Non-psychotic depression and the social burden of illness

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The burden of depression is increasing worldwide, caregivers are seen as a psychologically vulnerable group, and the social burden of non-psychotic depression remains unexplored.

The aim of the study was to examine the clinical and functional characteristics of non-psychotic depression and the burden of family members of patients most involved in the interaction with patients. The study objectives included analysis of quality of life and co-occurring behavior of patients’ relatives as characteristics of their psychosocial adaptation.

Methods. We used clinical and scales assessment of depression level, quality of life, subjective distress level, and coping behavior features.

Results. Nonpsychotic depression was detected approximately half a year after the onset of symptoms, and in more than 40% of cases — not by psychiatrists, self-treatment was typical. Impairments in social functioning in non-psychotic depression patients affected more in the areas of socially useful activities and social relationships, predominantly in non-working patients. 62.96% of patients rated relationships with loved ones as good, and 82.6% rated support from relatives in connection with the illness as adequate. In 60.87% of cases, there were psycho-traumatic microsocial factors. Spouses (45.5%) prevailed among supportive relatives, of whom 60% were employed, and limitation of labor activity due to the relative’s illness was not characteristic, and material losses were insignificant. Supportive relatives more often than their sick relatives assessed the relationship with the sick as good (81.8%). In about 91% of cases, the attitude toward the mental illness of the relative was adequate, which exceeds the subjective assessment of patients with non-psychotic depression. The close relatives of the patients had decreased quality of life, which was mediated by severity of depression, higher than average level of distress related to mental disorder of the loved one (64,5±9,34 VAS scores). The structure of coping in supportive relatives is characterized on the whole by prevalence of constructive and relatively constructive coping-strategies, the most problematic being the emotional sphere of coping behavior.

Conclusion. Even mild to moderate non-psychotic depression is associated with the presence of social burden of illness, covering not only the patients themselves, but also their family members, which necessitates psychologically corrective work with supportive relatives.

About the authors

Natalia N. Petrova

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4096-6208
Russian Federation, 199034, St. Petersburg, University embankment, 7/9

Mikhail M. Shatil

Psychoneurological clinic №5

Russian Federation, 195176, St. Petersburg, Revolution Highway, 17


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig 1. Quality of life of supportive relatives of patients with depression and the control group: 1 - physical sphere; 2 - psychological sphere; 3 - the level of independence; 4 - social relationships; 5 - environment; 6 - the spiritual realm

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