Influence of age-related and vascular factors on the state of external and internal liquoroconductive spaces of brain

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A comparative analysis of results of examination of patients with chronic brain vascular insufficiency and findings on reference group was carried out. The significance of age-related and vascular risk factors in development of changes in external and internal liquoroconductive spaces is stated. It is noted that insignificant and moderate dilatation of subarachnoid spaces and ventricular systems mainly indicate natural involutional processes. Heterogeneity of anterior and posterior regions involvement of subarachnoid spaces in brain aging are revealed. Influence of “silent” ischemic insults on the state of ventricular system is mentioned.

About the authors

M. V. Kovalyova

Russian State Medical University; Consultative and diagnostic center number 1

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

M. Yu. Martinov

Russian State Medical University; Consultative and diagnostic center number 1

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

T. P. Gorina

Russian State Medical University; Consultative and diagnostic center number 1

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2000 Kovalyova M.V., Martinov M.Y., Gorina T.P.

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