Brain preservation according to the modified Kaiserling's method

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The preservation liquids proposed for the preservation of anatomical preparations have the disadvantage that the organs in them either completely decolorize, or they take on a different color that differs from the original one. Most often, alcohol is used to preserve drugs. Its advantage over other liquids is that the preparations stored in it are, for the most part, suitable for microscopic examination. But alcohol, extracting the coloring of the blood from the preparations, decolours them, making it impossible to demonstrate on the preparation pathological processes in which color changes occur. This disadvantage is eliminated by keeping the preparations in a saline solution of formalin, followed by their processing in alcohol and a solution of glycerin and alcohol in water.

About the authors

Ivan D. Baklushinskiy

Imperial Kazan University

Author for correspondence.

doctor, laboratory of the clinic of nervous diseases

Russian Federation, Kazan


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Copyright (c) 1911 Baklushinskiy I.D.

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