve; known ex. cases when a minor dental operation in nervous subjects had as its result the reduction of the jaws, which lasted up to three months (observation of Travers'a).

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):181-209
pages 181-209 views


Сh. Vallon et Ar. Marie. Les alienes en Russie 1899

Vorotynskiy B.


Recently in Paris, a new book appeared on sale under the written title, compiled by two French psychiatrists. One of the authors (Ch Vallon) is the senior physician of the hospital for the mentally ill near Paris (Asile d'alienes de Villejnif), and the other (Ar. Marie) is the physician-director de la colonie familiale de Dun-sur-Aaron (Cher). Both authors were official delegates to the international congress of doctors in Moscow in 1897 and took this opportunity to inspect all the main psychiatric institutions in Russia, moreover, this task was also included in the program of their business trip. This book thus represents a kind of report on their business trip, and this report concerns only the results of the examination of psychiatric hospitals and clinics.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):222-224
pages 222-224 views

A.S.Dogel Histological research. Issue I. Zap. Imper. Academy of Sciences, vol. VII oy; E. Heimann. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der feineren Structur der Spinalganglien. Virchow's Archiv., Bd. 152, IL 2., p. 298 .; On the same. Ueber die feinere Structur der Spinalgan- glienzellen. Fortschritte der Medic. 1898. Bd. 16, no. 9; Van Gehuchten and Ch. Nelis. Quelques points concernant la structure de cellules des ganglions spinaux. "La Cellule", recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale. 1898 2nd issue; Vladislav Kuzicka. Untersuchungen über die feinere Structur der Nervenzellen und ihrer Fortsatze. Archiv. f. microsc. Anat. 1899 H. 4, Bd. 53

Murzaev B.


A.S.Dogel comes back to the question of the structures of nerve cells in general and tries to approach it with the help of Ehrlich's methods. So on this connector he studies, among other things, the structure of the spinal ganglia of many mammals.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):224-229
pages 224-229 views

G. Marinesco. Recherches sur les lesions des centers nerveux, consecutives a 1'hyperthermie escperimentale et a la fievre. Revue neurologique. Ianvier 1899

Obraztsov V.


Having noted in the beginning of his article the importance of the issue of changes in nerve cells during artificial overheating and during feverish processes, the author briefly informs the literature on this issue. Goldscheider and Flatau, making experiments with artificial overheating and studying the nervous system, for the first time noted the fact that the first cells undergo changes, consisting in swelling of cells and processes, dissolution of chromotophilic elements and diffuse color. Lugaro, with his research, confirmed the research of Goldscheider and Flatau, but could not only agree with them that the chromatophilic substance of the cell, as if it does not play any role either in its life or for its function. The author of the article notes in this regard that he personally has already more than two years adhered to the view of chromatophilic elements, as an essential part of the cell, necessary for its function. But with changes in the nervous system, you must also take into account the number of changed cells, as well as the qualitative aspect of the changes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):229-232
pages 229-232 views

N. Solovtzoff. Sur les difformites congenitales du cerveau dans leurs rapports avec l’etat des cellules nerveuses de la moel- le. Extrait de la Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere 1898 г

Yanishevskiy A.


Having described three cases of congenital malformations of the central nervous system, which occurred from the internal dropsy of the brain, the author paid special attention to the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):233-233
pages 233-233 views

К. Solovtzoff. L’hydrocephalie et L’hydromyelie comme causes des differents difformites congenitales du systeme ner- veux central. Extrait de la Nouvelle iconographie de la Sal- petriere

Yanishevskiy A.


Having described four cases of congenital changes in the central nervous system, the author comes to the following conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):234-234
pages 234-234 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 2 (1899)

Nikolaev V.V.


Russkiy Listok "from March 31 informs, E. G. Ragozhina donated 3000 rubles. to the Aleksyev Hospital for the mentally ill. In the hospital of St. Panteleimon, at the Udulnaya station near St. Petersburg, a mentally ill peasant suddenly broke the board from the table and hit him on the head of his neighbor, also mentally ill, so badly that the unfortunate died a few hours later (Novoye Vremya, March 24).

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):235-240
pages 235-240 views

Annals of society

VII Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov in Kazan

Obraztsov V.N.


On Wednesday, April 28, in the second hour of the day, the first general meeting and the solemn opening of the 7th Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov took place in the building of the city theater.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):210-221
pages 210-221 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 13, 1898

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N. M. Popov, under the secretary V. V. Nikolaev; The members of the Island were present: K. A. Arnshtein, V. S. Boldyrev, B. I. Vorotynskiy, K. V. Voroshilov, M. M. Maevskiy, L. A. Sergѣev, P. S. Skuridin , D. A. Timofeev, N. A. Tolmachev, N. N. Toporkov; guests: Dr. Mozhaev, Mr. A. Soloviev, chairman of the Sobriety Island, and about 40 people from the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):240-242
pages 240-242 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the year's appointment January 31, 1899

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov with the secretary V.V. Nikolaev, there were: honorary member of the Island I.M.Dogel and Mr. acting members: V. S. Boldyrev, V. I. Vorotynskiy, G. A. Klyachkin, M. M. Maevskiy, N. A. Mislavskiy, I. I. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov, L. A. Serguev , D.A. Timofeev, N.N.Toporkov, A.E. Yanishevskiy and guests of Dr. Kalyanin, Rimovich, Romanov and a man about 100 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):242-243
pages 242-243 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of appointment on March 7, 1899

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N.M. Popov, with the secretary V.V. Nikolaev, there were acting members: K.A.Arnstein, V.N. Vasyatkin, I.M.Dogel, V.N. Dolgov, M.M. A. Mislavsky, V. N. Obraztsov, L. A. Serguev, P. S. Kuridin, D. A. Timofeev A. E. Yanishevsky, guests: Dr. Martynov, Segel, Favorsky and a human about 40 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(2):243-246
pages 243-246 views

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